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Angels Sanguine Titanhammer

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I started a quick discussion a while ago looking for ideas for modeling up a Titanhammer squad. That thread can been read here. There were several good ideas shared but ultimately I settled on a way to simulate thunder hammer damage and went from there.

Here are the current WIP shots.

Mangled bits for the basing material:


First test base painted:


With a model for context:


More bases modeled up:


I have details on the approach in my Blog (link included in my signature). C&C is welcome there or in this thread as well.

We have an Apoc game loosely scheduled for sometime in Feb – Imperials vs. Chaos. I personally don’t think that Titanhammers are the best squads for killing Titans but that’s not to say that they don’t have their uses. Another member of my team is modeling up another one for his Salamanders. Having two such squads on the table will only add to the Vortex mayhem.

If things go as planned I’ll have pics from the Apoc game as well.

Again, your comments are welcome. Cheers, -OMG

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Thanks gents.


... i love the way you clean and prep a model. Textbook. you should write a tutorial on it so that younger painters can see how it is done.

Yeah, even the guys at the local store wonder why go to such extents to paint up a model. If I did write a tutorial it would have to be more like: Prepping a Model the OMG Way as I’m not going to claim that it’s a great universal approach. It’s just the net result of my, less than elegant attempts at trial & error until I found something that worked for me.


Quick Update: I (mostly) assembled the first four terminators but nothing particularly photographable. Thursday nights I actually game so I won’t have much progress to show till the weekend.


I need to do some custom decals for the back banners. I also need to name the sergeants. More on that to come.


Cheers, -OMG

I’ve made at least some progress on the first squad. The first trooper is coming together anyway:


(As I expressed in my blog) I have a few outstanding questions before I can finish off the model.

* Figure out the colors for the different images depicted on the shield.

* Settle on a way to show the “powered” effect on the hammers.

* Add the ornamentation to their backs. I want a standard look. A hammer bit would be ideal but I haven’t found one I like as of yet.

Here are the assembled members of the first squad:


More to come shortly.


WOW! Those bases look fantastic! They totally fit the titanhammer theme.

Love your painting style, look forward to seeing these finished.

I usually start with a black undercoat but after seeing some of your work (the razorback and attack bike come to mind) I might give white a try again.

What do you use for undercoat?

See, heres the problem...I am currently working on DG and BT, and with your awesome modeling and painting skills you are making me want to paint some Angels Sanguine...darn you!!! :D


On a more serious note...your Angels Sanguine are amazing! You just keep dishing out great ideas one after an other. Keep up the good work!

Thanks again for this round of comments.


Alright- I now have the hood ornament question answered:

• 1 VALTEN 3 SPRUE 9947020219902

• x6 TEUTOGEN GUARD 4 HAMMER 9947020220008


@Boy Miller – Tamiya white primer is my undercoat of choice. I do find that some paints bead up on it which is a little irritating at times. It gives me a solid coat in about 2 light applications w/o any “fuzzy” primer issues.


@Maddog176 – The base red is just garden variety GW Blood Red. The white undercoat gives it the pop that seems to be difficult to achieve when you build up from black. I can usually get away with 2 light coats & I’m done (shading & highlighting aside) so actually it paints up rather quickly.


More soon. Cheers, -OMG

Not too much of an update but I did create some back banner images for my terminator sergeants:


Considering my bits order for the hood ornaments I believe the theme will carry along nicely.

Comments always welcome, especially now since I haven’t made up the decals yet.

Cheers, -OMG

First, i really love your bases. Lots of character, very fitting for your squad. They're gonna look ace when painted!


As for the banners, i think they might end up looking a little busy ( and will get even more so when shrunk down to the proper size. There are many things that struggle for attention, even the linen/textured background. On nr 1, try to separete the checkers, bloddrops and hammer from eachother so they don't overlap and see how that looks. And for nr 2 i'd loose the lightning, maybe make it smaller and place in the upper corners or something?



how did you make them, i would love to make my own banners.

They were made with photoshop so I could go step-by-step but that would begin to sound more like a photoshop tutorial but well written. If you’ve had any experience with photo editing software you can make your own images for decals. Send me a PM if you’d like some further directions along those lines.

As for the banners, i think they might end up looking a little busy ( and will get even more so when shrunk down to the proper size.

That’s actually intentional. It’s imitative of the Medieval equivalents. In short terms, each item referrers back to some event in history or significant achievement. The more stuff = the greater boast = a more busy and often times gaudy image. So it becomes a question of ascetics vs. intentional effect.

I think it will look ok. Here’s a past example done to the same scale:


Thanks for the comments. -OMG

Here’s the status with the first test model. I’m still waiting on a bits order so the hood ornament is still outstanding. I’ll take more pics once that’s been added.


I have some specific questions in mind but I’ll wait for general feedback before asking them.


He's looking greal OMG, the chipping/weathering in particular suit a titanhammer squad perfectly.


The only thing im not sure about is the hammer itself. Im not feeling the red on the hammer. It could be the fact that its there at all or that it stops suddenly - more of a blend into the metal might make it pop.




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