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The Legion of Taurus - a Chaos Marine army log


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Well, firstly, they ain't 'Letters, they're Lesser Daemons as you say; and they ain't finished, they need their horns redoing and some GS to sort the heads out. Also, the daggers are from the Zombie sprue. This choice might seem obscure, but it'll make sense eventually... :lol:


Fair enough. You've come up trumps so far, so I'll see where you go with these. I'm sure you'll make them work.

Hey do you mind if I "borrow" your standard base....err standard bearing base?...That's a cool idea, except I'm a Loyalist (right now :)) So it'll have some other things on their and It will say "Remember the Fallen."

Very cool, blackblade! :wink: The great thing about this sort of objective is that over time it can become a bit of a 'trophy rack' for your army; at least, that's what I intended with mine! ;)


I've made more progress with the beasty for the Space Hulk game, though i've run out of Green Stuff now and can't carry on until my order has arrived!



I've also completed the armatures for all of the Tentacles:



More pics as soon as I do more stuff, thanks for looking! B)

Yeah, thats what I was aiming at. That's why I put it on such a large base, it's bigger than 40mm. Oh! BTW you've inspired me to start collecting some chaos marines. I haven't really chosen a god or chapter, but i'm thinking of an offshoot of iron warriors/khorne. Have you thought about making some single horned Taurauns? or maybe some broken horned guys?


EDIT: They now have Injured space marines on the GW website!!! Thinking about getting them to put on here....:angry:

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Good to see you back Xanthier, glad to see you're still enjoying this blog! :)


Well, few updates the last couple of weeks, but I've not been slacking - in fact, I've been busy adding layer after layer of green stuff to the tentacles and the Beast at the control room. Really, I could have carried on indefinitely adding details to these, but I think they're good enough for the game, which is this Saturday (I won't have time to paint them either :) ).


Here are the tentacles (all 15 of them) - they didn't quite come out as I'd hoped, they look a bit more 'leafy' than 'fleshy', but they'll do for the time being:




The Beast that will appear at the centre of the board once the players reach it has been something of a marathon - again, I could probablty add loads more details, but for the timebeing it's enough:






I'll post some pics of the game after the weekend. once that's done, it sort of ends this phase of the project, it'll be back to regular Chaos Marine stuff - working on more Marines, and a triumviruate of Defilers for an Apoc formation.


This latter is for the Apocalypse game that will close the campaign, and I'll be making other stuff for that, including some terrain pieces.


Thanks for looking, more pictures soon! :)

Well, over the weekend I wasn't well, had a bit of a nasty throat infection, so I had to postpone that game of Space Hulk. The upshot of this is that I've now decided to give the Beast and those tentacles a lick of paint before the rescheduled game (on Sat 28th). I started it tonight, pics as work progresses.


As well as this I've been building Defilers; at the end of the Campaign is an Apoc game, particpants can bring upto 750 points in miniatures, including Apoc units or formations. Unless I can magic up £150 by the end of April to get a Forgeworld Brass Scorpion ;) I've decided to take a Defiler Assault force as part of my 750 points. Also, having these gives my army choice a bit more flexibility.


So here they are, not too exciting done to them apart from the command one having twin Heavy Bolters in lieu of the Reaper, but I may add more details such as broken chains and Legion specific iconography. At the moment I can't decide between calling them 'Huey, Duey and Louey' or 'Larry, Curly and Mo' ;)




Speaking of army flexibility I've started work on some more Chaos Marines to bulk out my troops choices:



Thanks for looking, more pics soon! :)

Blimey, 3 Defilers is pretty close to the cost of a Brass Scorpion, only a single Defiler(ish) more and you'd have been there, heh. I'm currently resisting temptation to get one - it's lovely, but I've played Apocalypse all of 3 times....


Good to see more marines too, since I can soon give them a run for their money. I'm making an entirely new 1000 point chaos army for the 31st this month, and so far it's in various stages of painting and assembly. Here's hoping I can match your ouput by finishing it all in a month, heh.

