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The Legion of Taurus - a Chaos Marine army log


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Thanks for your positive commentys guys! :)


@ Cassarus - bikes are on the schedule after the Lord, Termies, Pred, & Vindi. At the rate I paint these, it'll likely be in to the New year (though I'd hoped to get them done by Christmas... :( )


@ xanthier - yep, you're right, I think an army shot for 1,000 points is in order! ;) I'll have got there when I've painted the Lord, Termies and Pred.


@ Vassakov - Termies are assembled, if I can get the Lord done as quick as I hope, I reckon I'll start on them in about 3 weeks time..? :) I can't comment on the PC controls for Dead Space as I've got the xBox 360 version; but they're subtly different to games like Resi Evil that they took some adjustment... must say I'm lovin' it though! ;) You watch, it'll give me the urge to make some Space Hulk-type terrain and loads of gribbly aliens to infest it.. ;)

  • 4 weeks later...

Hello, back with a pictures bonanza today! The last couple of weeks I've been working on a few things - I'd hoped to get them all finished by last weekend, but between my 18-month-old son getting a sickness bug, my wife starting a new job, and me starting a new job this week, I only got them finished the night before last. And only got the opportunity to take pictures of them today!


Firstly, here are some objectives, made ages ago, now painted:



Secondly, I've been painting the first of at least 2 Lord choices for this army - Varcosian, Reaper of Skulls, Avatar of Tauran Unleashed:





Unfortunately, due to poorlighting conditions the pics don't really do it justice, I'll try and get better ones soon.


But to celebrate the completion of this character, here's some bad fiction! :)


The Khornate Champion’s head rolled across the grilled floor of the ship’s deck, making dull thuds that echoed around the chamber. His body took three lurching steps forward, as though for a moment it had not realized it should be dead, before slumping to its knees and finally collapsing.

Varcosian walked over to the Champion’s head, his chest heaving as he took deep, ragged breaths that flicked bloody spittle down his chin. He bent down to pick it up then held it aloft before the throng of Berzerkers that had watched him kill their leader. They seemed impassive, unmoved for a moment. Then as one they let out a monstrous, guttural roar of approval.

Varcosian slung the Champion’s head in to the crowd, before shouting back at them, a cry of triumph, disgust, hatred and exhaustion. The Berzerkers carried on their insane din, but Varcosian turned, walked wearily over to the Champion’s body, and picked up the huge Chain-axe he had wielded. For a moment he studied the axe’s head, its dozens of razor sharp teeth stained with a deep, rusty red from an incalculable amount of blood drawn from countless throats...

He then became aware of heavy footsteps behind him, and he turned to see the massive form of Lord Charkaradon looming over him in his Terminator armour. “My Lord,” he said, bowing his head respectfully to his commander.

“You have done well today, my Champion,” said Charkaradon, his deep voice booming over the din of the Berzerkers. “It seems you have successfully... persuaded this warband to lend their support to our forces.”

“Yes, my Lord... they just needed the right persuasion, that was all,” replied Varcosian, between deep, fatigued breaths. Charkaradon simply smiled back, a smile that gave his stone-like face a cruel, predatory aspect.

“Yes, indeed. And now, my Champion, I have another task of you. Our master has chosen you for a very special purpose, a great role in our master’s plan,” said Charkaradon.

“I am proud to be of service, my Lord,” replied Varcosian, his voice a throaty growl.

“Very good. But first, you must begin your preparation for this role,” Charkaradon said, turning to one side. Varcosian looked beyond him, and in the shadows of the corridor he could just make out a figure – a man the height and build of Astartes, but with a set of what looked like mechanical, spidery limbs sprouting from the top of a backpack that was lined with rectangular, jar-like shapes.

Then Charkaradon put a heavy gauntleted hand on Varcosian’s shoulder, and urged him toward the corridor where the shadowy figure lurked, and his destiny awaited him...


But wait! That's not the only bit of fiction I've been working on. If you've been reading the background stories and articles in this thread (for which I thank you if this is the case), will have seen a few allusions to one or two things. Well, I've written the first of what will be a Three-Part story that will eventually fill in the gaps and reveal the whole story of the Legion and Taurus. So head on over to WarSeer to read 'The Thing in the Cage, Part One'.


Also, here are some more pics of the Marines I painted recently, as there were some requests for better pics:







Well, I say better, I'm afraid these suffer from the same case of 'bad light = grainy pics' syndrome as the Lord.


Next, I'm going to start on the Terminators - I've already made a step towards these by removing the trophy racks, something I wished I'd done when I first made them, to be honest.


