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WIP Space Wolf Army (updated 29/8/15)


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the head is from one of the Space Marine Masters of the Chapter, the one with the helmet held in the power fist. the terminator body is just one of the ones from the new space wolf termie box set.

as for the fingers, i still have to finish them, i need to scultp knuckles on them and such like, so we'll see towards the end if the are still too skinny or need repositioning. Im unlikely to give him a proper weapon, if that makes sense, as i think they tend to look a bit goofy...



any way, been busy today with gluing bits together and writing a tut on sculpting fur, but heres a shot of my WIP runepriest...








hes meant to look old and hunched, as though his powers are taking their strength from him. hes meant to be leaning on his staff and using it for support more than as a weapon.

i know hes looking quite barren at the moment, but he will get more charms and wolf tail talismans than any other model in my army, he will also be one of the most heavily cloaked models, with only the wolf priest having more wolf pelts than him. i absically want him to look like an oap :D

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Well he looks exacly the way you deskribed to my eyes :) looking very promesing and defenently the way id like to see him too.. will be awesome to see him with more details and pelts... cant wait to be honest.... :wub:

The old hermit... ( powerful beond beleif ) or however that spels.... :D

Well cheers on another superb model... p.s realy like the Longfang champion.. and some one more then me it seems who wouldent min some chainaxes in the hands of the wolfs.... ;)


Cheers and salute mate

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  • 2 weeks later...

ok, heres some PIP shots of my wolf lord. please let me know how you feel












i know the back may look a bit dodgy but its gonna be covered by the wolf cloak and won't be seen by anyone without x-ray vision.

i copied the design of the dwarf hammer by adding the thin bar that runs from the head to the bottom of the handle.

and i repainted the wolf on the shield so that it was more prominent and brighter.

obviously the gold needs to be finished, theres the shoulder pad that needs his logo on and the face/hair have to be done but its very close to finished.

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sorry for the double post but heres some updates of the paint job










it might be hard to see but he has quite a ruddy face, either from the cold, fighting or more likely being drunk :D

pretty much just the hammer to go now, and the gold around the shield

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  • 2 weeks later...

ok. finally got a computer again... stupid motherboards breaking :(


heres some pics of my finished wolf lord.

i'm thinking of changing his hair colour, to either dirty blonde or black amd would like opinions on that. I also think i'm going to add a couple more highlights to the skull on his wrist, and possibly on the shoulder too although that doesn't look too bad.


















any comments and critiques would be nice guys :)

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Very nice. I love that model a lot. Defiantly a favourite of mine. Though one thing I think does need changing is wood and leather on the back of the shield. This is still a storm shield after all. I think a metal back would be best. Though you can still make it look 'traditional' by adding runes and iconography.
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@ Terrible_trygon there are a couple of techy bits on the underside of the shield, and i know where your coming from and i debated making it more techy but in the end settled on a more traditional wooden shield look. the leather is just one of those things in my force, all the straps and binding is going to be that colour as its quite warm and stops the models being too dull and grey (also the reason all my furs are brown)


heres the updates on my rune priest








i'm in the process of starting his cloak, once i've sculpted it i'll take his arms and the cloak off and start painting i think...


oh and while im here, my long fang pack leader is now nearly finished (the bolter and his back pack are all that remains i think... sorry for the slightly fuzzy pics










and lastly, some close ups of my wolf lord, i tried some glowing runes and i don't think they came out too badly, obviously room for imprvement




his crux was painted to look like stone/marble




and the inside of the shield was painted to look wooden, but i did add a metal plate and there are some wires ending in gems under there too...




i think thats it...

