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++Black Templars Crusade Expansion Gallery++


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I solemnly Vow to fully paint (and base) a Land Raider Crusader for my Crusade. I will have this Vow completed by no later than August 15th, 2009. I will also provide a picture showing my glorious addition to my Crusade.




During this time i also completed a 10 man crusader squad (bonus)



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I vowed to complete a Chaplin, Sword Brethren Squad (8 models) and a Rhino


Here they are in their painted glory:





Sword Brethren Squad





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I solemnly Vow to fully paint (and base) a 5-man Sword Brethren Terminator Squad for my Crusade. I will have this Vow completed by no later than August 15th, 2009. I will also provide a picture showing my glorious addition to my Crusade.

And their armour shall be forged from the finest Oldskoolium.


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My Templars of Steel have answered the call by bring forth

a grand Land Raider Crusader of the line.



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I didn't get an opportunity to base the scouts but everything is painted and just two hours short of midnight. Hurray. May the Emperor forgive my tardiness in the day. I have completed my vow to expand my crusade by painting one marshal, one chaplain, and a 20 man crusader squad.





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AAAAAAAAAAAAAH! My digital camera broke, so I am reduced to using terrible cell phone pictures. As soon as I can borrow a friends camera I will post better pics, but these are just to ensure that VR knows I finished my crusade.

I vowed a 5 man squad of Assault Terminators and an Emperors Champion. Here is a group shot


Emperors Champion


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Great job everyone! Helbrecht smiles upon you all!


As I'm currently working crazy amounts of overtime at work, I might be a bit delayed in getting you all your Oath Completion banners, and incorporating this thread into the larger Crusade Expansion one, but I will get it done. Your patience is appreciated as always, my brethren!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, by now those of you who have completed your oaths should have their PMs with the link to the "Oath Complete" banners. Wear them with pride!


A quick note: a few of you failed to heed my request:


A few quick rules:


1) Please limit yourselves to one picture per "unit". If you want to show off your models from all possible angles, feel free to start another thread showcasing your work, but please keep it to a single picture of the purposes of this thread.


Extra pictures (and bonus units) have been removed. Post them in another thread of your creation, or over at the ++PC&A Hall of Honour++ to show off your great works!


Congrats again to everyone who completed their Oaths, and best of luck next time to those who didn't. My apologies again for the delay in taking care of this, as I have been (and continue to be) swamped at work.

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  • 7 months later...



Welcome to the time of testing. It is now upon you Oath-takers to prove your worth to the High Marshal.


For reference, here is the original thread:




Now, here is what you do. Once you've completed your oath, please make a single post in this thread containing one picture of each unit. You may only include one picture per unit, so if you want to get multiple angles, make it a "panorama" image. Please also identify the unit to make my life easier.


Please, do not post any commentaries or such here, as it will clog this thread up with unnecessary posts. If you want critique of your work, make a thread in the general area of our subforum and you can have all the glory you want. :(


Remember, if your picture is not posted by April 26th (a Monday) then you have failed in your Oath! After the deadline, banners will be sent out and we'll set up the "best of" voting.


Best of luck to you all!


P.S. If you are having trouble posting your picture(s), PM me or DasPanzer and we should be able to help out.

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Black Templar Crusade Expansion VI oath: High Marshal Helbrecht.




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Black Templar Crusade Expansion VI oath: Marshall with Lightning Claws








Black Templar Crusade Expansion VI oath: 6 Sword Brethren Assault Terminators



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Black Templar Crusade Expansion VI vow:


...a Castellan (power-armored, powerweapon & plasma pistol (magnetized))



...a Crusader Squad (5 Initiates, powerfist, flamer, bolters)



...and a Rhino/Razorback (completely magnetized) for my Crusade.





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Vow Completed.


...an Emperor's Champion....




...a Command Squad...




...a Landspeeder Squadron...


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