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The Legion of Taurus - a Chaos Marine army log


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Lovely work (I also checked out the warseer terrain which looks awesome).


I'm so jealous that you are in the dordogne. Before I moved back to the States I'd vacation there every couple of months (long weekend types). Ah, Perigord. I'd rent a little house and just spend the weekends drinking :) Never spent much time in St. Emillon, to be honest, as everything was too expensive there. But Cohors (am I spelling it right?) is a wonderful wine I can't really find here in the States.



  kravi said:
Lovely work (I also checked out the warseer terrain which looks awesome).


I'm so jealous that you are in the dordogne. Before I moved back to the States I'd vacation there every couple of months (long weekend types). Ah, Perigord. I'd rent a little house and just spend the weekends drinking :o Never spent much time in St. Emillon, to be honest, as everything was too expensive there. But Cohors (am I spelling it right?) is a wonderful wine I can't really find here in the States.

Thanks kravi; yeah, it's nice here in the Dordogne when the sun is out, but it's a bit bleak here when it's wintry and raining (though I guess I shouldn't be saying that if we want to attract more visitors to our facilities! :P ) I've not come across Cohors, but to be honest I've never been much of a wine drinker - ironic, for someone living in France. I guess it's also ironic that I'm an Englishman who doesn't drink tea... :rolleyes:


  DuskRaider said:
Lobstrosity, huh? Dark Tower, anyone? Great stuff man, can't wait to see more!

Well done, DuskRaider - have a cookie! ^_^ Anyone else work out the Brundle-spawn reference? :P


  firestorm said:
I should be able to start painting the actual spawns before this weekend, aiming to get them done over the following few days. So, both ready the start of next week?

Well, 'tis Monday, and the best I could do is get this far on the Spinesect:



Still some more detailing to add, plus some more highlights and maybe another very thinned green wash.


I have, however, pretty much finished the Thing of Madness:




There's times I look at it and think I'm really pleased with it, and others where I think it looks awful. Even though I spent the best part of 4 days going over both these spawns checking for Mold Lines, I still keep finding them, I don't think that helps my ambivalence towards them. Anyhoo, they were meant o be a fun relief from painting Metallics, but they've been a bit drawn out!


I aim to get the Spinesect finished over the next couple of days, more pics when it is done, till then, thanks for looking! ^_^

Nice work there Firestorm40k. It vaguely makes me want to paint more of my Chaos, but alas, Blood Bowl currently has me in its enticing grip. some day I'll catch up and continue painting for the challenge, no doubt after my exams, heh. Keep up the good work.

Thanks for your comments guys, glad you're all still liking what I'm doing :)


  Alex.ö said:
The thing of madness is not cool...

It´s scary...

Well, that's what I hoped for :P I'm glad you feel that way about it! :D Although i must admit I found it less scary and freaky with every successive coat of purple and pink wash... :)


  DuskRaider said:
Mmmm... cookie. I like the Thing of Madness, the Spinesect has something... missing. Although you did say there was more to go. Great job!


Thanks DuskRaider, well last night and for the few mintues I was able to grab after dinner I did some more work on the Spinesect; I think it's done now, perhaps some touching up to do, unless someone here suggests something that'll make a huge difference to the model.





Those with a good memory to part of the fluff I've written will recognise some alusions to a certain Marine chapter with the fragments of armour... ;)


  Xanthier said:
Nice work there Firestorm40k. It vaguely makes me want to paint more of my Chaos, but alas, Blood Bowl currently has me in its enticing grip. some day I'll catch up and continue painting for the challenge, no doubt after my exams, heh. Keep up the good work.


Thanks Xanthier, well you've painted a far greater number of Chaos Marines than I've managed to, and besides a break on something different can help clear your mind and restore your enthusiasm to go back to a larger project. Which is kind of what I feel about these spawn, a nice break after painting Metallics for four months! Speaking of which, I'll soon be going back to these - but more on that at a later date...


More pics soon, thanks for looking! B)

Ok, now that looks AWESOME. I love the idea of having remnants of Power Armor scattered about the Spawn, has a very fluffy feeling to it, and I'd imagine if a Space Marine goes Spawn, there would be pieces left hanging around on it's body. Nice!

Thanks DuskRaider & AS! :D


Well, seeing as the Spawns are now varnished and therefore completely finshed, that concludes this stage of the army, the 400 point Combat Patrol. To celebrate, here's a piccie bonanza! ^_^








Chaos Attacks! :)




So next I'll be expanding this army, a bit at a time, to nearly 3,000 points; then the Apocalyptic fun will begin... ;) More pics soon, thanks for looking!

Cheers Cassarus and Lord Ragnarok! :) So, having completed the Combat Patrol, I'm now moving on to the next stage of this project...


Part Three: To 2,000 points, and beyond...


