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Hey all. Some of you may recognise me making a nuisance of myself over in the Adeptus Mechanicus forum. I have a load of Tech Priests coloured green. Orks are my other green, walker heavy army. Since I've got quite a lot of pictures I am not going to flood the "Show me what you've got" page with pictures, I will post a project log of my work so far. My Ork force wasn't painted to as high a standard as my Mechanicus but hopefully people will find what I've made so far interesting. First up is my Warboss. He is painted in the same style as my rank and file, but he gets to embellish some of his wargear since he's in charge. The sandy yellow and blue stripes were inspired by the 2nd edition codex. The grey urban camo in spots is because I'm a glutton for paint-related punishment. I love this model. I'm just a little sad that the belt fed bullets are a bit to fragile for a gaming piece. Next up is my Deff Dread. This is possibly the first of many. I went for a bit of a dramatic scene on the base, it was good fun trying to get the pose how I liked it. I've got a Big Mek here. He was an experiement with GW metallic, I had quite a bit of fun trying out techniques that I have now completely forgotten how to replicate. When I started my Mechanicus army I kept a notebook to describe the ways I painted various effects. I might do that when I get round to my Orks again. A Warboss, because one Warboss isn't enough to start an entertaining squabble. I've got a 10-strong unit of Stormboys, here are the most interesting three. I have more boxes of Stormboys to bolster the unit, but making them match the first batch will prove tricky. Note here that the camo scheme is reversed on the Stormboys, blue with tan stripes.
Been a couple years since I've played 40k, or even modeled anything. I came back to the B&C and saw Maverick Prime's conversion challenge and thought to myself: now that's a capital idea- and a heck of a way to get back into the hobby. A supply runs and hours at the table later and I remember how hard conversion work is. But I digress, here are some extremely work in progress shots of my chaplain for the "Litanies and Legends" conversion challenge. Comments, critique and criticism are encouraged and appreciated. The base model is Ivanus Enkomi of the Minotaurs chapter from the Forge World model company. The head has been replaced with a metal chaplain helmet, the feet will be replaced with the armored boots from the same chopped up metal model. The minotaur/bull head on the chest has been shaved down and slightly green stuffed to resemble a human sternum (figured I might as well considering the chest armor is modeled after a rib cage). A side image of the chaplain conversion work in progress. Just a small detail to note but I green stuffed on a small squareish carpenter style nail into the purity seal. Wax can only adhere to a surface so well, especially something like armor- having it physically nailed into the surface of the armor makes a little more sense in my opinion. According to my fianc
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Greetings everyone! I am currently working on expanding my small ork collection. I have posted my army list plans here, and am now ready to start posting army photos of my current (small) collection and the projects that I am working on next. The theme that I am going for is fairly obvious from the title, inspired by primarily WWI aerial combat. My plan is for having all troops and other infantry being carried by transports, chinork warkoptas (or something more WWI-looking) into combat, backed up by numerous triplanes (deffkoptas) and zepplin-bombers. Maybe some kommandos as down pilots thrown in for a good measure. For this post, here is a list of my Ork current models: Ork Warboss 40x Ork boyz 10x Nobz 20x Storm Boyz 5x Ork triplanes (deffkoptas) All models are still WIP and need some work.
'ello ladz 'n' welkum to da tuff boyz tread o'orkses. dis'ere boyz was rekruited frum good ol'greenskins from dat old land o magik 'n' choppa dat was blown up by da power of da waaagh!. Bekuz deys was floatin' 'n spheez all alone iz put some shootas on em 'n' give'em a puspos: ta fight da meaniest 'ummiez da galaxy haz 'n' stom'em into bitz. butz i gotz me teef stolen by some git in a snot race so da waaagh! be buildin' slow n steady, all sneaky like. when i wuz on dis planet Angelos i gots me mob into da lootin 'n' fightin' game o' gorkamorka to get me sum shiny teef for me waaagh! so herez sum pikturz of dem Tuff Boyz mob dis ere iz Tuffgit. he be da Nob of me mob dis un be Grimskul, da slaver. ees a bit slow but packs a mean punch coz he be da gunna of Mousey dis un be Razgob, da spanner in charge of Mousey, da buggy Speakin of Mousey, ere she iz. What a beauty, aint she? dis un iz Gorlum, anotha spanna of me mob dis git ere be Badgit, one of da boyz. Ee haz a mean swin wit dat choppa Dis snot face son of a grot be Rotfang. Meanest boy evah. Ee even might get Tuffgit if he don't take care. Dis miserable runt here be Lolo, da new grot on da mob. Dis git ere be Snotstikk. Eez not part of da band but he be helpin' me on da big waaagh! when time comez. ere be all da gits on a piktur. ere be me with me pet Buggit, sum boyz and da banna git. Iz still av ta paint me armur and da boyz but well, time iz short when youz a mean warboss. Datz all o me boyz' pikz, all o'da rest be in da rok keepin it in proppa orky shape and buildin more trukkz 'n' such, so deys don't come today. I hope ya gitz like me boyz an tell me any shuggestun ya av. Cheerz
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hi all! i had no idea orks were allowed on b&c now! (i guess i should learn how to read...) Since i have spent some time re purposing my old fantasy orcs to use in 40k (scratch building shootas, trukks, buggys, etc) i bought a box of savage orcs for my choppa and slugga boyz mob, but imagine my surprise when i saw that they came with 32mm bases! As you can see, i am very retired from the gaming scene so i wanted to ask you guys, do ork boyz come with 32mm bases now? i already made a bunch of them in wood, but still what should i mount my orks on? 32 or 28mm? thanks and lets hope snakebitez get klan rules in the next codex (and also a grot hq XD) cheers!
Hi all, long-time lurker (to the extent that I legitimately forgot I had an account here and had to get Kurgan the Lurker's help recovering it [thanks man!]) and I thought that, since I'm a responsibleish adult, I felt that I should make a WIP log of my, already sizable collections. Now, my one, true love for factions is the World Eaters/Khorne Daemonkin. Even though it's the smallest of my factions right now, as I managed to luck out with some friends not wanting the Death Guard halves of Dark Imperium, so I got those on the cheap. And the Dark Angels were literally given to me by a friend who said, and I quote "Yeah, they're yours. I don't have the time to play 40k, or the space to store these". So I was just casually given at least 2k points of Dark Angels. So, welcome to my WIP thread. Some pretty pictures: Maulerfiend I'm most happy about how the eyes and legion badge came out Skarbrand Everyone's favorite madman: Khârn the Betrayer Some Daemons and a Spawn Mortarion More to come!
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- dark angels
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From the album: Luftwaaaagh