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The DIY Swap marines

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After reading IA:Sons of Doom, I think I'm going to take a crack at one of the survivors of that first, terrible encounter with the 'nids. He's now a Veteran of the First Company, battle-scarred and tragic, but still mighty.


Sounds good Barret. I haven't managed to get any pictures of my guy yet but he's looking down at an auspex and has a bolter with a sight on it. I haven't actually made 'Nid veterans yet but it will be on the cards later on this year. :pinch:



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With regard to the kendo stances, are there any you had in mind? Because a google search isn't providing any promising results.


Let me dig some up or failing that, maybe some rough sketches.

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Aspiring Champion Gallager of the Jesters of Slaughter


As the Jesters revel in both the glory of Khorne and Slaanesh Gallager has found ways to venerate them both in battle. He wields a mighty axe stolen from the hands of a slain ork nob, and he has also attached to his backpack a massive speaker that can achieve skull-shattering decibels. Sometimes he will play tracks of ancient music he found on a derilict space hulk... some artists named Britney Spears and a group called the Spice Girls... but sometimes he will just broadcast his screams and threats, and curses upon his enemies... and worst of all... sometimes he sings along with the Spice Girls tracks... even Slaanesh pities the souls who much succumb to this torture.


I'm going to add a speaker cover over the top part, and put a brace on top of that. It was an imperial light for a vehicle, and I am using several of these to make modified warp amps for my own Slaaneshi vehicles.

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Looking good there Rindaris! I like the look of the Speaker, it fits with the oversized axe. You should make a few Spice Girls CD's to go on the base ^_^


It's good to see people getting into the project. Now we just need to see more mini's up here :)

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Hi guys

Hi Iacton please forgive me but i made a little fluff for this figure, obviously ignore it if it doesn't suit.

Here is my Soul eater of the Bright Eagles he has taken the scalp (right hand) and is eating the heart (left hand) of his enemy (body will be on a base) the soul eaters are a cast of the Bright Eagles who believe that they absorb the courage of their enemies if they eat their heart after beating them in hand to hand combat.





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Oooo, looks very dark!


Work is being started on the Black Talons model. Having looked at their history, I have decided to do something that involves an Imperial Fist and a powerfist ;)

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Here are some poses that might help although only one is kendo. However, we do like our naginatas.





However, I do like the pose on the left of your concepts sketch and think you couldn't go wrong with that.


Regarding the shoulder pad, I think the issue is that the banner is just a tad flat. I think the concept is just fine, but if you were so inclined, you might consider gs-fu. :)


Anyway, I am very jazzed about the direction you are going.



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Hi guys

Hi Iacton please forgive me but i made a little fluff for this figure, obviously ignore it if it doesn't suit.

Here is my Soul eater of the Bright Eagles he have taken the scalp (right hand) and is eating the heart (left hand) of his enemy (body will be on a base) the soul eaters are a sect of the Bright Eagles who believe that they absorb the courage of their enemies if they eat their heart after beating them in hand to hand combat.


1 question about the victim, human IG renegade or renegade beastman? the human would have more impact because of the cannibalism theme but the beastman follows the native American theme resembling a buffalo.

That's some great GS work. Nice job on the chaos head, never thought about just filing off the fangs and making it more 'battle cry' and less vampire / feral mutation feeling.


As a small piece of advice, I'd avoid the cannibalism thing as it was not a wide spread at all and many North American aboriginals are offended by the connection being made (same with the practice of 'scalping'). I like the model a bit too much though and wouldn't ask you to change it one bit, but you might want to tone the fluff down just a little :P

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I think he's excellently sculpted and with all of your experience with oranges :rolleyes: I'm really looking forward to seeing how he looks in paint. I'm targeting this weekend for getting my guy together. I've got a couple of different poses in my head floating around and I'm just waiting a little for the idea to coalesce.


Anyway, all the work done to date has been very inspiring.



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Wow. That guy is cool.
Seconded. Awsome model ImperialTemplari. With regard to the victim, I too would steer away from the canabalism, and besides, a beastman lying on the floor next to this guy would make it more evocative of the culture I think.


@Vaaish: I love the sketch, it has a certain power to it. I also like the striding pose, now we just gotta see if you can reproduce that in mini form :rolleyes:


I'm very pleased that everyone is getting along with their mini's nicely. It showcases what a great community we have here.


Keep up the good work everyone ;)

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Hi guys, don't want to put a downer on the thread but it seems there maybe some hint of cultural insensitivity in my figure, I apologies if anyone is offended, I forget sometimes that people from all over the world visit this site, please remember these are not Indians in space, they represent futuristic genetically converted killing machines, I am an Aussie and have never met a native American, I have every respect for themselves and their culture, I am of Scottish/Nordic decent and would have no problems with someone making a kilt/beard wearing, axe wielding berserker marine. If anyone feels offended I will happily remove the figure if so desired. I have finished the base and started a scout who will be on the same dio. should have more pictures tomorrow.
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Well, here's my work. Since then, I have got the Loyalist into another pose. The Powerfist of the Black Talons guy has been ditched in favour of a sword or axe, haven't decided yet.


Oh this is gonna be intresting, a duel from the siege of Staringrad, that good sir is an awesome idea!

looking forward to the progress.