I plan to expand this army to about 3,000 points, adding a unit at a time. My first plan, however, is to fill out the additional Force Selection choices until I have, as well as a basic Two Troops choices, one Elites, one fast Attack (Spawn don't count to the limit), a Heavy Support choice... oh, and an HQ ;) So here's an initial list:


Chaos Space Marines Squad (x10): 235 points

Plasmagun, Autocannon, Aspiring Champion, Power Fist, Combi-weapon, Icon of Tauran Ascendant (Chaos Glory)


Chaos Space Marines Squad (x10): 245 points

Plasma Pistol, Flamer, Aspiring Champion, Power Weapon, Plasma Pistol, Icon of Tauran Unleashed (Khorne)

Rhino Transport: 35 points


Raptors (x10): 290 points

Aspiring Champion, Lightning Claws, Plasma Pistol, Flamer, Icon of Tauran Unleashed (Khorne)


Chaos Space Marine Terminators (x5): 215 points

Power Fist, Chain Fist, Lightning Claws, Combi-weapon, Reaper Autocannon


Chaos Space Marine Predator: 100 points

Autocannon, Heavy Bolters or

Chaos Space Marine Predator: 165 points

Twin-linked Lascannons, Lascannons


You may note two values for the Pred; that's 'cause it's going to be magnetised... ;)


First things first, I need to expand the two units I have so that they resemble what I've planned. that means adding:


  • two Bolter wielding Marines
  • a CC marine with a Plasma Pistol
  • a marine with a Flamer
  • two aspiring champions.


I've started doing this, this is as far as I've got with some of them (the others aren't done enough to photograph :) )




So we have the plasma Pistol dude (done, apart from mold lines); the Flamer dude; and the Aspiring Champ for the CC unit. The latter two need some green stuff filling in to cover cuts and joins. Also, I've used some Possessed marine parts on this Champion, I wanted him to look slightly more menacing and a bit more bestial, as he'll be likely to be p- oops, I get ahead of myself... :ph43r:


Also, whilst scouring for parts to use on these marines I got the inspiration to work on a couple of Loot counters. I've been thinking of doing some now I've done the Combat Patrol, but to be honest I've been a bit stumped how to do them. Then I spotted the trophy spikes, and I knew what to do...


Now, work on these will pause for a bit as I'm off over the the UK for atleast a week, so they'll have to wait until then. But when I'm back and worl continues, as soon as there's pics I'll post them. thanks for looking! B)

Firestorm, I've been lurking in this thread for a while, so just let me say:


1. Congratulations on doing Stage 2! It's a really well thought out idea, and is looking good!


2. These are some of the best renegade CSM's I've seen - you've managed to get some good, original themes without actually ripping off established ideas, which is absolutely brilliant!


3. Finally, the models. They are amazing! Keep it up!


Oh, and if you're in Blighty have fun! Just don't ask about tax :jaw:

  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks very much for your comments guys! :)


Well, I'm back with some updates after nearly three weeks! I've been chipping away at the 6 Marines to take my first two squads up to 10-man squads, and have finished them (atleast, the modelling part of it). Some pics:



The one on the right is my attempt at a left-handed wielding Marine (being left-handed myself, I find it insulting that GW don't make more Left-handed troops*); I don't think it's come out very well, it doesn't help that I was basically re-using a left over body from my bits box. Oh well, no prises for guessing which one will be taken first when the squad starts taking casualties... ;) :P




Here's a pic of the CC Squad's Champion:



And a detail of the other Champ's head; I'm really pleased with how the occular implant came out, I used the nozzle of a Super-glue tube to get the actual round lense, but everything else was just a happy accident!




So now these are done, normally I'd get straight on to painting them, but seeing as we're moving back to England within the next fortnight I'll wait until after then.


In the meantime, I'm going to start work on the first HQ choice for this army (a teaser for this one - he'll be converted using Khârn the Betrayer's body), then some Terminators.


More pics soon, 'till then thanks for looking! B)



* apart from Orks - what are you trying to say, GW, left handed people should be BS 2 - bad at shooting?!? :D

Thanks for your comments guys! :)


  Asmodeus said:
Those are some simple, yet beautiful conversions, and they all have one thing in common: *stolen* :P

Heh, steal away AS; I always say that my best ideas are other people's :yes: Which reminds me, I really should have given credit of that Aspiring Champ's Combi-plasma to Brother Nihm, whose (far better executed) idea I copied...


  Cassarus said:
So he's finally back hu, good work I must say, and I'm looking forward to seeing your hq conversion!

Yep; back until the middle of next week when we move back to Angleterre! :ph34r: Funny you should mention the Lord though, between packing :) I've been chipping away at the lord, converted from Khârn the Betrayer. I started off on the Shoulder pad, 'cause it had a big KHORNE symbol on it, which isn't in keeping with the background of this army (although there will be Berzerkers in it...). So I filed it down a bit, stuck on a WFB Marauder Shoulder pauldron, sculpted something passing a lower jaw, plus tidied up some bits that got filed away unwittingly... I've still got to stick the horns (it's Taurus, innit?) on, then that bit is done.