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  • 3 months later...

jeez its been some time, but i (foolishly) decided to sign up to the LPC this year... i pledged to complete my ven dread an a terminator... pushing the boat out you see lol.


ok, so heres the nearly fully converted dread, needs some work on the gun arm, theres a banner i'm working on and some small GS details and studs. oh and fingers... the cannon arm is going to look similar in style to the assault cannon from a termie with the finger guard area, some plasticard work should sort that out nicely.











while im her i may aswell show some of my stand in scouts. I want them to look like vets and also to look more savage than normal. Ive been looking at using marauder/catachan parts along with some random marine bits but so far i've not come up with a mix i like. then i saw some barbarian models on the cmon shop and got those to use in the meantime. the heads ae too small on the metal minis so will be replaced and the proportions of the scultp were out but they will do in the meantime.












so there we go, update no. 1for he LPC... should be fully converted within a week and then painting should be about another week, week and a half... gonna be interesting ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...

ok, bit of an update. been painting a termie for the LPC... should be done tomorrow so i have a week to finish the conversion on the dread before trying to paint it up aswell... going to be very tight



the big grey area is where i had to ge ridof some of the cloak to make the horn fit under the cloak better...












Let me know what you think guys.

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ok, pretty much done the terminator just need to paint the wooden haft of the hammer.

Im not overly happy with the hammer on the wolf guard but i will end up repainting it at a later stage i think.










theres also the start of a dreadnaught, now its not the dread i was hoping for. i still can't get the hand looking right but i needed a dread painted for the LPC so im painting a stand in.










Any comments will be appreciated ;)

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This is my last update before i complete my LPC vow, I have nearly completed the dread... messed up the symbol first time round so had to repaint the front panel which is why its devoid of any damage.










painted on some wolf guard markings, and theres a wolfs head type thing on the hand (based on the tatoo Skold has in Lone Wolves). also tried my hand at the enrgy effect on the claws, not too sure about it but it made a change. painted the Great wolfs symbol on him because thats where all the dreads are kept, so i thought it would fit better than the thunderwol i usually paint. all my priests will have that symbol as well.


let me know what you think :(

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ok, im scared... i've still not finished the dread or the other guy (only got some skulls to paint on dread and still the wooden handle on the termie) but i've started a vindicator. its the first proper vehicle i've painted for this force and decided to try and use some powders for the dozer blade... not sure how they worked out so would appreciate some feedback...


anyhoo heres the beast so far








should have the dread finished tomorrow easily (famous last words) and the termie hould be finished hopefully tomorrow too, so i'll post pics when they are done.

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ok, some finished shots of my WG and dread. will edit in better photos at some point but thought i'd get them up now to prove i finished the LPC vow with time to spare...






















phew... thats a lot of pics...

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  • 4 months later...

Jeez its been a while but I'm not dead just been busy with new job and other oddities of life.












and the pred












I apologise for the dustiness of the models, I've been redecorating and I didn't wipe them off before I took the pictures which is why they look a little fuzzy on some of the close ups.

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Very nice. I just remembered that you are awesome :teehee: Anyway, how do you weather your vehicles/guys? Just random black+metal on some edges? On the vindi I can see that you have nagged the edges at some parts, but yeah. Looking good anyway!


- Natanael

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@ Natanael The scratches start with a jagged shape that is lighter than my lightest highlight. Theya re then in-filled using a darker version of the base coat leaving a small edge of the original shape showing. Does that make sense??

The vehicle scratches are all painted in the same manner, but some have additional blotches of boltgun painted inside. I also put some dribbles of gryphonne sepia and black running down from some of them for grime/oil streaks.


ok, small update. I've started work on my Rune Priest again, I also thought I would show a couple of my GHs.

Oh and I scrapped one of my WG and started again.


Rune Priest. I know you'veseen this before but I thought I would show off a few of the bits I've sculpted on him.








The start of my new WG. I scraped the guy with the old Russ head and GS armour in place of this one. looks stockier. Thanks to The Darker for the torso.

The head is from an Avatars of War model (I know the picture is a bit shoddy).




Some GHs. The one with the small head and meltagun will get some GS hair... and a neck.




This is the basic wolf totem, the three I have in my army will have different pelts and talismans sculpted on, but they will all be back mounted.




Oh and a little shot as to a one off model I'm making. Will likely end up on a certain auction site when finished. Cookie to the firt person to guess his identity.



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