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The Legion of Taurus - a Chaos Marine army log


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Ahah! It's great to see you back! My Penitent Spectres are slightly on hold after finishing over 7,000 points of them, heh, so it's excellent to see you kick start this log back in to action. Here's hoping my loyal Illuminas marines will be able to keep up with your updates!


As for the conversion work, nice stuff. The horns on that stooping Terminator don't look bad to me - possibly a little rough, but they certainly look the right shape. Interesting choice with the bikes too. A tough unit, but also hideously expensive, so it's good to see someone make some.


All in all, good work and welcome back!

Thanks for all of your kind comments; it's good to be back on here! :rolleyes:


where did you get those lovely rebreather mask head bits? (im referring to the one the reaper autocannon termie has)

The_Chaplain, it's a standard component, from a head on the Chaos Space Marine Biker Sprue. :)


Well, I had hoped by now that I would have primed all of these wip Chaos Marines, but the weather has been typically English (i.e. rain stops play!), not good for going out to spray miniatures...


So, rather than sit waiting for the clouds to part, I made a start on the next unit for this army - a Predator. I'm going for the same style of tracks as on the Rhino I made earlier (if you've forgotten what they look like, here is a pic).


So tonight was spent cutting lots of plasticard for a Pred, and for a Vindicator (the next tank for this army). This is a pretty tedious job as you can probably imagine, this is as far as I got with the Pred:




Aside from this, I intend that this Pred will have interchangable weapons - so I've been cracking out the tiny magnets!






So, seeing as rain has stopped play on the painting, I'm thinking of finishing this Pred, then going straight to the Vindicator and another squad of Marines to get this army to 1,500 points. But, then again, I worry if I'm just procrastinating on the whole painting thing... *shudders*


Thanks for looking! B)

Hello, the last couple of evenings I've carried on working on the Predator, cutting lots and lots of plasticard bits to finish the tracks (completed tonight); also I've been working on the magnetised weapons. WIP piccy:




I realised as I was doing this that the rear of the main turret has the ammo/charge for the weapons, and because I must be totally mad I decided that having an Autocannon with Lascannon cells on the back just wouldn't do..! So I magnetised those, too:




Here's a pic of the Autocannon one:




I started work on the sponsons tonight; I knew these would prove more of a challenge. I've seen someone else's magnetised Pred, and they did the sponsons by actually buying two sets of sponsons and magnetising the whole bit that connects to the chassis of the tank; I couldn't afford to do this, so I had to come up with another solution: firstly, I cut the pegs off from either side of the bottom of the mount, and on one side stuck a magnet:




Then, inside the actual weapon, I glued a magnet that would be on the otherside of the bottom of mount, and would 'stick' to the other magnet through the mount.




As you can probably see, I had to cut back the guiding hole where the pegs on the bottom of the mount would normally go; I also had to cut a section on the top of the other half of the weapon, to allow space for the magnet on the bottom of the mount - otherwise the weapon would be stuck, which would defeat the whole object..!


Tomorrow I'll get on and finish the other sponson, then I when I've finished making that I might will start on a Vindicator... yep, I think I'm definitely procrastinating on the painting front!

thats a very good solution for magnetising the sponsons firestorm. the only gripe i would have would be wear-n-tear on your paintjob. of course having said that i am more prone to dropping small components than the average person. so maybe it would only be a problem for me ^_^


keep up the good work dude

Thanks wokkers; yeah I think scratching could be a problem, it's crossed my mind - I think I'll have to put an extra application of varnish on those parts to try and prevent too much damage being done... :P


I finished magnetising the weapons last night:





Now there's just some detailing to do, like adding spikey stuff and green stuff to tidy up the Legion symbols.


More pics when that's done, thanks for looking! :)

Thanks Mitchell! :)


The other night I added some more details, including some sculpting to tidy up the Legion's iconography on the tank.





Now I just need to swap the tip of the Lascannons, Bolters, etc for the Chaos ones. Updates will be a bit sparse for the rest of the week now; I've had to tidy my workspace away :P to make room for the house-full of guests we've got staying for my wedding this weekend.


I also need to get a new table to work on, as when we moved the one I was using we noticed two of the legs had buckled at the end, making it pretty much useless - so I'm trawling through the local free ads for one at the mo...


Anyway, when I'm back in action I'll be finishing off the Predator, starting on the Vindicator - and who knows, perhaps even start painting something..! Thanks for looking! <_<

  • 3 weeks later...

