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{SCULPT-OFF}Mr. Nipples and Metal Fingered Villian

Mr. Nipples

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I've come up with a few more ideas.




How about something akin to a cross between a Bone Giant from the Tomb Kings army list and a Deamon Prince. I'm envisioning a great weapon wielding, tower of terror here. Bones, ripped/shredded wings [ batlike ], power armor/deamonic armor, skulls, chains, totemic trophy rack, the works. He could be chaos undivided, with minor ad ons he could be tailored to a specific chaos god.


Non Deamonic


Legion of the Damned Terminators / Captains in Terminator Armor




I dunno what it is but the creepy, undead guys are on my mind alot of late.

Well, I've always thought this would be interesting...


We all know the story of the Fallen. Some are on the run, still loyal to the Imperium but fleeing from the wrath of the Dark Angels. Others have gone renegade, fighting for themselves, or whoever can afford their services. And others have gone and embraced Chaos, seeking the quick and deadly route to power.


The last one is what I would like to see. What if one of the Fallen had gone beyond what any of the Dark Angels would have ever imagined? I propose a Fallen daemon prince :tu:




How about "A Day off in the 40k Universe"

A diarama in the style of a house party. Hey its the first day off since....well....ever. Have a marine sitting on the couch with a leg up on the coffee table arm stretched out with remote in hand. Maybe a couple demonettes on the prowl. A tyranid playing a pinball machine with his claws stuck in it. And another getting zapped by one of those electric bug zappers. A marine throwing up into his helmet. And another with the classic lamp shade on head staggering around. Various others playing cards and of course the chaplain is cheating. And then who should show up.... Abbaddon..with a 6 pack! And next to him...an obliterator that forms his own keg....Party Time!! It shall rule!


Its spose to say Demon Prince


My idea of the neetch DP. The back will have feathers on it, as he is constantly shifting his skin will be faces and other little details. With a huge reliance on magic I have him using stones to stand on that are levitating. Some smaller details will be evident such as the magic runes and necklaces and robes on his other arm. I looked a lot at different neetch models and (also I hate the full word its damn near impossible to remember how to spell hahhttp://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.php?showtopic=142896&st=100&gopid=1658626a) kind of molded them into one.

a wanderer with the remains of space marine armor (you cant tell what chapter but somet thing like dark and menacing) wearing a large cloak/robe that shrouds most of everything he wears. + he should be slightly chaosy-fied like glowing runes in the shadows of his cloak and such.

Nice concept there Mr Nipples, it's nice to see somethign different from the normal tzeentchian bird theme.


How're you going to model the levitating rocks? thin wire connecting them? Flying stands perhaps? Maybe you could get some modelling chain.. or some of the plastic chain from the chaos kits and using them to connect them, like all the rocks are chained and bound together lest the warp energies fling the rocks in all direction (deadly. but embarrassing.)

Well its gonna have to support the weight of the rocks and the fully completed model so its gonna have to be a heavier gauge wire run through them all, Ill try and make it hidden and magical looking.


Just so everyone knows I have all the ideas so far in a word document so your ideas are recorded and these are our only starting models so dont get discouraged if you dont see your idea done yet as it may come around later. :no:


Thanks so far for all the ideas its awesome to see what everyone thinks, keep more coming!


(also I hate the full word its damn near impossible to remember how to spell








You ruined the fun of making a joke of the name. ^_^

Alright, seeing as nipples posted some concept artwork, I thought I should post something up in light of no matter how crappy it is... So alas, I drew up this 10 minute speed paint just to get my point across as to where I'm taking this...


Wow...Metal Fingered Villain’s concept looks like a giant horror...wow...much more terrifying than Mr. Nipples' piece IMHO. But, I prefer he pose of Mr. Nipples' idea...looks more pensive; like that statue of the thinking man....now I feel stupid :wink: . Either way I'll be following this closely.

Honestly, that looks more like a Chaos Spawn than a Daemon prince to me. I don't like it. At least not as a DP. The drawing itself is amazing, and I'd love to see it sculpted, but for what it's supposed to be I'm not feeling it. Sorry :D




I want... a proper thousand sons deamon prince.


He should have a balanced mix of sorceror/power armor/deamon bits and look utterly disinterested in the "rabble" opposing him, the quiet, scary, kind of confidence you know?


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