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Gologotha Crusade Army

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Thanks Blargag...Here is the Crimson Fist portion of the Command Squad.






So what do you think of the "blue" to dark, to light?

  • 3 weeks later...

I've finally painted the entire Command Squad.


Here it is.





  • 1 month later...

Coming along nicely BotT. Are you going to fill in the name plates on the Crimson Fists shield and Banner?


Are you painting the sand on the bases? Perhaps it is the picture but it seems like that isn't the case or if it is it hasn't been drybrushed up to make it not look like plain sand.

Thanks Kurgen. I will paint the name on the Crimson Fist. I'm just dreading it now since my skills in that area are for crap. The bases are a natural sand that is redish. I hadn't put the "rust dust" on them yet to give it a true iron desert look. Here is a picture with that dust.




I don't really like the painted bases. After putting the dust on the model and base I think the shading and effect is complete. With out the dust it does look unfinished.

  • 2 months later...

I know this is a little bit of threadomancy but I wanted to put these up for comments.


I.F. Assault squad




Vet sgt and plasma gunners




All right so let me have it. Good/Bad/Indifferent let me know.

I know this is late and all but you could also add some flames shooting out of the enjection port for the spent casing as seen in this video



I'm guessing that a Dreadnought assault cannon is about the same size as a 30mm Gau-8

  • 3 months later...

I was able to get these guys done finally. A Soul Drinker tac squad and Rhino/Whirlwind. I'm going for good table-top quality here. Let me know what you think.







All very impressive - I have only two small comments.


1. The IF Apocathary has a head modeled on his base. While this is all well and good, I cannot for the life of me understand why you left the "ball" join of the head on the neck, especially since your GS-Fu is excellent. Just shave it off and maybe add blood etc as befits a severed head.


2. The PP Assault marine on the right - it may well be the camera angle, but he appears to have landed and promptly broken his leg.


These are, however very minor quibbles in what is otherwise an excellent, well modeled and painted army. I especially like the HQ choices and the Soul Drinkers squad.

V: My original thought on the apothacary was that since his base is so small the "rest" of the marine is out of the picture and only his head is visible on the base. After all of the comments though I should have either given the Apoth a bigger base and put the "rest" of the marine on it or done what you suggested on the small base. If anything it's been an instant topic starter.


The assault marine is pictured at a bad angle. He is actually kicking "somebody" that is out of the picture. My thought was he landed to close to effectively use his weapons and he was gaining some space, or going over the sand bag and "assaulting" the guy behind it.


Thanks for the reply.

Kinda got lost on why there are so many armies mixed but I love the painting. The sand dust looks GREAT on the infantry, not my fav tho on the vehicle.


Also love the ...just re-read the title, I get the mixed army thing now... mentors you painted up. One of my favorite paint schemes for Marines.

Awesome army


Fluff wise, successor chapters differ to the leadership of a Primogenitor Chapter during Crusades such as this. For example Belial would be in charge of a crusade that involved only Dark Angels Sucessors. So even though your Crusade has a Black Templars Marshal, the imperial Fist Chaplain would actually be Chief Prosecutor of the Crusade.

These alllook grand. You IF yellow is spectacular. Mentors are great, as well. I like how you've modeled the assault squad.

I like the exhaust soot on the Mentor Rhino, but would like to seem more of your dust on the top and sides.

The Dread's fire sculpting is genius, just needs some darker reds in there to make it pop.

Not a fan of the WFB skeleton head for the chaplain's helmet. In my humble opinion, the skull is far too small to be a helmet, and itlooks like he's undead himself, or he's just gotten his face disintegrated.

The scouts are top-notch.

  • 1 month later...

Thanks for the feed back ShinyRhino.


I've gotten a new squad of terminators done relatively quickly. I started these before the true los business so we'll see what happens.








CC definately welcome.

I wasn't going to put a "Mentor" in the command squad. If I remember the background for them they will join other crusades/space marine detachments to train them on different fighting techniques and to also try out new and improved wargear from the Mechanicus. It didn't seem right to have one of them in the command squad.
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Most people have a problem with their models looking good from far away, and bad when you get close.


You have the opposite effect! Your models are great when you look close, but the sand effects and the different colors look horrible from far away xD.


Your models are great though, and anyone playing against you will be close enough to see how well painted they are.

Here is the latest addition to my Crusade. The yellow takes forever and this maybe the last I.F. squad I do for it.


Anyway let me know what you think. The bases aren't fancy, I had several posters on other forums say I needed to lay off of the heavy ork death to make them look better.







  • 1 month later...

I had some unexpected free time come up and I've been able to get these three units put together.


First I wanted some outflanking bolter scouts and sgt. Nothing fancy with these guys.





Then I wanted to add another chapter to my crusade and chose the Iron Knights. These guys are from "How to paint Space Marines/Cities of Death/Space Marine Codex" I really enjoyed doing this paint scheme and I look forward to doing more of them.






Some of the new entries in the new codex got me to thinking and the new Thunderfire looked fun. I kit-bashed this together with a scratch-built techmarine.





Thanks for looking, let me know what you think.

Lots of people talk about Crusade armies, but I rarely ever see them, your army is looking sweet and your painting is really good!


My only complaint would be that the Black Templars but contrast don't look as good for some reason, the gold looks a little funky, you might be better off using white on some of their details instead of gold. But that aside your yellow on the Imperail Fists is really nice and crisp and clean, very good looking army!


That said how bout some whole army shots :lol:.


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