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"Count As" Chaos Legions


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yep . few words but so true. I have seen a few really cool armies ad mech , chaos even an ork bad moon army [with csm rules . converted to a GD lvl . breath taking . guys also had scratch build titans and loads of looted tanks from all armies ] . Those armies were cool even with counts as . But 99% of the time I seen counts as its "so I wanted to play IW in the 5th and decided , that double lash yadda yadda yadda ..".
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You don't really seem to understand the concept of Counts As.


I don't think anyone here fails to understand the concept of "counts as". It's just that many people see it for what it is, often a lame attempt to call an unfluffy army fluffy.


I quite agree on most points Chillin; as Chaos players, we are currently forced to make utterly ridiculous leaps of, for want of a better, "imagination" in order to field a half way interesting army under the current codex. Personally, I'm of the opinion that the "count as" situation should be used as a means of customising and enhancing existing forces, making something truly special of them, and not as a means of justifying lazy rules design.


Unfortunately, we are currently stuck with the new codex until the purported Legion codicies come about (personally, I'm not yet convinced that they are going to come about at all, but we'll no doubt see) which is why i created this thread with suggestions for those who wish to continue using the current codex to field their existing Traitor legion armies. You'll notice that I have also been working quite consistently on a home grown codex, which exists in various stages of development throughout the board, and which is currently an on-going project.

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I totally agree, they (GW) has put chaos players who want to field fluffy legion armies in a bad spot.

I have even eased up some of my fluff nazism. I can take "count as" PM in IW's armies as xtra hvy armor csm's and mabbe even "count as" brzrkrs as crazed CC zelots in WB's. But lash in undivided armies "counting as" whatever.. no way, and slanny in WE armies and vice versa, there's no BS shovel big enough.

Does that make me a hypocryte b/c my opinion is where the counts as line should be drawn ? Maybe.... or is it that other people with differing opinions just can't accept the fact that mine is right :rolleyes:

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I don't think plague marines are appropriate since obliterators already fulfill that role in an IW army but Iron warriors do use berzerkers to storm breaches. you see: you don;t have to bend fluff to meet your needs if you look you'll often find that there are ways to build a good army without calling a unit something that it isn't (sorry if this post sounds insulting or sarcastic. It's not meant to be)


As far as undivided it depends. You shouldn't have a slaanesh sorceror leading berzerkers or a khorn lord in a unit of snoise marines. However i can see a khorne lord leading an army consisting of undivide khorne and nurgle. maybe a single unit of rubric marines can be included since sometimes the chaos factions unite. If your lord is undivided I can also see just about any mix of troops imaginable.


Except, that is, for legions. Word Bearers and Black legion would follow the same guidelines as stated above but Iron warriors, nigh lords and Alpha legion would be different. In these armies it's better to just have other units fulfill the role you would usually use cult troops for. Alpha legions would rely heavily on chosen and maybe lesser daemons to represent cultists(this is one use of counts as I approve since the deamons don't have one set model to use anyway and can really be used to represent anything). Iron Warriors probably wouldn't use any cult troops other than berserker's and even then only in relatively small numbers they'd also have a nice amount of armor, obliterators and dreads. And night lords would use alot of raptors and chosen and maybe some troops with the icon of khorne since some of the night lords have fallen to chaos worship.

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