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Word Bearers


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Thanks for your warm comments ^_^ .



I toned down the bone parts with watered brown ink, they shouldn't be so shiny anymore. He's going to have pair of lighting claws (as cheesy choice they are :devil: ).



My skills are amazing :eek ?!? Oh man, I'm turning all red ;) . I'm glad that my models give the starting push for a new Word Bearers .



You cannot resist the temptation of Word Bearers :devil: . I was thinking the same about the lighting patterns.



Ok, the red is the result of many experimentations of mine, so it's not the best one, but it works for me.

1. Start with a basecoat of Chaos Black.

2. First layer is brown. In my case, Scorched Brown (other "dark" brown should work aswell).

3. Second layer with mix of Scorched Brown/Red Gore at the ratio of 70/30.

4. Next three layers are simple, just lessen the amount of brown, and add the amount of red. 65/35, 50/50 and 20/80.

5. For the first highlights I used Red Gore/Vermillion at the ratio of 50/50. Vermillion is Vallejo range color, looks in my opinion GW's Blood Red, so use that instead.

6. Final (and tiny) highlights with pure Vermillion (=Blood Red).

7. Finally some Magenta Ink, don't let it pool at all, not even recesses.

Remember to leave the some color from all the layers, if it they look too brownish, the ink will add some red tone to them, so don't worry. And of course, I want to see the results when you paint your models :) .


Ok, now to the Lord himself.

Helmet, and the trophy tracks are done.





Well, I need to add some more yellow to eyes, and the claws won't be painted with metallics, but instead with orange-yellowish colours.


But now is the time for some special treaties... here's my first Word Bearer next to my latest Word Bearer!


This can be a encouragement pic for you all, even I have learned something during the years of painting :lol: .


Comments and Criticsm are appreciated, thank you.

they're nice models arn't they! ;)


shame i wont get mine 'till christmas...


hey, can we call the other possesed marine Eugene? he looks like a 'Eugene' to me. you can tell from his loving, caring eyes and generous hugs.


very impressive work so far. i cant wait to see 'Shorty!' he looks SUPERB, even now!

I love the reds.


But I don't think I'm sold on the way you're painting the black here. You've inverted your highlighting scheme for theme. It would look better if you keep with the same way of highlighting (highlighting toward the inside of the edges instead of trying to edge them).


Overall though I'm really enjoying the model so far.

Nice work, looking really good!


This can be a encouragement pic for you all, even I have learned something during the years of painting

Yeah when I look back at some of the first models I painted, I can't help but laugh, and wonder what I was thinking. For some reason I though I HAD to use every damn color out of my starter kit on each model. hehe

Looking good, although i think the claws are a bit too (orangey) (unless thats the look you wanted?) I love the new Chaos Lord stuff though, so much in fact that i've just finished building one and i'm now in the middle of converting a loyalist terminator into a sorcerer!

Well, I want to thank you (and curse you!).


Since they were first previewed, I have not really been a fan of the new plastic Possessed.


But that has changed with seeing yours.


Now, I think I might have to consider a box of them. And by "consider", I mean "scrape together cash and get".


So, thanks (and damn you!)

Thanks for the comments!



I'm glad that you bought the Chaos Lord kit, there can't be enough lords :lol: .


@Blue Orphen.

I accept your acknowledgement and curses ^_^ . It's good know that my models changes peoples opinions in some cases :) . Remember that curses are Chaos Marines kind words :rolleyes: .



Glad that you like Eugene :P (name given by BrotherDamascus).


I'm having couple days off from painting, to regain my focus, so no updates tonight, sorry.

But here's current group pic of the possessed and lord.


From right to left: Eugene, Shorty and Snappy. Such a caring names, aren't they.


C&C are welcome, thanks.

God, I hate the feeling when you try, try and try, and still nothing goes right ;) !


Needs a good base now, but that is on hold now, I'm preparing for a game tomorrow. So wish me luck!


C&C are appreciated, thanks.

I love 'em!

I seriously do.


For the claws maybe consider making them radiate energy( the centre being yellow and the edges of the claws orangey, using wetblending or a comparable technique)


I actually was looking for such a way to paint red so I have to thank you too! ( Thanks :sweat: )


* Sighs* So much talent on this forum, guess I have to say it again...


