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Raz's Word Bearers - Hell Follows With Them


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Thanks a bunch, guys. ^_^ To those of you in the Call, good luck! And get off the internet and paint, time's a-wasting! *totally not at all hypocritical*

Captain Mike: Sort of - their heads are exploding from warp exposure and psychic amazingness. "I can kill you with my brain." :3

earthen: Thanks. Guess I should mention that I have horrendously evil plans for the drums from the LotR Mordor Troll (I had no idea the kit was plastic until a few days ago - guess that's what I get for skipping the LotR section in White Dwarf :P )

Chapter Master Dave + sonofwaranddeath: Muhahaha, join usssss. :) Good to see new converts. Welcome to the Supercoven, enjoy your stay. And Disciple's cookies. :D

I'll try to get started on the next batch of cookies cultists ASAP, so long as I can find a good time to prime them - it's 90 degrees and humid here. Every day. Fething summer. *dismembers some really old, dried-out Peeps (ew) so as to beseech the weather gods for more favorable conditions* Meanwhile, here's a little something I've been working on:


The captain of the cohort I'm building. Model was a gift from a friend back around Christmas - he told me to Chaosify it and it only took me half a bloody year. :lol: Also, figure I should mention the ChaoSicarius conversion I posted a while back - I'm actually not sure I like how it turned out, so I might strip it and do a bit more sculpting work on it. Or I'll just be lazy and paint him as is. Whenever I get around to painting him, I'll use him as a Sorcerer - I nabbed a Fantasy Chaos Sorcerer at a Bitz Bazaar recently that I'll be using as his Familiar (always loved that model).

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Psyker finished. :P Decided there wasn't enough on his base and went for a sort of warp rift thinger behind him. The daemonic hand reaching out is chopped off of an arm bit from the Chaos Spawn sprue.


Too quote Mel Gibson on South Park: Ahh, my nipples! They hurt when I twist them!

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  • 3 weeks later...
And sculpting work on Raz comes to a close...


But the journey is far from over. ;) I think I might still hook some skulls and books and stuff onto his crozius with chains from the Flagellant sprue, and obviously he's still headless and the base is far from finished.

Been slowly working on my First Acolyte, Leroy Jenkins Naberus, mainly his face (haven't really done anything to his armor yet, just Scorched Brown-Scab Red-Red Gore right now, plus a bit of sloppy Boltgun, no washes at all). Made him look all nasty and beat up, because, well, that's generally what seems to happen to him. :lol: Makes me want to do a Nurgle army... Anyway, I'm basically ignoring the whole paleness issue, but I'm rather liking how it's going to look with all the dark armor - I'd just rather not have their faces stand out too much.



Obviously VERY WIP. His face looks a little bit glossy, I think the wash was still drying... I'm probably going to go back over some of the messier places with Elf or Dwarf Flesh and see if I can't fix it up a bit, 'cause I definitely went a bit overboard with the washes again... :D


I love the face, looks like Freddy Kruegar without the Fedora lol. Awesome!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Reports of my demise have been greatly exaggerated. I apologize for my month-and-a-half-long absence - between driver's ed and several other of those pesky RL things (and maaaaybe there were several weeks where I was playing Morrowind every second I could get. Maybe), Warham-time has been somewhat limited, so I don't have much new stuff that's finished, although I do have a whole crapton of stuff that's NOT finished. So, the second cultist mob has been completed:

Cultist mob II


And I believe I said something about an army shot in the grim darkness of about two months ago:


So, on to WIPpage. Next CSM squad's already in the works, pics shall be posted when they're all together. A small preview (as a wise man once said, "BOOM!!! HEADSHOT!!!"):


He's actually been done for a couple months now - entered him in a local "Convert an Imperial Guard Hero" competition. For Chaos and Xenos players there was an option for a "hero" to qualify as someone dying for the glory of the Imperial way... so I figured, why not. Anyway, it won the competition. :P

So, what with Lucky 13s going on, I seem to have worked up the beginnings of a motor pool...


Both of those require impurity seals and I may or may not paint them any time soon. In the LGS I've been the only guy running all-infantry for a long time going, so using tanks seems... subtly wrong... :P Oh well, the predator was 10 bucks from a guy at the store and I happened to have the cash for a Land Raider, so I figured what the frak. Also,


Threw the Shadowsword together in about three hours the weekend after I finished my Call. The Volcano Cannon's not glued in, actually - I chopped out the peg in there and left it so I could interchange it with the Vulcan Mega-Bolter, but I'm considering just gluing it down and replacing the lascannons with targeters, since I don't really have much anti-tank while a lot of the local guys have Titans and tank companies. D Weapon gooood. Might have to nab another one just so I can have the Mega-Bolter variant though. Besides, a Stormlord's technically supposed to have that transport section (which I think looks stupid, but the Mega-Bolter also looks cooler sitting forward on the tank). Anyway, I would've posted her earlier, but I kept thinking, "Well, the cultists'll be done soon, may as well post them together." A month later I finally post it. She awaits spikes.

