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Dudes! All of you. It's inspiring to see soooo many very well painted models.




My Knights of Malta sanguinary priest.

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My own successor chapter, the Sanguinary Phalanx


Captain Tornaeus (3rd Company Commander)



Venerated Orpheus, Bearer of the Chapter's Banner

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I'd like your recipe for the blue on your libby, Justice. The whole set looks primo. I only hope my Space Hulk minis look as good when I finally get around to them.


Thanks mate and good luck with your set.


The blue was painted using the following colours in this order..... Undercoat in black, base colour Mordian Blue, wash with Black Wash, layer towards highlights with Regal Blue, Ultramarines Blue and UM Blue with a little Ice Blue mixed in. This was followed with a wash of Azurmen Blue. Hope that helps.


Sanguinor finished for another client.






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Sviox, how do you paint your bone, like on your Lemartes' shoulderpiece. It looks really good.


Starting from black undercoat, I'm carefully drybrushing couple of layers of bleached bone, followed by wash of devlan mud. Then I enforce recesses with babad black wash and/or black ink. And finally adding highlights with more bleached bone followed by skull white.


EDIT: Here is a few more pics that have some skulls in them (couple of terminators and an assault squad sergeant).







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Finished my second assault squad. This is my first "finished squad"; basically, I based them and fixed mistakes. I'm really proud of the painting.



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This is the first thing I have completed painting since a long hiatus due to needing to finish university. I just completed my first vehicle, a razorback. This model sits on the top of it. I would post the vehicle itself but it's not worth the effort to take photos of it. The first photo is the truest to the way the colours come out when viewing in person. The rest are the best of what my camera can offer.













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Just started again in September so I'm still a bit rusty. I've been in the process of building the entire Blood Angels 2nd company. I started with the 5th squad and kind of bounced around since then. My current project is the 2nd squad, of which only the sergeant is finished. Since Space Marine Sergeants are supposed to have centuries of dedication and experience I like to try to make each of them as individualized as possible. Rather than the codex black shoulder pads, I use gold trim to designate my sergeants (except for Cades, because he's just that old school).


First up Sergeants Bariel and Securis of the 2nd and 3rd squads respectively. As you can see Bariel hs just returned from a secondment to the Death Watch and proudly displays the shoulder pad.



Next up Sergeant Caine of the 4th and Cades of the 5th. Since Cades was the first sergeant I painted, he's been heavily modified of over the last few months until only his head and legs from his original build. He is the oldest Blood Angel in the 2nd company and something of the foundation on which the company is built. As a young marine he took an Ork Rokkit to the face and survived. He still carries the battered helmet on his belt whenever he goes in to battle. Unfortunately you can't see it very well in the picture.



Here are Sergeant Raphael, with a (Tycho approved) combi-melta and Assault Sergeant Pullo with the DC hammer. After watching "Rome" I thought he kind of looked like Titus Pullo so it stuck.



Of course you cant have a "Pullo" without Lucius Voreanus so I had to make my 8th Assault Sergeant, the claw and the hand flamer actually have the same point cost as a Thunder hammer. Beside him is Devastator Sergeant Gravis of 9th squad. Surprisingly his squad is complete with 4 heavy weapons and 5 marines armed with bolters.



At this point I'm one tactical squad, 1/2 of an assault squad, and 1 Devastator away from having all the troops I need for the 2nd company. After that its Rhinos, Rhinos, Rhinos...and a Land Raider!

As always C&C is welcome, I hope you enjoy.

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