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Now that the holidays are over I finally had some time to get a bit of painting done. I've almost finished my first plague marine. The eyes and trophy rack need to be painted but other than that this guy is finished. The painting is a bit rough but I'm happy with it overall since this is the first model I've painted in a few months. Once I get the color scheme down I should start getting smoother transitions in the blending but I think it's ok for tabletop standard.






C&C appreciated. :huh:

It's been awhile since I've had an update of any conversion work but I've made some progress on a predator I had assembled but hadn't added nurgle goodness to until today. I'm particularly happy with the vents which I just added at the last minute before doing greenstuff work. I have a second predator that I will do the same to. I also have ordered turret bits so I can change from lascannon to autocannon depending on what I want to field.


As it stands this is about 45% done. I wanted to let the greenstuff dry before working on the other side. I have a habit of smudging the greenstuff with my fingers if I do too much work all at once.








Smaller versions of vents will also be added to the 20 or so terminators I have so now that I've finally gotten a technique I like. Those will probably be next up as well as another Lord based off the Typhus model.


C&C appreciated. :)



Edit: I got a bit more work done on the pred. Here's a few more pics:





Well I decided to just drink some beer and watch a movie tonight instead of working on the army. So this is a pretty weak update but an update nonetheless. Just a little work I did yesterday.


A bit more green stuff work on the Predator, which is almost done now.





The early start of the vents for the termies. You can see the rest of the vents that I already cut on the left.



Another minor update. I've been working on a few different units so each is progressing a little slowly but I should get alot more done tomorrow.


So I added some finishing touches to the predator and this one is finished other than the second turret which should be on it's way shortly.


Nothing you havent' seen before. Just a few more patches of greenstuff but this is the finished product. :blink:





I got the vents done on 12 of my 14 assembled termies. I have another 7 that need to be comepletely assembled bringing the total to 21. Hopefully the greenstuff work won't take too long on these and I will be able to finish them tomorrow.




I also started on my Daemon Prince. He's coming along a bit slowly. I added the wings today which were a bit of a pain to saw in half. The greenstuff work is in the early stages and at this point what you see is just gap filling and shaping the backs of the wings. I'll be adding feathers and other detail bits soon. The head is causing me problems. I'm working on a conversion using the standard head but I'm not too happy with it. I'd appreciate any suggestions for alternate heads.


Torso sitting on the legs:






Lastly, just a bit of fun hacking up a marine. I was going to have this guy under the DP but I think he takes up too much room and might distract from the DP so I'm probably just going to have a few nurglings on the base. Anyway, the concept here was that the marine's armor was being eaten away by slashes from the DP's sword. I'll have to finish him later and maybe I will add him to a larger base for another model.




I'm not sure what will be up next after I finish these models. I have alot I want to start and more stuff coming in the mail. I figured I would take requests since it makes the decisions pretty easy for me. I may take another week to get the parts but here's what's on the "to do" list:


20 Chosen


Typhus based off an Obliterator


GUO sculpt( possibly based off the WHFB Giant)


Defiler/ WHFB Giant kit bash


C&C welcome as always. ^_^

I haven't really received any feedback in this thread for awhile which isn't really encouraging me to keep posting here. I had another update today so if anyone is interested in following any further progress you can check it out here or here. Thanks to all those who have given me feedback. It is greatly appreciated.

I assumed there was a lack of interest since I'm the only one to post here in the last two weeks. :lol: It just seemed kind of silly to have a string of no posts but my own. I don't mind keeping it going I just wanted to know if people were still interested.


The plastic pipes are just styrene tubing made by GF9. They sell it at most hobby stores.


Here's my update from yesterday:


I added vents to the landraider to match the predator. I'll add the greenstuff to them soon.




I've also finished the greenstuff work on the Terminator vents.




Some closeups:





Yeah - you should definitely keep posting. This thread is great and the conversion ideas you are coming up with are brilliant. I love the carrion wings on the DP - very cool. I always thought they'd look good, but I think you're the first person I've seen to actually try them.


Looking forward to seeing more.


