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The DIY Swap marines

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Hi guys, really loving the Bright Eagles, I have laid down the basic paint job, I think I have reproduced the colours fairly well, will use a high light 1 or 2 shades lighter. will move onto the faces now, been thinking of some cool war paint schemes, don't be put off by all that black, there will be hardly any in the finished figures, should I change the colour of the scouts boots or leave blue/orange? let me know what you think.





Alas, since getting the first pics up in the thread, not much has happened. I have, however, replaced the bolt pistol with a chainsword, as the pistol was left barrel-less after an unfortunate conversion attept. But, I do have plenty of free time coming up next week, so expect a whole lotta progress.


Templari: Keep the boots coloured like that. My only suggestion would be to perhaps darken or dirty them up a bit.



There we go...Imperial Templari has gotten his mini(s) assembled, and partially painted. And guess what? I have only ordered the bitz I needed for my Tigers Resurgent Chapter Master...:sulks: Good job though IT! You put my painting to shame (and keep the boots the way they are).


@ Rindaris: Looking back through this thread I noticed that you had started work on the Jesters of Slaughter, and I am sorry I missed it. So far it looks good, and I can't wait to see it painted!



I'm getting a reputation! :lol:


Talking of which, I'm hoping to start on your AH Marine soon. What Red/Blue paints were you thinking? I wasn't sure if your blue was Enchanted, and I didn't know about the Red. Your suggestions would be worthwhile.

Talking of which, I'm hoping to start on your AH Marine soon. What Red/Blue paints were you thinking? I wasn't sure if your blue was Enchanted, and I didn't know about the Red. Your suggestions would be worthwhile.


The blue I've worked out, (on some very non-PA models :lol: ) starts with a Regal Blue base, and works up to Enchanted. The red is a bit more tempermental still, but I'm planning on going from Mechrite Red (how I love it :D ) up to Blood Red, as I'm shooting for a somewhat darker red, but still a bit orange.


Hope you can decipher my ramblings. :lol:

There we go...Imperial Templari has gotten his mini(s) assembled, and partially painted. And guess what? I have only ordered the bitz I needed for my Tigers Resurgent Chapter Master...:sulks: Good job though IT! You put my painting to shame (and keep the boots the way they are).


Having only started back with the hobby in the last couple of months (and with the BfM paintset at that) I had no bits at the start of this at all (crazy or what?)


I have since been eBay-mad and bought plenty of SM and CSM sprues of various ilk, hopefully I can do Grimdours' Crimson Phoenix proud when the bitz actually turn up!


@Brother Plasticard - Hope your bitz turn up soon too!




edit - spelling!

So alittle more work done.


I've reworked the hair and am in the process of trying out a different head (Depends how hard Mustaches are to do...)


Without Further Ado, a mug shot.

Nikolai Taslow of the Aesir Knights:



And Further Pictures:

Left Side

Right Side

The Base Im still fidding with.

@IT: I'll be the lone dissenter on the boots it looks like. Your blue and orange are marvelous, but the practical side of me (i.e. the side that thinks about things like logistics) is struggling with different color boots. That doesn't mean don't do them, but...<shrug>, just not me I guess. I'm really loving the warrior.


@BOBMAKENZIE: Nice hair! No not you, the model. :D


I'm still looking at mine. I should get a chance to prime him before too long, but the humidity is up now and I have to be careful about that.



hey BOBMAKENZIE , is he supposed to be inside a vehicle? nice idea, will look good when finished. Might steal this idea.


It will hopefully be abit more clear after the paint goes on but hes supposed to be flaming into the hold of a Fallen Rhino. (The Aesir Knights are a dark Angels Successor). I still have to do some Flame Coming out of the Heavy Flamer and maybe fiddle with the base a bit more. Im trying to figure out what exactly to do.


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