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Silver Skulls Army


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Yesterday I had some time so I made the most of it.


Assembled 2 rhinos and did some conversions on them. Still not 100% complete, but getting there. I am experimenting with a way to make Silver Skull logos other than modifying the big skulls from my Cities of death sets. More on that as I make better progress.


Also did a few of the "gears of war" type of combat blades. The first couple we iffy, but the last 2 were spot on. I guess it just takes a little preactice to get it just right where I want it. I am pleased with the results overall.


Terminators are converted and primed, they should be seeing some paint this weekend.


I also put some paint on my Chaplin. He is still WIP, but I am liking the way he is progressing. Still need to finish up the bone and highlight the black a little more. There is some free hand to be done as well and to highlight the crozius handle. I estimate he is about halfway done. Also I need to work up his back pack with appropriate icons/trophies as befits his station.


As always C&C welcome.


Gears of war type of combat blade



Terminators with trophies







Chaplin WIP


Looking very good GAR :P


Love some of the city building skull additions to the LRC, I'll defenitely be borrowing that idea for my command land raider ;)


I'll have to get back to my lads now the hand has been given the thumbs up (pun intended) to use it a bit again.


Love the face paint tribal take on head hunting, keep up the good work.

  • 3 weeks later...



SO its the holidays here and I took some vacation time to work on projects, both at the painting table and the home. So naturally my daughter gets sick and shares it with the rest of so we have been trying to get over Papa Nurgle's visit.


So after a week of not doing much of anything, I finally got to feeling better and finished off my Assault terminators.


Overall I am pretty pleased with them. The silver helmets is not as pronounced as the PA marines, but I painted the trophy skulls in silver instead of bone to help "brighten" them up a bit. It is not as bright as I would like, but it is much better than before.


I decided to add in some old school and painted on campaign badges on the left shin greave. Campaign badges are not something we really see much anymore and I was feeling nostalgic last night watching the football game. It is relatively simple, a white rectangle with a chain and red trim. While not a decorative as something more elaborate or involved with burning planets or swords cutting heretics heads off, I think it is still a nice added touch. Not too busy or distracting and fits in well with the overall appearance of the units. Not sure what campaign yet, I am thinking it would make sense from the 10 year bloackade the Silver Skulls did for some planetary system, but the name escapes me at the moment.


When I get around to my tactical termies I may modify the helmets more like Grey Knights so there is more flat space to work with and push the silver color better.


Anyhoo, here they are for your review and critique.













  • 3 weeks later...

They blockaded the deadworlds of the Lazar system for three years. We do not give an explanation for why we did that though Brother ;)


Looking very good. Also Tactical squads and terminator squads are recommended units for Silver Skulls by GW (along with librarians), so it is all good :)

  • 3 months later...



Wow, been a while. Life has been busy so I have not made huge progress but little by little I have something to report.


Mostly armor converted to fit in theme with my Silver Skulls.


I have modified a couple of Whirlwinds with the Cities of death bits, need to do the same to 3 rhinos and my command razorback and predator. I have also tweaked a couple more dreads. They are not done yet, but a getting there.


Overall I am pleased with how they conversion is going. it takes a lot of work cut cut out the bits, but I think the result is well worth it. I think skulls and chains are rather fitting for these guys and lots of trophy skulls really help push the head hunter theme.


Anyhoo, here are the assembled vehicles and dreads, hopefully this weekend I can get them finished up and get some paint on them.








C & C always welcome.

  • 4 weeks later...



A little progress has been made since my last post. More paint put on Silver Skull Tactical squad 3. I figure one more paint session and they will be complete. Tactical Squad 4 is assembled and primed.


I also ordered some of the Silver Skull shoulder pads to see what they look like. I must say I am very impressed with them. They actually have a full skull with all the contours of a regular skull instead of a flat sillhouette as is standard on most others. I will defintely have to get more.


Additionally, I tried out the 'Army Painter" brand of colored primer. Initially I am pleased with this, given I used a metallic for use on my armor. it goes on very smooth, which is huge given how typically humid Houston is very 'round. Anyhoo, I like the results and it has saved me a couple hours from hand painting metallic pig iron onto all my armor and vehicles.


On to the pictures.


Tactical Squad 3



Dreads 2 and 3.