Keep up the good work! :)


Edit: some typos

Thank you for the comments.



First of all, thanks. I could try the wet-blending technique, I have read couple of tutorials of wet blending, and tried it with green tones, but not with orange and yellow. Orange seems to be dominating over yellow, but let's see if I can make up something.



Heh, finally some outgoing opinions :P . And I have a right explanation, firstly I had in my mind using metallics for the claws, but there would have been "too much" metal on the model (reasonable?), so i ended up with non-metallics (obvious...). Green? no, 'cause I have painted all the tubing with green. Red was out of question. I have used blue power weapons for my Dark Angels, so no. And yellow... kinda fits with red, don't you think? And I have never painted anything yellow, so this is "how to paint yellow"-lesson to me ^_^ . But hey, I appreciate that you gave your honest opinion.



Thanks to you too! :D


@Moribund the Burgermeister

You're the first to notice that :tu:! I used minimal amount of Green Stuff heighthen him up a little bit. So he could bigger than his foes :verymad: ! I could use the cape to hide his little Green Stuff mistaces in the back...


I'm visiting my relatives for next 3-4 days, so no updates... yes I know, I suck.

IF I add the cape for the lord, as Moribund the Burgermeister earlier suggested that... what color it would be, 'cause I have no clue, so you how know what would look good with red (not yellow, would look kinda silly...), give me your ideas, so the lord could have warm, cosy cape to wear :lol: .


And for some addition to my Word Bearers.... a sorcerer! If I find Huron Blackheart model, I'll cut his head off, add helm with lots, lots of horn, give him wings so he can fly like a bird! Those who own Huron model, I have a little question, what parts does the model consist, is his arms separate?


See you in few days. C&C are welcome, as always :verymad:

Home sweet home. I'm back from my "vacation" and I have lots of energy to be used on modelling :jaw: .



Bought the model and a hand drill, God bless that I bought that, helped a lot when modelling him. Most of the parts can be removed easily to ease painting, and of course all crevices will be filled with GS. Next in my mind: he has the chaos star in his right hand, right? I'll try sculpt some flames from it, good idea?


And of course, you can still give color-choices for my lords cape, still haven't touched it :P .


C&C are appreciated deeply, thanks.

keep it up ;) :tu:


for flames you could just use the possesed arm in the lower left corner, looks like flames to me ^^, dont know how good it will look, but you can try if you dont whant to sculpt one. :P





Death to the false Emperor!

This is some amazing work. I really like the color schemes, although I have to agree with some that the yellow is a little much. I like the idea of wet blending them from the inside out. Maybe do it sort of like flames, with a yellow blended up to a faint reddish color.


Keep up the good work. I look forward to seeing updates.


Your also making me look into a Word Bearers army. I have been reading Dark Apostle, which has been wetting my appetite for them, and this is like a sign that I should be building an army of them.



Thanks for the comments!



Glad that you like them ^_^


@Mr Fulgrim

If I remember correctly, the flaming(?) possessed arm is a left arm, it shoots the flames straight to left. I have hard time finding something from my dump. :) .



@Brother Renn

Your idea has been taken in consideration. Glad to hear that there's going to be more Word Bearers ;) .


Ok updates, updates!


Added some more horns to helmet, scroll/cloth piece to right arm, and some thousand other adjustments... green stuffing, drilling, shaving off... man, I have done nothing but inhaled tons of metal-dust ^_^ . Oh, and I scrapped the flames-coming-from-right-arm-idea. While taking off the heave flamer's pipe, I destroyed the chaos star at the same ;) ! No biggie, just needed to forget the cool-idea :) . (Anyone else had hard time attaching the thumb to right hand?)

He has in his left shoulder pad, a book taken from chaos lord sprue, first idea was to add some flames coming out of it, but then I realized that flaming-book was Word Bearers pre-heresy symbol :) . So instead of flames I'll add some chains around to book, so it would look like that book is attached to shoulder pad with chains, now I need to find some chains...

Ah, almost forgot... "Say hello to my little friend!"



C&C are appreciated, thanks.


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