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++Black Templars Crusade Expansion Gallery++


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Honored High Marshal & Esteemed Bretheren,


By the light of The Golden Throne and the grace of Him on Terra, I Brother Hedron pledge to have 1 fully painted and based Crusader Squad consisting of 10 initiates and 5 neophytes. Furthermore I vow to complete 1 5 man Sword Brethern Terminatior squad, with Cyclone Missle Launcher & Assault Cannon.


I will have these brothers trained [ painted and based ] and ready to join the Crusade by no later than December 19th, 2008. This is my word, and as such it is beyond contestation.



In Faith & Service..

The Emperor protects.


Brother Hedron


ps. what a GREAT birthday present [ Nov. 21st ] to see so many of my brothers faithfull taking up arms.. well paintbrushes if you will to bring light to the darkness.

Also, be sure to shout out to Mr. Nipples, his B-day is also on the 21st.

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The Templars of Steel commit to your Crusade, and while our Armor is no longer black

don't let that fool you, we are still Templars!!!


I pledge a 10 man Assault Squad, a Dreadnought, and a Terminator Squad of yet unknow abilities :P



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well i guess il have to get involved in this now wont i ;) im afraid i dont have any long winded oath, but i shall finally get round to painting the ten man squad from assult on black reach, so ermm.. lets, erm go team :sweat: , althouh in a few days you'l probably have to remind me what ive let my self in for :P
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High Marshall Helbrecht,


In the name of the Emperor and mighty Sigsmund himself, I commit to fully paint (and base):


1 chaplain with jump pack

1 emperor's champion

2 crusader squads

1 marshall

5 sword brethren


These units will be battle ready no later than December 19, 2008. To verify my statement, I will provide pictures of my troops.


May the Emperor watch over you and may he steer us to victory.


Marshal Kael :)

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Alrighty guys, good stuff... keep 'em coming!


A few issues:


5 neophytes


Units pledged must be legal codex units... so 5 Neophytes (which cannot form a unit of their own) are not able to be pledged, unless 5 Initiates will accompany them.


I vow to fully magnetize 10 terminators


Magnetize, and also paint? Remember, this is a painting challenge, and so you have to paint the models as well.


18 initiates


In two Crusader Squads I assume? Remember, legal codex entry units.


From the rules:


Please state the number of members in the squad to be painted, or number of vehicles, the squad must be legal on accordance with the Codex. (for example, you cant paint just 5 Neophytes... you have to have minimum of 5 Initiates, and can then add 5 neophytes).



The High Marshal thanks you all!

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I, Blindhammer, will fully paint and base my castellan, two 10 initiate crusader squads and a 10 man sword brethren squad.

I will have these models completed no later than December 19th, 2008. I will also provide a photo showing my humble addition to my Crusade.

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High Marshall Helbrecht,


In the name of the Emperor, I commit to fully paint (and base):


10 Initiate's CCW

5 Neophyte's


These units will be battle ready no later than December 19, 2008. To verify my statement, I will provide pictures of my troops.


May the Emperor watch over you and may he steer us to victory.

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I pledge one Land Raider Crusader, one Squad of 10 Initiates and their Drop Pod transport for THE IV CRUSADE.

They will be battleready no later than December 19th, 2008.

I will also provide a visual aspect showing my glorious addition to my Crusade.


Hand of Valette

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High Marshall -

In these difficult days of ending, with a current crusade strength of 580 souls, our need for spritual guidance and blessings of the Omnisiah must be reinforced. I will fully paint (and base) one (1) Chaplain and retinue of three (3) Cenobite Servitors, and one (1) Techmarine with his retinue of four (4) gun servitors for the Declates Crusade to purgue all xenos scum from the imperium of man. I will have these models completed by no later than the date specified. I will also provide appropriate pic slate rendering showing the addition to our glorious Crusade.

Edit: Add completed pics.

Techmarine Joshua complete with Neophyte Servitors C4, T6, Z5, and Eddy - as a Templar commander I abhor mutants, or anything similar...as such all servitors for me are neophytes in training or neo's that were wounded before completion of training. Eddy was a promising neophyte who lost both hands in close combat with a chaos mutant before he killed it with a head butt - for his bravery and skill he was awarded the Courage of Dorn medal (at his neck) and allowed to continue his training as a techmarine.


I did not finish the Techmarine's base as I am still looking for a larger base, I hope the High Marshall is willing to accept that no matter where the Techmarine stands he is still ready for battle! I also adjusted from four gun servitors to three and added a old school wrench turner I found in a bits box.

Master of Sanctity, Chaplain Paul and his neophyte servitors, Neo Timothy - Mentor (Chaplain in training), Neo A9, and the 'Mad Monk' Neo Daoji.


Chaplain Paul is the keeper of the Scroll of One Thousand which bares the names of the orginal Imperial Fist Marines who joined Sigismund on the Great Crusade to carry on the work of the Emperor.

We are prepared!

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I hear by vow to compleate... hear we go...


28 marines formed into 4 crusader squads thus

2x 5 man

2x 9 man


2x 10 man assault marine squads


and a full hq command squad + emperors champion (as the marshall is compleated already)


Side note the majority of these are already started so for this purpose i shall declare that


10 marines featured above and the empores champion are currently un undercoated.


ps I need to get all this and more sorted by mid january, as im taking part of a tournament for a giggle 1500 pts wish me luck

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I, Brother Mord, will paint the Marshal with the Axe and Storm Shield (from the masters of the chapter boxed set) that has been sitting on my desk collecting dust since the boxed set came out.


This may not seem much of a challange but my crusade is currently bogged down on the planet of Newborn fighting the endless hordes of Xenos named Dirtydiapers <_<

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