Other than that, I've selected a head to stick on, I've some more horns to sculpt on the various skulls on the armour, then there's the base.


I've started the base, but I just wanted to hear what everyone thinks I should stick on it. There will be a dead, decapitated body on the base - but should it be a Space Marine, or a Guardsman?


Place votes now! ;)


More updates in the next couple of days as work progresses, thanks for looking! B)

jeez, i leave for a month or two, come back to your thread and you've gone from amazing to godly :yes:


your spawn are so amazing :) i like the idea of the crawling one, and totally love the inclusion of the possessed marine backpack!


and your GS skills...i think your new squad belong up there with Zeus B) i love the eyepiece of death :ph34r:


Cheers, best of luck ;)



Thanks for your comments, BD, you're very kind! Well, it's been a bit longer than I'd planned to post more wip pics on the Lord, but I was dragged away by the need to make an entire city's worth of terrain in 5 days :tu:


Anyway, I've added all the details to the Lord, and apart from dismembered Marine parts on his base, he's finished (just mold lines to take care of before painting).


So I present...


Varkosian, the Great Bull's Champion, Avatar of Tauran Unleashed:




You'll notice the cut down backpack; this started off as a practical measure, but I have developed a background/narrative reason fo rthis - but I won't say much more for the time being... oh, except this is only the first of several Lords that will be in this army...


Right, day after tomorrow we move back to England, so no updates till we get settled in and back on t'internet - so in the meantime, thanks for looking! B)

  • 2 weeks later...

Just popped back here after a while away, and it's good to see the progress continues. It's great that you still have a strong direction, since I've been wavering and pondering the potential evil of changing my scheme and repainting everything, which would obviously throw a lot of work away annoyingly enough.


At any rate I'm intrigued as to where you are in England now - anywhere near the Southeast? It'd be great to see this army in person for a game.

  • 2 months later...

Hello, this log is back, back, back, baby, yeah! :P Though it has been 3 1/2 months, and though I've been busy with other things (moving - xanthier, i'm living in Suffolk - not a tremendous distance from the South-East!), job-hunting, looking after my 15-month Son, more job-hunting, planning my wedding, yet more fruitless job-hunting :( ), I've still managed to find the odd moment to chip-away at a few more things for this army - chiefly among them two new units...





...and Bikes:



Here are some individual pics, to show details, converting, etc.


Reaper Autocannon dude - just a slight repositioning of the arms and sculpting horns on the skulls, so it's in keeping with the army iconography:



Lightning Claws dude - again, slight arm repositioning, and scenic base:



Combi-weapon dude - I sculpted a skull on the left-knee to cover the 'Eye' symbol, which to me is associated with the Black Legion, and doesn't fit with the iconography of this army. This was my first attempt at doing this, I think it came out okay - ironically my next two attempts were so bad I decided to use plastic skulls:



Power-fist dude - the skull on the shoulder pad is from Fantasy Chaos Warrior Head:



Chain-fist dude - try as I might, I just can't seem to get the horns right on the skull I added to the chest plate. Thankfully, because the model is stooping slightly, it's not too visible:




Next, the bike squad. Firstly the Champ - I originally had in mind that he would be turning, and leaning over as though he was going to spear someone with his sword, so I tried to convert the legs to get the look. In the end, I felt I'd positioned the front wheel in the wrong direction to get that look, so I tried to make him look like he's coming down a rocky-hill to ambush the enemy. Also, the repositioned foot isn't right, it's too long; it was my first attempt at this though , I'll blame the likes of Maelstrom and Doghouse for making these sort of conversions look so easy :P ;)




Meltagunner - I'm pleased at how I got the gun resting on the handlebars, I think it gives the impression of him trying to steady it whilst riding at speed:



I made this one as I liked the idea of a biker who has screeched to a halt to shoot someone at point-black range, before zooming off again. I feel this conversion works slightly better than the Champ, I did a better job of the foot for a start!




Another biker. It wouldn't be in keeping with the rest of the army if I didn't have atleast one on some big rocks! :D



Finally, my personal favourite; the simplest but most effective conversion; I just feel this one really conveys a sense that he's about to run some fleeing Guardsman down, or something like that:



As well as these, I made two new standard Chaos Marines; although I'd made enough to take my original squads to 10 men, I decided that for a 1,500 point army I wouldn't take the Champions. So to keep them at 10 strong, I made these:



The one on the left is an attempt at a conversion I saw BDJV do on one of his Chaos Marines, I don't think mine works as well as his though!


Finally, I made another loot counter/objective - this one will also double as a useful trophy rack for my army's future battles... B)



Right, next I will start painting these - either that, or start work on a Predator, then paint...


More pics soon, thanks for looking! B)


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