Okay, big update. Although I've been and got married, re-arranged our house, lost my painting table 'cause it broke, and had to go out and buy new tables, but I've still been chipping away at a few things. Firstly, I've built a Vindicator - it's about 95% finished, I'm just waiting to get some Photo-etched Brass Chains to add to finish off the whole 'this tank is full of mad, crazy daemons which can't be let out!' effect. Anyway, pics:






So that's almost done, just a handful of minor details to add. As well as that I've built a squad of Khorne Berzerkers. Choppy-choppy! :)






Skull Champion. Raaaaaaaargh!



These are about done, I'm just going to add some battle-damage à la the Forge World versions...


So, having completed this squad of frothing, axe-happy mad-men :P I now have enough models painted to take this army up to 1,500 points. Huzzah!


Now, I've just got to paint the suckers. Boo! :-/


Here's a pic of the mob before priming and starting to paint tomorrow...




That's it for now, more pics soon! B)

Have to say i absolutely hate everything about your chapter, it disgusts me. Though this might be something to do with my loyalists being called 'Sons of Taurus' ;) You tarnish my noble warriors with your very existance, which is a bit of a shame B) . i like the conversons though, i guess the only thing to do is spruce up the imperial 'Taurans' to show their waywards brothers who's boss. :lol:
Congrats on getting married Firestorm40k.


Gotta say, the hands sneaking out of the Vindicator hatches made me smile, a great idea there.

Thanks, Xanthier! :) Yeah, I just need to add some sratch marks and the chain, and it'll be finished.


congrats on the marriage. may your wife be as understanding with your hobby as mine is.


love that skull champion. are the 'zerkers going to be painted in the classic color scheme? or a hybrid of the legions color scheme?

Thanks wokkers; indeed, the 'Zerkers will be the classic red with gold/brass trims - fluff-wise, the Legion of Taurus have made pacts with Khornate and Nurglish warbands.


Why? Now that would be telling... ;) :D


Have to say i absolutely hate everything about your chapter, it disgusts me. Though this might be something to do with my loyalists being called 'Sons of Taurus' ;) You tarnish my noble warriors with your very existance, which is a bit of a shame :( . i like the conversons though, i guess the only thing to do is spruce up the imperial 'Taurans' to show their waywards brothers who's boss. :D

Lol! -_- Yes, I've seen your Marines, they're very cool - I'll put the coincidence of names down to great minds thinking alike... :D

Congrats firestorm40k! glad to here it!

Your army is shaping up good, and I can't what to see some of your new stuff painted, so get to it already :)


On a side note, I'm glad to say I've started working on my own force again and now I got over 1000 points finished.



Back again, not a very exciting update - but an update nonetheless!


I've started painting now, after my first five days here's where I'm at - the Bronze metallics are finished on all the regular Chaos Marines:






After a Brown Ink wash, the Bronze metallics are now finished!


Now it's all the fiddly stuff; I'm hoping I'll get them done by the end of next week though...


Thanks for looking! :lol:

First off I can't believe nobody caught the "Brundle-spawn" ref---The Fly with Jeff Goldblum.


Second---awesome stuff!! I really like the down turned horns, I've done that with 2 or 3 of my chaos marines for a little added variety, but it never occured to me to do it with all of them. I also really like your take on the spawn; I'll be using that for inspiration whenever I get around to mine.





  • 2 weeks later...

Cheers for the kind comments, guys; @ chaoswolf, well done for being the only person to get 'The Fly' reference! :lol:


Well, it's been an absolute slog getting through these Marines, I honestly hoped I'd get all 8 done in two weeks - but after three weeks work, this is all I finished:




It hasn't helped that I've been working on my own Epic stuff, then got a commission to paint an entire Epic Space Marine army (almost 3,000 points) for mid-November! But I will soldier on, hopefully I'll have the other four done by the end of the week.


More pics soon, thanks for looking! :lol:

ive been thinking and uve really impressed me and maybe a daemonhost as a mutated bull - like a huge one with chains and everything, just to keep to the idea of bulls and also - perhaps some pics of your army closer up and not on desert cos it blends with the bronze and im really sory but with my eyesight its kinda hard to pick out detail.

Thanks DeffWolf, I've been thinking about Daemons and stuff for this army, and all I'm going to say is: watch this space... In regards to the pictures, yeah I need to get some better detailed ones of the lastest Marines, but that'll have to wait for reasons stated below...


Anyway, here's the other four standard Chaos Marines finished, I'll post better pics of them after next weekend 'cause tomorrow I'm off to France for a week. In the meantime, I hope this will do...




Anyway, my reward for finishing this squad was this, which I've been enjoying already! :tu:


More pics soon, thanks for looking! :D


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