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{SCULPT-OFF}Mr. Nipples and Metal Fingered Villian

Mr. Nipples

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man lunchie is pricing low these days......



great work, the sculpting looks very coool :P


might you consider using milliput and a dremel to create weapon blades instead? i found it much easier than fiddling with cutting plasticard, and sturdier too



excellent work none the less!

a big thanks to all following this, its definitely awesome getting all the feedback. is there a way we can get a voting thing in here from the mods? that way everyone can just vote?


Anyways painting is going along on mine ill post more pix tomorrow.


haha that toothbrush is my right hand man.


Wokkers-Fly me out there and ill teach you whatever youd like to know, im down and im sure MFV would be too.

Yup, definetely down. @starks, thats something new to try, I think I'd need a new dremel though. I can't adjust the rpm on mine, super old and super busted. I got some primer on mine a little bit ago, expect PIP pics tomorrow with mr. nipples. I'm sure there is some sort of pole function we could implement on a new thread in the Hall of Honor when they are finished.
Both look great guys. Good job.


@Mr.Nipples: We have the same toothbrush, if it is indeed your's.




Lo and behold! Its Mr Nipples, the renown international toothbrush thief! Beware all ye owners of toothbrushes! ^_^

Amazing work you two. I think the deciding factor here will be paint though... :lol:


As for the khornate daemon I've always wished to see one dismembering something with its bare hands in a most gory way. ;)



just thought both MFV and MR N are amazing scultpers you may like this.




im aware you are stateside, but please move over and take the job!



Sculpt wise without paint I like Mr. N's more, it's cleaner and I think of Tzeentch, with MFV while really amazing work, It doesn't make me think of Tzeentch right away and is really busy (while detail is nice, I think it's a little overkill). :o


Painting they're both well on their way to being Tzeentch, without thinking they both remind me of Tzeentch.


Can't wait to seen them both done.


Also Mr. N's base is Tzeentch all the way and it sells me right there. :)

Id love to live their, thats actually like where I want to live and work. Get outta here before we bomb the entire world.


Id defnitley drive the Focus RS or the Focus ST since we dont get those glorious cars over here, then eventually a Koenigsegg CCX.










all the progress from before has been done with a paintbrush not an airbrush, just to make it clear. cuz i know people dont really like airbrush use around here.

Id defnitley drive the Focus RS or the Focus ST since we dont get those glorious cars over here, then eventually a Koenigsegg CCX.

Oh yesh, get the super-duper supercar :P make us all jealous why don't you :P


As for the scuplt... wow ;) Love it. It's awesome. My only slight concern is where the hand blends into the stone pillar thingy. The colours are a little... sharp. But overall a wicked job so far :D

Yes Koenigseggs are swedish and we can get them here but its a pain in the ass.


I need about 650k though


Yeah its stereotypical colors for me, as for mfv i think hes doin simliar to horror style of colors.

BL Concepts and early stages of the sculpt. This will be my greatest model thus far i am pushin myself.








I know the hooves are really tiny they need bulking up, but I have been so busy with school starting back up and another secret project that all you B@C people will love i havent had much time. so heres what I have. the head will be a surpise to you guys dont wanna reveal to much.


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