As for the lack of feedback - it happens - don't get discouraged. for 2 weeks you'll have no repiles, then you'll get 20. It's weird. Sometimes a better guage of interest in the thread is how fast your count rate is increasing. But then again, sometimes it's not







i have followed this thread with interest. my current project is death guard and i have been taking copius amounts of notes. I felt that a congrats post was just time wasting as i had nothing else constructive to add.


please keep posting. and converting! :lol:

I too am doing Death Guard (thanks papa nurgle), and although I have to crits or suggestions I have some comments...so here goes.


I love the pipes on the tanks, and thanks for the idea of burning the ends! :o I also love the fact that you are converting each guy to give your army a custom feel. Keep on chuging! B)

I really don't have much to add myself, except that I'm ;) in grossed out by all this various infestation....


For a Deathguard army, that's a good thing XD The grosser, the better if my opinion. I'm now having these nasty ideas in my head of them with extremely disgusting appearances...wish me luck falling asleep without suffering some gross nightmare XD


All in all, good job, and it looks really neat. Hope to see the entire Deathguard picture before painting, and then watch the progress from there. Looking good nonetheless.


I'll continue to read this thread, but I'll probably won't be dropping that many lines unless I feel I have something to contribute.

the vents look fantastic and the gs look very similar to what ive been doing with mine. maybe try to vary the hole size a bit and possibly try using the tip of a retractable pen (retracted) too. it leaves a nice bubble and ring that looks great. kinda like a big pimple. i used the boneripper head from the skaven range on my dp and it turned out pretty cool with minimal gs'ing. hope this helps.

Hey there Cadaver!


Simply stunning. I really love ur work here. As most people say, the pipes are excellent. About the termies, I would add some fly icons and skin rashes in the nurglish triangle form (don¡t know if you know what I mean.. hehe).


Can't comment or criticize anything else cause I love it.


Keep up the work dude! Cheers!



Well thank to everyone for the replies. I guess I should have kept a better eye on the page view count. I didn't realize so many people were following this thread. I'm glad to know my posts are being enjoyed and inspiring people to try some of the conversions.


I don't have a photo update at the moment but I've done some GS on the DP, adding feathers to blend the wings into the body. I mucked it up a bit while they were still sticky but I managed to fix most of the damage. I'll post pics pretty soon once he's been completed.

Really loving what you are doing. Predator looks especially great :)

However I would like to see some pics of the terminators taken from the front, please


And I was wondering how are you going to model the icons for them?


Keep on posting! :lol:


The front shots of the termies are on the first page, although currently they aren't loading and the photobucket website is under maintenance, which may have something to do with it. I'll repost them if the problem is persists.


The icons for the termies, I hadn't really thought about to be honest. I'm a pretty casual gamer so I guess right now I would probably just declare icon bearers before the battle but it might be a good idea to model standard bearers for the squads to represent icons, I've got plenty of unassembled terminators so that would be an easy option. It would certainly provide some new and interesting modeling ideas. Consider it in the works! ;)

I like the pipes on the predator. I've had various sizes of plastic pipes on my desk for years, but it never occurred to me that they could be used to

make "nurgly" pipes... too obvious, I suppose.


21 terminators? Damn! You really seem to have a thing for termies...


Keep it up!

Yeah, I went a little crazy on the terminators. I initially planned only 14 because I love the models but I kept finding great deals on them and then had so many bits left over I just ordered a set of legs to make another squad.


I started making a Icon Bearer from one of the two remaining assembled termies. Alas, I have to go to work and didn't get it finished. Tomorrow I don't work and plan to get a good deal of painting done.

I've started painting more plague marines. I decided to just go with drybrushing as it's much quicker and I will be able to get much more done in a fraction of the time. I think they've come out pretty good so far but I'd like some feedback before I get too far into the painting process.


Here is the original test model next to 2 more WIP plaguemarines. The one on the left has a slightly heavier drybrush of Rotting Flesh and I think the rest will be a bit darker like the one on the far right.





The pics are kinda bad but here's the 2 new models mostly finished. The backpack icon on the left one was painted after the picture was taken, so that model is now complete. The other need the eyes painted which I forgot to do before taking the pictures. I will probably work a little more on the bolters, which I just decided to change from red to brown.




I also made a few Icon bearers from my terminator squads. I still need to add the vents and Greenstuff some more on these two.




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