Anyway, more pics soon, thanks for looking! :P

  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for your kind comments, Captain Mick! :)


This project continues to crawl along! :P Pics of the first two painted Terminators; one without flash that shows the colours better but is grainier than a field of corn, the second clearer but with colours thrown out by the flash:





Next, more Termies. Man, I am getting fed up of painting this army! If I can just get to the target I've set (after these Termies, the Predator all before Christmas), I've some things to make that'll be fun and break the tedium of painting this frakkin' bronze.


More pics soon, thanks for looking! :tu:

  • 3 weeks later...

Hello again! :) This project continues its sloth-like crawl, over the last three weeks I've been slowly chipping away at the remaining three Terminators:




I need to spray these with Matt Varnish, then add some Gloss Varnish to the Lightning Claws.


I've also started on the Pred:




I made myself a target to get this Pred done for Christmas, but I'm not going to be able to do it :( but I've some time off over Christmas (yes!) so I'm hoping to get it done by New Year. Then I'll be making some interesting stuff, but more on that at a later date... ;)


Thanks for looking! B)

  • 1 month later...

Hello, been a while since I've been round these parts! :P Following a pretty crappy month that has seen colds, vomiting bugs, and 'flu sweep their way around our family (repeatedly... ^o) ), and trying to get back in to work after the Christmas break (which was spent in bed with - hey! - the 'flu :X ), I've only been able to chip away at very, very small things on this army.


I've concentrated on getting the Predator finished. This has turned in to The Tank From Hell. I have just not been able to get the metaillic highlights to a state that I'm happy with, and there's been a number of miss-haps with it, including the tracks breaking, bits falling off, but the nadir was an unfortunate incident with the Bleached Bone paint that I was using to dry-brush a terrain piece with. I put the large brush in the pot, as I brought it out it flicked a massive spray of the paint over everything around it - including, you guess it, the Pred :'( I'm sure I can still see bits of white on it even now... To top it all, I really wanted to be finished with this a month ago...


Looking good! Do you basecoat by brush for your tanks?

Yes, gowd help me, yes I do :P


Anyhoo, even though I'm not totally happy with it, and I still need to do the other weapons (Lascannons & Autocannon), here it is:







And a flash-tacular pic:




Despite the pain of getting this tank done, now it's finished I can field 1,000 points. Huzzah! :P


Here they are, arrayed at my local gaming club:




As well as this, this army are going to see quite a bit of action over the next few weeks as I've organised a campaign at the club. It's a campaign where results count, but there's a strong narrative element, and as such I've planned all sorts of things story-wise to liven it up. The up-shot of this is that I will have to make some random stuff, but will be a nice change after struggling to paint one frakkin' tank in almost 8 weeks... This stuff will include:


- Daemons!

- Zombies!

- Hideous Mutants!

- Gribbly, tentacular monsters!

- Terrain pieces!

- and a special, secret project that I won't reveal until the end of the campaign..!


Oh, and I'll still be adding to this army, even if I don't get the chance to paint much...


So expect to see more frequent updates, if not of painting, then of all sorts of wierd and wacky creations.


More pics soon, thanks for looking! :)

I said I'd been working on stuff for the campaign I'm running - well I've already started, here are some Daemons for the Apoc game:






I've got more of these to make (I hope to have at least 20 for the game), and will eventually become a permanent fixture in this army. They're still wip, got quite a bit of GS work to do on them.


There's also been a foul stench emitting from one of the boxes I hoard my miniatures in... and the sound of shambling foot steps, and unintellible, mindless groaning... that can only mean one thing...








Eventually I want to have a Plague of Zombies Apoc formation to use with this army, but these will feature later on in the campaign when we have a special 'Space Hulk Redux' evening. It will include 3 games of Space Hulk, but instead of 'Stealers there'll be things that are more in keeping with the theme of the campaign. These will feature in the first game, which I've already entitled 'Killer Zombies from Outer Space' :D


I actually made these a good 4-odd years ago :) <_< but I intend to make some more to make them up to Apoc formation size.




Anyway, more pics of wip stuff soon, thanks for looking! B)

What? No necromorphs?

Those Zombies look great though. Everyone loves Zombies, especially when you say hi with a shotgun :)) Fantastic work, and I look forward to seeing more of the army.

And I believe that they are a mixture of Cadians, Catachans and of course, Zombies.

this project is probably the most well organized bit of killing-ness iv'e seen in quite a while. im really digging the paint scheme and my lord the fluff is just as good if no9t better then some of the gws writers. keep it up

also do you have a place were you buy your basing material because i frakking love your basis

especialy the spawned ones ooohh *goose-pimples*



  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks very much for your kind comments guys! ;)

nice zombies

what bits are they made from??

