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My Doublewing (DW squad finished)


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The trick is that it will need to be broken into parts as there is a limit of 8 Pictures per article.


I think it just needs a little run through a Word Processor to grab any spelling and grammar mistakes. Don't worry too much about the BB Coding, I'll catch it when it is submitted.


Just add a short author's info at the end.


Link to the Tutorial


Send me a PM if you need any help. I can do a Quote and Paste, but I fear that would be robbing you of authoring a good article.

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step 15 (the base)

metal parts: Boltgun Metal

golden parts: Shining Gold

yellow parts: Tausept ocre



step 16

metal parts: Black ink, Mithril Silver, gryphone sepia

golden parts: Flesh Wash, Mithril Silver, gryphone

yellow parts: Sunburst Yellow, Bleached Bone, gryphone sepia, mithril silver


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ok the dread is ready, last point is the banner (made out of green stuff)








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Fairly new to B&C, found it when I got back into the Hobby this past Christmas and started cleaning a couple years of Dust of my DA..

I was never happy with how they were and so I've restarted my army and began to retackle painting again.


Your examples and your tutorial here has been very inspiring. I admit I amd doing pre-Deathwing Black for my Termies, and Dreads.. but watching how your DW has come together and how impressive it looks, has really helped me find ways to stay dedicated to tweaking that much better appearance out of my own minis.


So from some ole Appalachian dude rediscovering his own love of the habby and game, Thanks A Bunch for taking the time and effort to post what you have in this thread and others. I greatly appreciate the attention given and can honestly say it has added greatly to my own enjoyment of todays 40k.

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ok the dread is ready

Hope you like it.


edit: i have put the latest pictures on my second photobucket account so that you can see them.









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ok i have loaded up the pictures in my second photobucket account and posted them in the tuturial subforum.

Please look there.

And i`ve started my BR dread. On the one arm there is the close combat weapon and the multimelter. On the other arm i`m going to build some sort of a big shield. It should provide cover for the terminators in the Space Hulk. What do you think about this idea?





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Linky to VanSan's tutorial.


I've also added it to the Unforgiven Painting Guides


Looking good VanSan. What's next in the pipeline after the Dreads? Hmm... looks like you're a few Land Raiders short <_<?




Isiah.... Landraiders in a space hulk.... tsss

(Still at this level of painting I'd love to see LR's painted and more specific the great conversion work). Looking forward to the shield dread aswell, but... a Multimelta on the dread?

You're great at building your units, but I personally feel a plasmacannon would look better. (Feel free to ignore it work any reason you like off course, I just don't MM's on dreads.


And SH is supposed to be about cramped corridors, bulkheads and blips :wallbash:


And lots and lots of paranoia (Think Space marines in Aliens), it really captured that feel with the blip system.

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But a MM is very useful in a Space Hulk :)

ok here new wip shots:




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Excellent conversions and great painting!


Love the shield on the last dread.

Only thing that does not feel just right is that the MM appears to be to extend too far from the CCW. It feels like it could never reach anything with the CCW because the muzzle on the MM gets in the way.

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@Brother Are

Thats correct and similar to the "banners in a Space Hulk" problem. In the end for me the overall impression is more important than the realism.

And let`s put it this way, who needs a close combat weapon when he can have a multimelter ;)

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Excellent models and guide... very impressed!


About the Multi-Melta and Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon problem... I'm going to stick my neck out and guess that the sheer weight, size and power of a Dreadnought slapping someone with a Multi-Melta is bound to sting a little, so I'd say that the Multi-Melta itself could constitute the DCCW!

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