Hey firestorm! I've made up the 2 squads of Chaos Marines, my termie lord, and rhino. I thought I'd show you my little tribute to you for introducing/inspiring me to join chaos. The guy third from the left is for you. ( the others don't count since I didn't have to do anything to change their heads!)


In case you're interested kikkala was my other inspiriation for joining chaos, his tribute will be in the color scheme, but with a dirty blood red instead of bright Word Bearers. Enjoy!

Thanks for your kind comments, everyone! :)


Blimey, 3 Defilers is pretty close to the cost of a Brass Scorpion, only a single Defiler(ish) more and you'd have been there, heh. I'm currently resisting temptation to get one - it's lovely, but I've played Apocalypse all of 3 times....

Well, to be fair I've had 2/3 of the Defilers for over a year now, I only recently got the third... But I will get a Brass Scorpion, just got to get a load of stuff together ot flog on eBay, and it will be mine. Oh yes, it will be mine! ;)


Hey firestorm! I've made up the 2 squads of Chaos Marines, my termie lord, and rhino. I thought I'd show you my little tribute to you for introducing/inspiring me to join chaos.

That's really cool :D I especially like the one with the Daggers for horns B)


Well, I've done some painting on 'The Beast':





I could have put a lot more details in to it, but for a piece that's only going to be used for one game, what's the point of labouring over it for ages? I'm pleased with it, although it was a pretty rushed job (lots of various washes, not all of which blend that well), I think it'll look the part at the game on Saturday night.


Now, if it doesn't rain tomorrow, I might be able to finish priming the tentacles and get them done for the game! :huh:


Also, I've been making a few more Marines, so I should be able to field 2,000 (assembled, if only half painted :P ) points of models at the next club meet in a couple of weeks time.


More pics soon, thanks for looking! B)

Yeah, he's one of my Favs. Good Job on the painting. It might've been a fast job, but it looks nice. Can't wait to see more marines. I think maybe I would have made the "mouth" opening a bit deeper. But thats the only criticism I can give.

Thanks all for your kind comments! :)


Today my wife was in University, and the kids were either in nursery or in school so I had the house to myself! I indulged my inner-child, watching Return of the Jedi and Transformers B) and made half a dozen more Chaos marines to complete a squad:



Some green-stuff work to do to finish them off, then paint the beggers! But I wouldn't hold your breath for that... :lol:


More pics soon, thanks for looking! B)

Thanks, nurglephil! :)


We had the games of Space Hulk last night, and they were tremendous fun (even if the combination of trad Space Hulk rules & 40k didn't quite work 100% of the time :pinch: ).


In the game of with my Zombies, my special ones didn't do a right lot, and though I generated a whole horde of them, they just kept getting blown to pulp by an overwatching Assault Cannon:




But that game did have the surreal, if slightly humorous sight of Tyrnaid Warriors being slowly overwhelmed by Zombies:




The final game with the tentacles and the beast was cool, although the Tentacles kept getting mown down by Psycannon, Sotrm Bolters, Force Halberds and Powerfists, they did manage to grab hold of and consume a couple of Grey Knights - especially gratifying for me, as the guy using them has been the bane of my army during this campaign :P




When the Chaos Termies reached the objective at the centre of the board the 'Beast' was revealed, to a look of much consternation from the Imperial players ^_^




It was good fun, and I'm sure that 'the Beast' will get to grace a game of Space Hulk at club in the future!


Next up for this log is a few more Daemons, and some terrain. Thanks for looking! B)

  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks very much, Magnus Thane! :)


@wokkers, yes it was good fun! :sick:


Well, quick update today - I've been working on the Horns of the Lesser Daemons, next week I'll be doing some sculpting to join the horns properly to the heads that need them, and sculpting horns afresh on those that have just got armatures sticking out; and just general gap filling on these:




Secondly, if you've been following the fluff of this army, then check out the 2nd of the 3-part story that will kind of 'clear-up' the rest of the background for this army: The Thing in the Cage, Part Two.


No more pics till next week 'cause I'm off to the Isle of Man with my family for a friend's wedding, but in the meantime thanks for looking! :)


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