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++Black Templars Crusade Expansion Gallery++


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OK, I'm in for a dreadnought. Being as today is my 10TH wedding anniversary, I'll call it a gift to myself.



hehehe. "honey, come to bed I have a present for you.." "give me five more minutes babe, I really need to finish base coating this piece"

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Alright boys, Oath-taking is officially closed. I'll update the list above shortly, and then I'll re-open this thread for the purposes of posting your pictures in about a day or two.


Just a reminder, you have until Friday, December 19th to complete your Oaths. Good luck everyone, the High Marshal is watching!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Allright Crusaders, we're open for business!


So, here's the deal. As you complete your oath, make a new post in this thread with the pictures of your entries. If you finish a unit and want to post it right away, you can do so, but please add any further units you complete to the same post. That way, all of the units for your oath will be together, making it easier for Iago and I to verify that you have completed your oath.


Once the deadline hits on Dec. 19th, the thread will be locked, and shortly after that all who have completed their oaths will be sent a link to the Oath Completion banner, while those who have failed will be send the failure banner.


Please remember, we are not accepting any new oaths!!! You may only receive credit for completing your oath by posting pictures of your completed units here. Please do not comment on other people's oaths in this thread, as it will become quite clogged up. If you want to post your oath units in your own gallery, or in another thread, feel free to do so, and you may comment on other people's units there... but keep this thread for completed oath pictures only. Anything else will be met by the business end of my Combi-melta! :tu:


I look forward to seeing your completed oaths soon!

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my squad and marshall as promised sorry about the quality will try and replace them with better pictures in the future.






better pictures here http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v651/TFRook/warhammer/

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Here is completed Assault Terminator Squad together with the EC. Being a fairly mediocre painter I found the EC quite difficult to dress up. However a browse through the Hall of Champions did give some good ideas or adding extra bits. Vow accomplished.

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Here is my finished products. I just wish I had better quality pictures. The only camera I have is on my cell phone


Here's my landspeeder:



and just to let you see it a little better, here's the base:



and here's my Terminator Marshall:



My termie marshall is my favorite model so far. Mostly because He's got a chaos helmet (fluff inc) and I was able to get a basic torso from the bt upgrade box on the front. also, I do play the "dirty templars," hence why his tabard is bone white coated with devlan mud wash and spotted with brown on the bottom.


Oh yea... For the Emperor!!!

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I have just completed my vow, to paint the Marshal with the storm shield and power axe from the masters of the chapter box set. It has been sitting on my desk for a long time ,primed and collecting dust, so Im glad I had the expansion crusade challange to kick me in the but to complete him.

I think he turned out well. Now he just needs a name and some table top time.



This back shot is a little blury but the cape shading turned out good.


Not much of an addition to the crusade but Im happy considering I have a wife, two year old, 6 month old and new work schedule to comflict with my painting/ playing schedule.

All hail the Emperor, All hail Dorn

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My vow is completed :

Termi squad with lightnings on the PFs though it's hard to see them on the pic


Lustrum crusade being about cleansing the universe, dirty armor is not tolerated.

Here's the crusader squad, 5 shooty guys plus 5 neos. I modified beaky helmets so that 4 neos wear a head protection, but these turned out even worse than what I feared...


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My vow is completed!


Venerable Brother Siegfried armed with an Inferno Canon and a heavy flamer




The magnetized parts of Brother Siegfried:



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I submit my entry for the Expansion Crusade.


They are my DIY chapter "Templars of Steel"


First up is my Chapters Venerable Dreadnought, who was also their first Chapter Master.

I present Venerable Dreadnought Lantz.








Next up is my "Templars of Steel" Assault Squad Gideon




Lead by Brother Hugh





For my third entry I present my House Guard Assault Terminators:


They are magnetized on both arms and the shields are also magentized.




First up is Sword Brother Robert




Sword Brother Everard




Sword Brother Bernard




Sword Brother André




Sword Brother Bertrand




**Note. Due to a family emergency I was not able to truly give the Terminators

the attention due them. I will be revisiting them for more detail and shading.



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by the emporor as my whitness i hold my oath completed


heres a pic of em (apperently its a terminator command squad cuz the usual ones cant have pw's )



obviously it's not nearly as good as other entries but i'm pretty satisfied with the results( im still pretty new to the hobby).

I have more pics here btw morepicsoftermies

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Done! <_<

Sorry I like clean models










Thanks One ;)

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Done, but I'm not 100% happy with the paint job, I think the highlighting is a bit thick in places & may go over it again sometime.







The models were mostly figures I just had lying about - a few from Battle for Macragge & there's even a very old space hulk era marine, with arms from the Templar upgrade set hiding in there somewhere...

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I declare my oath completed. Here is Brother Techmarine Burchard of my DIY chapter, Templars of the Golden Throne. May the High Marshal approve of my contribution to the Crusade. For the Emperor and Dorn!




Brother Fredrik

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