As for the Baneblade, I've had her sitting around for a looooong time, gathering dust. Built it probably a year ago at about 3 AM, made a lot of mistakes building it and sort of tossed it aside. I learned from the experience though - the Shadowsword is probably a better-constructed tank because of how crap the Baneblade was. Now I feel a bit better about it and I think it's ready for paint.

Now, justifying having these tanks in my army: the Baneblade could be a Legion Fellblade from before the Heresy. The Shadowsword is trickier, but I figure if Ghalmek is a Forge World populated by Dark Mechanicus adepts who may have been around since the HH, who's to say they don't have the technology to make one?

A couple other goodies to show off (it was my birthday ^_^ ), Sheila has some friends. Flyers: they're addictive, kids. Need to get these both built for the Lucky 13s megagame this weekend:


The parts on the left are for a Hell Talon (named Lola), the parts on the right are for my second Hell Blade (named Sharon, so I can yell "SHAROOOOON" all Ozzy-like when she gets shot down). I was expecting the Talon to be maybe a bit wider than a Hell Blade, if that. Instead I open up the box to find that it's... well, you can see for yourself. Looks like it's gonna be even bigger than a Baneblade - it's about 14 3/4 inches of wing front-to-back. Yes, that is a Terminator standing next to it.

Oh, I also acquired the FW Priest of Nurgle with the hood and censers. Might be converting it slightly - it looks pretty Word Bearerly already IMO. Not sure what I'll use him for.

So it's good to be back. Though I know I'm a month or two behind on these - TAS, cool, wish I had the whole set just for the sake of defiling them all. :devil: Have fun. Cheeseychaoslord, always nice to see a new convert. Marshal2 Crusaders, MrGotDice and davethebear, thanks for the comments. :)

So next up on the painting block is probably that Chaosified Master of the Chapter. I'll try to get him done soon, I swear!

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Thanks TAS. :D Built the Talon and the second Hell Blade.


The windshield bit is not yet attached, and it seems to be warped beyond all reason - I actually snapped it dryfitting it, easily fixable with glue and GS, but still, it seems to actually be too small, and it's nice when the windshield fits your plane. I'll try to get it all worked out, though it may require plasticard, a mystical substance as yet unfamiliar to me.

Had a busy week, so no pics of the second Blade, and RL is highly likely to become yet more distracting soon - that whole "college" thing, you know. 'Twould seem the amount of time I want to spend working on stuff is always inversely proportional to the amount of time I actually have to do so. When I have a whole summer full of free time, I don't feel like painting ANYTHING, but as soon as that's over, the concept of spending several hours applying paint to a very small toy soldier becomes exceedingly attractive. :D

Also, happy slightly belated birthday to H.P. Lovecraft, without whom nobody would ever use the word "Cyclopean" to describe anything, even in jest.

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Thinking similar schemes to the first flyer/rest of my army - Double Eagle had them all colors of the rainbow, but I have two excuses. Short excuse: theming purposes, also I think it looks cool. :cuss Long excuse: Word Bearers having something like complete control of the Forge World Ghalmek I'd imagine they could (and probably would want to, their color scheme likely being something of religious importance to them) make their own flyers and probably even Titans in their own colors. Waiting to see if Dark Creed backs that up at all.


Will try to prime both the Talon and Blade and some other crap... hopefully in the morning, probably more like some time in the next few days - it's been raining pretty much every day here for the past week.

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  • 2 weeks later...




Kill it with fire. New squad ready for painting for the Mini-Call. This includes the Boom Headshot marine from a couple posts back, everyone else is new:


Aspiring Champion -


And the meltagunner. I couldn't get a half-decent shot of this guy no matter what angle I tried from - these're the best ones I got:



Not sure whether I should go for Bloody As Hell or Burnt To A Crisp on what's left of that guardsman. Might add a bit more stuff flying off - melted lasgun or something. He looks a bit unguardsmanly, but then, you wouldn't look much better after being microwaved. <_<

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I'm aware of getting link'd on Gav Thorpe's blog - GLORIOUS! I am flattered beyond belief. :P If you're reading this, cheers, Mr. Thorpe. Even if I'm still not much for the codex itself, at least we understand the design philosophy that went into writing it - and even if I'm not much for that either, the post did clear up quite a few questions. So thanks for taking the time out to write that post, and for the link.


Haven't posted on here in a while because I've been working on the Call of the B&C that's going on - going for updates on Wednesdays in there, should have a big one this week as the Chaos Marine squad I pledged is nearing completion. Unrelated to that, I've just (re)obtained the second Forge World renegade psyker from the guy I sold it to a while back. Thinking he'll go on another Monster base. There will be fire, an attempt at OSL, and probably some burning Guardsmen. B) Sculpting will likely commence immediately following the MiniCall - and I nabbed some more Flagellants so yet more Cultists are on the way.


EDIT-age: I just realized this thread is now a little over a year old. Yaaay. :D

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