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Word Bearers


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Thanks mate, maybe I'll take a shot on that later then ;).

@FallenAngels123, Dark Disciple

Thank you :P.


Thanks, and there's lot us WB players here, RazakelXIII, TDA, TAS and many others :P.


Thanks mate ;). It's good to compare your own work with your older work.

@LuNCHBiZZLe, Ferrus Manus

Thanks, it was good choice :P.


Everyone has models they are shamed of, they're good motivators. :D

And 2nd terminator is done.


Squad pic.


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Sure, I'll post back shot.


Thanks mate :).


Thanks, if I'd repaint (this is highly possible) the candles, how I should paint them?


Why wonder, the annointed are calling, don't you hear it ;).

The promised back shot. Other termies candles need little reworking... again.


Maybe I should do the candle making tutorial next :).

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Haha that would be awesome and very well received I'm sure!! I like the candle colour personally and then if you do think they are bone, well I guess the chaos do some pretty weird stuff!!


Love the terminators they are just SOOOO good.

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The Peccant Crusade's Chaplains tell me they do not suspect the use of wax. They inform me it is likely the tallow from the Word Bearer's victims put in place of bone marrow and thus are made bone candles. Makes me question why the Chaplains themselves often have a stockpile of candles a short while after a succesful engagement...
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@The Silent

Will do :).



Glad to hear, that even one is expecting the tutorial :P.



Yeah, I was thinking just the same, maybe I'll lessen the amount of wash next time too :D.



Maybe I'll just lighten 'em up a lil' bit ;)?



This update could make up your mind, for Word Bearer Terminators of course :P.



Dark wax, good point, but rest of the mini is so dark, light-colored candles could give some more brightness to it.



Damnit! I'm just having little leizure with WB this time :D. Iron Hands will return someday.



Because the chaplains are actually... Word Bearers!!! :lol:


You can guess what comes next. *clears throat*




The candle tutorial is finished. Linky


Now make some of those damn candles :).

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  • 1 month later...


Most of you already know that I answered the Call of Chaos, yet I've only posted my progress on the corresponding thread, not here, I've been too lax :P.

Here's my dear Coryphaus, in his dark glory. If I ever gonna use him on a game, he'll be using Abaddon rules. And I continued with his annointed retinue too.



The loving family. What kind of destruction can they do on the field of battle?


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The guy doesn't look angry enough :D Is he meant to look normal or is he angry and just using his chin guard to hide it? B) Either way they look great, fantastic stuff as always kik :) You got a full "company" yet or are your striving to achieve that?
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I was aiming sort of sneer, seeing that his opponents were once again weaklings :lol:. With my current force, I can manage to have a minimal legal army :sweat:. Company sized host would be nice though...

Oh, the chinguard exists only to hid his double chin :angry:.

More progress today. I painted most of the bone and candles, but day wasn't filled with progress altogether... I accidently dropped the model, luckily the model was sturdy, only things that broke down and went missing were two candle lights and one horn.


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