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The defiler looks incredible, is that a wraith body you used for his spinal cord?


Yep, it is a Necron wraith spinal cord. at first I wanted something a little more organic looking but with the whole machine merged with biological I thought it worked pretty well.

  • 2 weeks later...

I've just about finished up the defiler. There's a little more greenstuff work to be done and some minor detail bits to be added and then I also need to build a base for it.


I've made a little more progress on the daemon prince as well but the idea I had for the head didn't turn out as well as I had planned. At this point I think I'm just going to have to sculpt one myself to get it to my liking. Hopefully I'll have some pics of that up soon.


The defiler:













Oooh, great blog. :wub:


That defiler looks particularly good - far better than the stock model (which seems hideously unbalanced with its ridiculously huge front claws).

The overall colour scheme of the army is very effective, especially with the new skin colour. The dark eye lenses look dull though, I prefer the orange eye from that single old Plaguemarine a lot more - it gives far more definition to the facial area.


I'm definitely gonna keep an eye on this blog. ^_^

Thanks to all for the replies. Especially those who speak of worshipping me. ;)


Squiggoth, thanks man. Your work I looked through on DG.org in the early beginnings of this army was a huge inspiration to me, so I'm glad to see you've enjoyed my work so far. :ph34r:


As for current progress, I've just converted two rhinos to join my painted PM squads and I'll probably paint them pretty soon. I'll post pics of their current state tomorrow.

Ahoy! I'm back with a few updates. I finally got hold of some cork tile to make my defiler base and have built the basic design and set the legs in their final pose. I just need to add a few finishing touches to both the model and the base and it will be done. About time too. :jaw:




This is the sludge stream that runs through the base. It's been filled with hotglue but will get some water effects once it's painted.




I've also stripped and rebuild to SM rhinos that are now in the service of the Dark gods. They have converted pintle mounted combi-meltas for a little trouble making after they drop off the kids at school. ;) They got the vents to match the other tanks and tie all the vehicles together. I've got three more of these to strip and rebuild.








I'm also in the very early stages of planning my plaguereaper baneblade. It's going to be the most extensive project I've ever built by far and probably will make the defiler look like a walk in the park to build. The project in going to put the total cost in the range of a ForgeWorld baneblade to give you and idea of how many kits and various bits are being used. Expect some teaser pics in a few weeks. ;)

I've been working on finishing up the daemon prince and defiler. I spent a good deal of time today reorganizing all my bitz into some new containers which should save me time digging through boxes. After looking over some old White Dwarf articles featuring Dave Taylor's work I had the idea to recreate the new nurgle head from the CSM box into a DP size head. I've done the sculpting for the basic shape so far and need to clean it up a bit but I wanted to get some feedback before a continued on with it. I also pinned the arms and did the base minus the extra detail work.






The defiler has been upgraded with extra spikes and chains as well as some more vents on the back. A little more greenstuff has been done on the body and I pretty much just need to finish the head. I've become indecisive about it so I'll probably convert thre different heads and ask for feedback on which one looks best. After spending all this time on it I want it to look "perfect."






Comments and criticism are most welcome.

I've been working on painting a rhino and after some thought I decided to take the advice of everyone who has told me put some extra effort into the painting. I've added some inks using Didi's Magic Inks(formerly Kel's Magic sauce I think it was called.) Anyway, The inking does give it some more depth and gives it a dirtier look.


Still pretty WIP but here's the current progress:





I've always been a big fan of the weathering armor, especially on vehicles. I decided it would be very fitting for Death Guard so I did a test piece on an extra rhino door before applying it to the model. It was actually very simple to do and I think it looks pretty good.


I'm going to go back to the plaguemarines and and add these changes to them as well. I think it should look great and hopefully give them a more complete look that i feel they were kind of lacking.






Comments and criticism welcome as always.

I believe the rhino is finished. I may go back and do a few touch ups but I'm pretty happy with how it is now.








Oh, and this arrived this week. :o






The Plaguereaper shall be coming in the over the next couple of weeks(hopefully).

00oo000o0 looking at all of thoes kits makes me even more intrested in your up coming baneblade,

and the rhino and the defiler are things of beauty mate im realy impressed with them


cheers chris


Space Marine Oath Rule #27628999

"Thou may not punch thee guardsmen even when it makes "funny noises"


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