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Hi guys, don't want to put a downer on the thread but it seems there maybe some hint of cultural insensitivity in my figure, I apologies if anyone is offended, I forget sometimes that people from all over the world visit this site, please remember these are not Indians in space, they represent futuristic genetically converted killing machines, I am an Aussie and have never met a native American, I have every respect for themselves and their culture, I am of Scottish/Nordic decent and would have no problems with someone making a kilt/beard wearing, axe wielding berserker marine. If anyone feels offended I will happily remove the figure if so desired. I have finished the base and started a scout who will be on the same dio. should have more pictures tomorrow.

I think you took us too seriously. We aren't suggesting anything of the sort, merely that canablism doesn't seem to suit the model. That's the way I see it anyway. As for the model, don't change it! It is a beautiful mini, and you shouldn't discard it because of some out of hand comment.


I say keep it, and as I created this project, my word is law! But really, keep it, it looks fine.

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@ImperialTemplari: I don't think you are being culturally insensitive, at least any more than the rest of us. What you have looks excellent and I can't wait to see it painted. BTW where is the cannibalism coming from? My first impression was that he had simply ripped cut out the heart of a defeated foe as an offering.


@CR, thanks for that, and yes trying hard to replicate teh sketch <_< Hopefully by tomorrow night I'll have him mostly ready for painting.

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Hi guys, don't want to put a downer on the thread but it seems there maybe some hint of cultural insensitivity in my figure, I apologies if anyone is offended, I forget sometimes that people from all over the world visit this site, please remember these are not Indians in space, they represent futuristic genetically converted killing machines, I am an Aussie and have never met a native American, I have every respect for themselves and their culture, I am of Scottish/Nordic decent and would have no problems with someone making a kilt/beard wearing, axe wielding berserker marine. If anyone feels offended I will happily remove the figure if so desired. I have finished the base and started a scout who will be on the same dio. should have more pictures tomorrow.


Hi IT!


The model looks fantastic, the premise is also brilliant, and as I said in the PM before, you are more than welcome to take the idea of the Bright Eagles and run with it.

Plus with the interest expressed by Nephren too and his planned Shaman/Librarian model, I'm chuffed to bits that a simple experiment with colour that I went with could actually create so much inspiration. I personally don't have it in me to do rank and file models over and over in the same schemes, so without this project there may only ever have been 1 Bright Eagle in the Chapter! At least I now know that he has at least 1 Brother in the South Eastern spiral arm and another in the West :P


However, dropping this scheme in IT's lap - especially with his prowess with orange, not to mention the GS-fu skills - means the concept now has it's first bit of narrative and is already on to another level!


I can't wait to see this guy coloured up!


Oh, I think I know how to offend a Scots/Nordic Australian quite easily.....


Paint him like Uncle Mel of course!!!





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Looking good everyone! Ferrus Mannus, the Steel Ghost sarge looks to be coming along nicely. ImperialTemplari, I've been picking out bitz for your guy, hopefully it will be a good look, I hope to have him glued or at least blue-tac'ed together this weekend.
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Hi guys, don't want to put a downer on the thread but it seems there maybe some hint of cultural insensitivity in my figure, I apologies if anyone is offended,
I didn't mean to be too harsh, just be aware that it might not be appreciated by everyone.

Fact of the matter is, when you have taken 'miniaturing' to this level you've really become an artist. Any good art elicits a reaction. That reaction could be positive or negative; it could be based on the image itself or what the image evokes within the viewer--the reaction to art is shaped as much by the viewers frame of reference as it is by the artists. That is what art is.

That's a lot of big sounding talk :P ... the summary, in my opinion, is to just keep going. It's shaping up to be an incredible piece and I personally can't wait for it to be completed.

EDIT: And rather than make another post, I've decided on pose and parts for the Crimson Guardians marine:


Just blue tacked at the moment, I have quite a bit of slice n' dice to get the lines right. I've drawn the pose lines for the front (that front leg is going to be standing on a rock or something); the marine will have only entirely static horizontals and verticals from all angles, but his cloak and loin cloth will feature oblique lines. So, if I do it all correctly (doubtful :tu: ), the combination of stasis and movement should make a very dynamic figure.

The parts are from the devastator sprue and the Khorne Berserker sprue. Knowing that I was going to focus on the cloth parts for a lot of the models character, I wanted to tie those cloth parts back to the marine part of the model and the Berzerker's gloved hands seem to be a good choice.

The big decision is wind direction and intensity. My current thinking is from the back pushing towards the viewer as if viewed from the picture angle, but I'm not sure yet.

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Hi guys

Here is the dio basically complete before painting, will just add a couple of details to the base and the shoulder pads to the soul eater.

Here's a little fluff, the first test a new initiate takes before becoming a marine is the "dream time" he is given a powerful toxic drug that induces a trace like state, in this state he dreams, if he survives and awakens he describes his dream to the libby, who refers to the ancient book of dreams, he will determine which sect the the initiate will enter. Here I have a Soul eater (assault marine) and a souring eagle (scout, scouts are experienced marines).

The scene is set on Ostermark IV, this planet has been lost to the Imperium for 500 years, in the mean time a line of kings has ruled the planet and the Imperium has become lost legend, when the empire tries to take the planet back into the fold, the brave people of Ostermark loving their kind and just king put up a stubborn fight against the imperial guard divisions sent to subjugate the planet, there are millions of casualties on both side, the warfare turns into a meat grinder of trench warfare and urban combat, eventually the Bright Eagles arrive to tip the balance.







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