Command Squad Razorback




And my new Thunderfire Cannon, works wonders against IG. Cover save, you don't get no stink'n cover save! :lol:



Next on the block is a Devastator squad and an Assault squad. WOOT!


C&C always welcome.

I hate you.... not really :rolleyes:


When I first started 40k I had a copy of the Rogue Trader hardbound book (how I wish I still had it). All my friends were already playing the chapters with Codex so I had to pick a standard chapter. I picked Silver Skulls cause they seemed quite unlike all the others. Eventually I moved on to creating my own DiY chapter and Deathwatch crusade. But whenever I see some well-done Silver Skulls, such as yours, it makes me wish I had stuck to my original choice :)

  • 2 weeks later...



Last night I had the opportuity to work on my Thunderfire cannon. While I was not able to complete it, I did make a great of progress on the metallics. Obviously the lense and screens need to be finished up, so this is still very WIP.


Tonight I should be able to work on the covers and the techmarine.


My recipe was simple, heavy wash with badaab black, drybrush with P# Pig Iron, wash with badaab black & thraka green, drybrush again, then a light wash with Griffon sepia and Devlan mud.


Tracks were dappled with Scorched brown, then Dark flesh, washed with Devlan mud and drybrush very lightly with P# pig Iron. Then another light wash of Griffon Sepia.


The Silver parts with based with Mithril silver, washed with Asurmen Blue, and the finished out with thinned Mithril Silver.


On the tracks I want to add some mud with bits of grass mixed in, but that may not happen til Sunday.


C&C always Welcome.









  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...



SO with a little time and a little effort I have begun work on an assault squad and a squad of stern guard. The assault squad has nothing really to show other than mettallic bodies, no arms or heads.


However a little more news worthy progress has been made with then sternguard. Follwoing along the same theme as the rest of my army, they are done with pig iron as a base and mithril silver for the helmet. They are still a work in progress, but I am hopeful I can finish up this unit of 5 by the weekend and then do a little work on the assault squad and finish off the 3rd squad of tacticals.


I am pleased with the way all of these guys are turning out. The scheme is simple, just simple metallics with a bright shiny helmet as the only thing to make it stand out at all. But I do think it has a certain something that makes me want to keep on with them and finish them up.


I am hopeful when the full battle company is done, it will all be visually stunning and worth all the effort.


C&C always welcome.









I rarely get to check out what is going on in the PC&A forum as most of my time on the B&C is done at work where Photobucket and other sites are blocked. *sigh*


Anyway - that is a great looking army. It's funny, I was thinking of doing almost the exact same thing - building a Silver Skulls army using the AoBR kits as its foundation! I even made the same conversion with the plasma gun - to the same model, too! (scary)


Hmmmm.....since you beat me to it, I'll have to think of something else..............



Keep up the good work. ^_^

  • 2 weeks later...



I have continued to make slow progress with this army. Assault squad is coming along, at about 75% completion.


I have also added another tactical terminator squad to the army. Ihave not had much time to paint, but conversion work is easier to do. Anyhoo, I am keeping with the theme of them taking trophies and wearing the skulls of their enemies ( ie headhunters) so I have been raiding bitz boxes for more skulls and severed heads. I am quickly running out and so I will be bugging friends for their leftovers.


That being said, here are the terminator conversions. I should be able to prime them tomorrow evening and hopefully get some paint on before the weekend.


I am very pleased with how the conversions look. They almost look like chaos marines, with all the skulls, but not quite, the loyalist side of them remains, although in a more savage feral type of loyalist.


C&C always welcome.








  • 6 months later...



It's been a while since my last post but I am steady making progress on this army. Since my last post I have finished an Assault Squad and completed the Thunderfire cannon.


I am really liking the assault squad. I think it looks pretty dynamic and they have the GW Silver Skull Shoulder pads and assault shoulder pads. Soon I should have my 3rd Tactical Squad done, and then my squad of tactical Terminaters. I have another 25 marines base coated, including 9 lascannon marines to help deal with those pesky Armored/mech IG armies. So as of now, I am almost halfway done with building my full battle company. I am really feeling the energy to get this whole project finished and then be able to field a full company in my APOC games! WOOT!


Again, this is not a golden demon army, or even what I would consider a candiate for best army at any tourney, but I think it is a solid clean paint scheme and it looks good on the table.


Anyhoo, C&C welcome. I hope ya'll like what I have done here.


Assault Marines















Thunderfire Cannon










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