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true scale Imperial fists

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Just a quick update on the painting and the company champion. Painting is very WIP but the yellow basecoat is finished i will wash it with khaki (revell colour MATT 82, not sure what it is in GW paint) then highlight it with light yellow mixed with white 60/40 then gloss it over to make it shiny! Its quite simple but i think it looks good!


The standard bearer's helmet is white with the red top to denote his age, young veterans have the full red helmet, then over 100's get a white helmet with the red top and a bus pass...

As you can see with the champ, this is the pose that he will have! he's quite a bit shorter than the other 2 but i think its because of his pose!





C&C's always welcome!


Just a painting update today, been a couple of days, have been realy busy with my coursework but got bits and pieces done!

Thought of a bit of fluff for him, not much tho! meet, Franz Tialus, chapter ancient, bearer of the standard of the fifth, 230 years old, Legio recruit has done 3, 10 year stints with the B&C, the first when he was 46. He earned his terminator honours when he was 89 by saving the 5th's captain at the time and 2 of the honour guard from a hermegaunt. He then transferred to the first at 120 years old and spent 20 years in terminator armour, he was then sequestered to the B&C again, upon his return he requested his return to the 5th, upon where he was given the honour of carying the banner of the 5th, and has been in this position ever since!

anyhoo, here he is, standard still to come, not to long on it tho!




As you can see on this pic his markings denoting his service to the legio. Carrying this means he can be called up at any time of need for the legio.




should have a bit of progress on the champ in the next few days!


Nice! I'm unsure about the painting, but I think it may just be the picture. And I love the greenstuffing. As Loketh said, I love truescale projects. I really like the fist on the chest, and the many other little extra touches you have given the model to really bring him to life.


Well done! And I'm looking forward to seeing the banner and company champion. Also, I don't suppose you could post the Apothecary here so those of us that haven't seen it elsewhere can see it?

  • 2 weeks later...

Has been a while with updates, have been cerazy with exams and studying so have had my head in books! Needed a break from studying so i went back to the IF's! And i noticed something... I realised that there may be some slight height issues with my champion...


All the dimensions seem the same so i have no idea why he's so short, so am gonna change his legs and straighten him out. any suggestions from you guys as to what to do would be great!

SO! i got slightly bored with him and moved on to the sargeant, only done the torso so far, and have started his bionic arms, thanks to freakforge for the base of the bionic arms. Gonna give him a Bolt pistol and a chainsword as well for CQB. Gonna be one more guy after this then the comand squad is done! Finaly!

Anyhoo! here is the start of the sarg!




Well C&C's always appreciated!

Alrite everyone, just a quick update, all hands on deck for exams at the moment, so not done much on the IF's, but it turns out you guys were right about the champ, he just needed a boost! well, have gotten this far with the command squad, 1 model left... Any suggestions for how i should arm/model him would be great as im not sure what to do with him, so far all i have is a torso...

Well, here's what i have so far!


Like i said, any suggestions as to what i should do with the last one!


  • 4 weeks later...

Well ive finished my university stuff for this year so i got bored... and found myself staring at my pile of sprues... boredome is a cruel mistress, she made me hack up a plasma cannon and start on my next squad... even though i havent strictly finnished the command squad yet... well here's where ive gotten to! need to buy some guittar strings for ancilaries from the back of the gun but thats a long way off yet!





not much to say at this point realy but i think its easy to get the general gist of him! updates soon!


Update! Got a bit of work done last night and this morning! Not his propper head, have one lined up, (litteraly...). he has a bit of fluff so far, bionic arms because he lost he lost them in a previous conflict... Legs and up armouring to go!




C&C's always welcome!


Thanks Reyner, pulse! the head is off of the ravenwing(?) sprue but has the DA symbol filed off as i mite have use for it with later squads! Yea havent had much to do today appart from make this guy, wait for his gs to cure by watching tv then coming back to him! so more updates in a while hopefully!


Just a small update for today, subtle little things that i like to do early on in a conversion because i tend to forget about them! Extra armour on the shoulder pads, more detail to the piping and bionic arms and (though they can barely be seen) 4 rivets on the chest. am going to go with the old school reinforcement on the lege, but i have to position them first. May be done at some point today, not to sure...

Ooh and also, i couldn't help myself, i said previously that i had some exta heads lined up for this squad... hehehe...




C&C's mre than welcome!


Another update! Not many pictures, but what is there conveys what ive done! Legs to bulk up, feet to position, reinforcement, purity seals, then i think im done! have 3 more guys on the desk in the process of cutting and making bigger, but more on those as i get them done!




C&C's always welcome! Oh and thanks to Synapse for his WIP heavy weapons pic, was a big help!


  • 2 months later...

Well! after moving house with my beautifull girlfriend and inbetween jobhunting, and occasionally posting on our beloved forum, ive been quite busy with my fists, have finished the command squad, and begun a tactical squad and a librarian, not painted yet as i need to rethink my yellow due to previous posts, also have heavily converted a dread who isnt done but is coming along nicely!

Well, here are the images!


This is the wip libby, but i dont know how to position the arms to suit the pose, wanted to have the right arm with his power brewing in his hand and having a plasma pistol in the left hand, doesnt seem right though, thoughts?


This gent is the final member of the comand squad who i am quite pleased with as the pose is quite dynamic!


this is the heavy weapons gent from the new squad who im quite pleased with, as i put allot of conversion time into him and i think he has turned out well!


This guy will be a squad member, still WIP.


This is going to be a veteran sargeant based on Madscuzzy's BEAUTIFULL veteran sketch for his army which can be seen here:

Link to madscuzzy's artwork

thank you madscuzzy!


And this is my WIP pride and joy!

Well thats all for now, any C&C's will be very welcome as im stuck with the librarian!



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