I believe that they are a mixture of Cadians, Catachans and of course, Zombies.

Yeah, anarnaxe got it one. Cadians, Catachans and WFB Zombies it is!


this project is probably the most well organized bit of killing-ness iv'e seen in quite a while. im really digging the paint scheme and my lord the fluff is just as good if no9t better then some of the gws writers. keep it up

also do you have a place were you buy your basing material because i frakking love your basis

especialy the spawned ones ooohh *goose-pimples*



Thanks very much, these sort of comments mean a lot to me because I've put a lot of time & thought in to the background of this army, and in their execution. I'm glad you're liking what I'm doing with them :)

As for the bases, well I use slate from the 40k Basing Kit produced by GW; the bigger ones I got off an eBay seller.


Anyway, I've been adding more Zombies and Daemons. The zombies are for one of the special Space Hulk games that are part of the campaign I'm running at my local gaming club.

What? No necromorphs?

Ha! :P Funny you should say that, I've probably because I've been playing too many computer games lately :) but I've wanted to add some twists to the basic zombies. So when a blip of zombies is generated, it'll include one of three special kinds of zombies.


To start off with, here are some 'Brute' zombies (count as having a power fist) - my tribute to the Tank from Left 4 Dead:



Then there are 'Bile' Zombies, basically walking plasma bombs that explode when in contact with the enemy! These are a tribute to the Boomer from Left for Dead, or these guys from Dead Space:



I'm also going to make some 'Taloned' Zombies, which will look kind of like the - hey! - Necromorphs from Dead Space.


The other game I'm running is again different - basically the players will have to get to the Gunnery control room, wich just happens to have been taken over by a massive warp beast! This won't be revealed until they reach the centre of the board. Here's where it's going to be - trust me, this is going to look very, very different when it's done!



Until they reach the middle, they will have to fight off the tenacles of the beast, punching through the walkways and snaking along the corridors to attack and grab the intrepid teams!



These are basically going to be green stuff over bent paper-clip armatures:



Finally, I've not abandoned the Legion of Taurus, I'm very very slowly chipping away at some new minis for them. As a taster, here's a wip Lascannon conversion:



More pics soon, thanks for looking! B)

Nice Zombies! Also Dead Space is great -_- Best played in the dead of night...


Ooh and will the warp monster resemble a certain leviathon? :P

Thanks Reyner - oh, there's a possibility of that! ;) :P


On to tonight's progress, I've made the first few Necromorphs - sorry, Taloned Zombies :P



More pics soon, thanks for looking! B)

Hello again ;) I've progressed on the zombies, more Taloned and more Brutes for the horde:



And started adding details to the control room, namely some power cables made of guitar string, and started on the beasty that's infesting it:



I'll add lots of Green Stuff fleshy growth to cover the rest of the walls and other details over the coming days.


More pics soon, thanks for looking! :)

Coming along very nicely there... I may have to try some Zombies of my own. Oh, the finances! Also, I just stuck my Nid's in the post, so there goes the very imaginative use of Hormagaunt talons. Nevermind.


However, I'm not convinced by the Bloodletters at all - unless you're going for generic Daemons? If that's the case I'll reserve judgement until they get painted, but to me replacing the lethal looking Hellblade with... well, a greenskin Choppa... it's just not right for me.

Thanks very much everyone for your comments! :)

Alright i really really do like this idea.

Chaos Minotaurs! Actually suits them, is a unique approach too. Very good.

I actually am quite fond of the horned helmets too.

Thanks very much Magnus, glad you like what I'm doing! :)

Coming along very nicely there... I may have to try some Zombies of my own. Oh, the finances! Also, I just stuck my Nid's in the post, so there goes the very imaginative use of Hormagaunt talons. Nevermind.
GAH!, i'm absolutly loving the taloned zombahhsss!!

keep more of that voo-doo that you-do

Cheers; they're a very simple conversion, and I must admit I'm very surprised that they look better than I expected.

you always pop up just as I forget how great your minis are, so each time you surprise, and me me feel fuzzy ;)

Awww, thanks very much; comments like that make me feel warm and fuzzy! ;) :D

I'm not convinced by the Bloodletters at all - unless you're going for generic Daemons? If that's the case I'll reserve judgement until they get painted, but to me replacing the lethal looking Hellblade with... well, a greenskin Choppa... it's just not right for me.

Well, firstly, they ain't 'Letters, they're Lesser Daemons as you say; and they ain't finished, they need their horns redoing and some GS to sort the heads out. Also, the daggers are from the Zombie sprue. This choice might seem obscure, but it'll make sense eventually... :D


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