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faints, falls on the ground and stay in a coma for a day....


That´s awesome job mate ! I so love your defilers


Can´t wait to see them painted since you seem to have mad paint skills too. ( might stay in the coma longer but it´s worth it :D :D )


Keep up the awesome work !



Kaleb daark

I am thuroughly impressed. I have been following in the shadows for a while now like stink on, well, you know... This has given me so much inspiration for my pending lost and damned army once I get my current large scale project done (a world war 1 themed IG army)... I especially love what you have done with the vents! The putrid glory of it all is awesome.

Cadaver, I have been meaning to post in here for a long time. Its sad when your so lazy you don't even type, but I digress.


This stuff looks awesome and is one of my favorite motivating posts for getting to work on my nurgle themed army. The green stuff really sells it. It looks amazing yet fairly easy to do with a little patience.


Please keep us posted I love looking at this stuff!



Hey guys, thanks again for all the comments. :)


I've done a little more work on the second defiler, but as expected GTA4 has claimed alot of my free time over the past week. Not to say I haven't done anything though. Nothing really photo worthy but I did a bit of greenstuff work on my landraider (just adding stuff around the vents on the back I've put off for quite awhile), built and greenstuffed the alternate turret for my 1st predator and based my Daemon Prince(just need to finish the head on this guy). I've also primed the Defiler, Pred and LR and will probably go on a vehicle painting frenzy this weekend, time permitting.


Also, just to get people all worked up, I've had a very strong urge to start the baneblade lately. It's driving me crazy just having it sit on sprue in it's box. I can't promise anything but having a little lack of enthusiasm for the second defiler at the moment and pretty much knowing exactly how I want the plaguereaper is really tempting me to get to work on it.


I've tried to focus more on painting lately but that plaguereaper's a callin'. No promises but I'll try and either get some major painting progress or plaguereaper work done over the weekend. Maybe a bit of both. ;)



Edit: I forgot to mention, there's a Tau Online exclusive thread of my GUO commission by my co-mod waargh. If anyone wants to check out the progress you can view it here.

Unfortunately, I wasn't in much of a painting mood this weekend. I did however get to work on a little something...



Still very WIP but here it is:














And here's some WIP vents. Still deciding on there placement. but this is probably where I'll be adding them.





Hey Cadaver, can you get a shot of the front left headlight? Sort of a close up like you did of the beat up armor plates holding the . . . puss . . . stuff in. That looks really awesome, but I would love to see a close up of the headlight.


Otherwise it looks great! I keep staring at the box at my local store, but I have yet to even attempt a game of Apocalypse so I can't "validate" purchasing one right now.



EDIT: You know in that first shot I think I see a TV on in the background with the 360 screen up. Still playing GTA IV? :D I know I am. :)

Thanks again for all the comments! ;)





Hey Cadaver, can you get a shot of the front left headlight? Sort of a close up like you did of the beat up armor plates holding the . . . puss . . . stuff in. That looks really awesome, but I would love to see a close up of the headlight.


Otherwise it looks great! I keep staring at the box at my local store, but I have yet to even attempt a game of Apocalypse so I can't "validate" purchasing one right now.



EDIT: You know in that first shot I think I see a TV on in the background with the 360 screen up. Still playing GTA IV? ;) I know I am. :)



Yeah, next time I take some pics of it I'll get one of the headlight.


And yes, I'm still playing GTA4. :D I played for about 5 hours straight yesterday. A friend came over who hadn't played it yet and I let him run around for awhile and he spent all my money and lost all my weapons. ;) I had to spend some time to get things back on track.

  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I have a little update to report. I was diligently working on my raptors when a good for nothing friend called me and I continued to try and drill with my pin vice while talking on my cellphone. My hand slipped and I gouged a hole right under my thumbnail, which bled like crazy and hurt like hell. So I decided to call it a day on the converting.


I do have some pics although I was hoping to post pics of the Raptors after they were completely finished.


My Death Guard raptors are renamed Reapers and have a bit of a grim reaper feel to them(hence the name.) I greenstuffed a hood for one and I think like them better without hoods, they look a bit creepier. They will all be carrying scythes for CCWs except the champ. The champ will be based off a standard Raptor champion.


squad minus champ



nurgely bits



Wings(only got 3 done before my injury B))




The other day I painted up a PM in an alternate scheme just to see what it would look like. It's pretty cool, I think, although it's a bit rushed as it was just a test mini. I really like the streak method I used on the armor as well as the rust rather than metallics. The weathered armor and purple and green glazes turned out alright, I think. The purple glaze much more visible than the green in these pics.


I'm going to experiment on using these techniques on my regular PMs in the normal colors and maybe combine the rust effect with the metallic armor trim on my PMs. I'm contemplating using this paint scheme for my chosen.











C&C welcome. :P

Thanks for the replies.


The Raptor wings are spawn bits. The heads are from various trophy racks, chains etc. pinned on the bottom so they kind of float in the air when you look at them straight on. I'll get up a pic of a greenstuffed hood to see what people think about the hooded version.

  • 2 weeks later...

I've been pretty busy working on stuff but I've been lazy about posting updates, so I thought it was about time I posted up some of the progress I've made.


Reapers/Raptors: More or less finished. I need to do a few detail bits but nothing major.



WIP Aspiring Champion converted from Chaplain Cassius(apologies for the horribly blurry pic):



My ForgeWorld Death Guard troops. The guns aren't glued in place yet, nor have the backpacks been attached. Those will be added after painting. I did these without using greenstuff on the plastic parts. Instead I wanted to make the armor corroded more in line with the FW bits. I drilled random holes of various sizes and distressed them with an exacto knife and then added tiny holes with a push pin. It turned out pretty well even though it was much more time consuming than greenstuff would've been.





Corroded armor close up:



"Plague sword" CCWs taken from the new Skeleton Warriors box:



Group shot:



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