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Legion of the Damned Baneblade

Ein Windir

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Well, I ran into a little problem. As you can see in the pictures I made a skeleton on a cross, but i'm not sure if I should srcap the idea or not. What do you guys/girls think?








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i like it but maybe remove the top spar of the cross + replace it with some spikes or a trophy rack or something to break up the crucifix shape

it would get away from the christian connotations and still retain the idea.

just a thought...


Jesus wasn't the only one to ever be crucified, crucifixion was an extreme form of torture used by the Romans (as well as other countries) to crush the hopes of rebellion or dissension. So it is appropriate for the LotD to either symbolize their pain or to shatter their enemies moral.



I love the baneblade and I think the crucifix is a nice touch. can't wait to see it finished!

crucifixion was by an X shaped not the cross we know today. It was physcially impossible to crucify on the traditional cross.


but i would suggest doing what lonewololf says, cut the top off and put a trophy rack or banner. Plus, that would just look a heck of alot darker and morbid B)

It was physcially impossible to crucify on the traditional cross.


That my good sir, is baloney. The crucifix as we know it is so designed because it causes blood to drain into the legs and causes a heart attack. Because your arms are splayed you cannot breath properly without a great, great effort and due to the feet being pointed towards the ground this causes the blood to drain into the legs and puts a massive strain on the heart. Thus you can only live for two or three minutes on the cross before you die; which is why Christ is said to have survived three days on the cross.


The tank looks amazing, athough I don't believe that Legion of the Damned would possess one, they aren't that well equiped. Personally I like the crucified skeleton, it looks really good.

Jesus wasn't the only one to ever be crucified, crucifixion was an extreme form of torture used by the Romans (as well as other countries) to crush the hopes of rebellion or dissension. So it is appropriate for the LotD to either symbolize their pain or to shatter their enemies moral.


i wasnt saying he was :P, my point is the traditional crucifix is instantly recognisable and automatically associated (for good or bad) with the Christian Religion.

i just think it would work better by adding (as suggested) a trophy rack/tomb king bits/banner/skulls/spikes/general nastyness.

I dunno, I think an 'X" instead of the more traditionally view cross would be better.


If you wanted my opinion, I skeleton standing in a "pit of flames" would be "DA Bomb". Maybe a brazier or big pot/pan with some GS flames and him dancing/standing/hanging in the flames would be awesome.


my $.02 :P

I think you should keep the crucifix, of you could even tweak it a little to be like this:




That is an awesome poster!


The reason I'm giving them a baneblade is for fear factor. So the cross is staying and tonite it will be put on the baneblade. I'm going to make a little base for the cross and I was also thinking of getting some model chains the wrap the feet and arms for a finish touch.


Thank you for all the support!

Sorry, but just a historical comment.


""crucifixion was by an X shaped not the cross we know today. It was physcially impossible to crucify on the traditional cross""


Actually no, it was more likely a simple stake, the arms above the head, the legs below, the nailing is debateable as well, it is more likely they were tied, and nailed on afterwards as they became too weak.


As for the design, I like it, but (and I am not religious) if you 'think' something may offend someone, it probably will, even if they don't voice it. To avoid hurting people to whom this matters, and add the trophies/remove the top peg I think.

Its a nice idea, but you are leaving yourself open to massive ribbing and pointless debate.


I personally have found it prudent to avoid all well known religious icons, and if you can help it ALL religious icons and symbols.

If you was to take the top part of the cross off leaving a T shape then this would leave your lovely addon without the religious connotations.


That aside, its looking pretty good so far, now get some more paint on that bad boy.

  • 1 month later...
there is a piece of art in the 3rd edition rule book that has a crucifixion in it, it is in front of a fortress if that gives anymore help as to what piece of art i am reffering to, I unfortunately need to search round for that rule book at some stage so I can't give you a page reference. anyway it has no top bit but it did have supporting brackets for each arm of the crucifix. that couldd work in that it is playing off of pre-existing 40k art and you can argue that point if someone gets upset over it.

There's nothing working with the cross (if you try to please everyone, you only end up pleasing no one, including yourself).


But personally I'm not sure about the positioning, I'd have maybe tended to have placed it more horizontally across the front of the tank (al la Mad Max 2).

People, aren't we forgetting the most important aspect of this thread? It's not about finding out "which crucifixion method is better/worse", it's about his LotD Baneblade, so forget Jebus, and move on.


NOW, the tank looks good imo, a few more pics of it, and maybe a few additions like more skulls and bones adorning the armor and gs flames coming out of a few cracks? That'd be freaking sweet! The focal pont would most likely be the cross up top, so maybe lowering the Tombkings banners by about half? either way, i want to see this thing done!

if you totally go off of the cross idea .. could have him crucified on an aquila... , could look quite visually interesting , would have the same kind of effect but also have this kind of 'angel of death' element going on , and the whole, god Emperor with his pretty two headed birdies thing seems to be the established religious iconography standard in the 41st millenium :P

I love the cross, but maybe make it removable in case anyone got offended by it (can't see why, freakin sweet piece you got there)



It was physcially impossible to crucify on the traditional cross.


That my good sir, is baloney. The crucifix as we know it is so designed because it causes blood to drain into the legs and causes a heart attack. Because your arms are splayed you cannot breath properly without a great, great effort and due to the feet being pointed towards the ground this causes the blood to drain into the legs and puts a massive strain on the heart. Thus you can only live for two or three minutes on the cross before you die; which is why Christ is said to have survived three days on the cross.


The tank looks amazing, athough I don't believe that Legion of the Damned would possess one, they aren't that well equiped. Personally I like the crucified skeleton, it looks really good.


Really? two or three minutes?

Am i missing somehting or would by that logic, standing for two/three minutes with your arms out would kill you?


But i'll shut up, miniman said it best

People, aren't we forgetting the most important aspect of this thread? It's not about finding out "which crucifixion method is better/worse", it's about his LotD Baneblade, so forget Jebus, and move on.


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