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WIP Space Wolf Army (updated 29/8/15)


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  • 5 months later...

O.k guys, sorry it's been so long since the last update.

What with my new job and not playing much I kind of slacked on the whole hobby side but rest assured I'm slowly getting back into the swing again.

Also apologies to Lord Ragnarok, I know I said Sunday but I went to the pub instead, surely as a fellow wolf you can forgive my desire to consume vast quantaties of ale :P

Also apologies if the images are pretty large, will try and egt smaller shots sorted when I get time. And also sorry about the glare from the flash... think that's everything I've got to apologise for :)


Rightyho, here's a couple of shots of my terminators.

This guy was the one who had two thunder hammers. I wasn't quite happy with the posing and got hold of some lovely shields by Scibor so thought, 'What the hey, make him fully WYSIWYG' so he now has a thunder hammer and storm shield.








Then theres anopther guy, basically just showing off the shield. I'm very pleased with how they look and would recomend them to anyone looking for decent storm shields.




Then there is one of the power armoured Wolf Guard Pack Leaders. This is to replace the one I was least happy with (the guy who had Leman Russ' head). Much more pleased although there is some bad news too.. but first the pictures.








O.k, the bad news with regards to this guy (apart from the fact that I used another limited edition model for the axe head) is that he now no longer has a place in my list.

I've finally decided to ditch all my power armoured Wolf Guard, as much as I liked my conversions. Instead I am replacing them with terminator armoured Wolf Guard, each with poer fists and storm bolters. Harder hitting, and more survivable (although I am losing Sweeping advance, swings and roundabouts).

I'm still working on most of them but I am showing you the start of one. I think I should be able to arm him with dual power fists (already filing down Calgar's arms) so I wanted him to look a bit more fierce. Ignore the legs, it's only the torso that has had any work done so far.






Now onto some Grey Hunters, first up is one of my wolf totem models. Many thanks to The Darker for the lovely torso (also used one on the PA Wolf Guard above).

Since these shots were taken I have now finished his banner so I will try my darndest not to wait so long before updates to show it off.








Here are a couple of other Grey Hunters. However since I modelled them and added in the TDA WG I no longer require the power fist models. Curses to my ever changing list. I will still keep them though, just in case I go back.








Then there are two of my Mark of the Wulfen models. Glad to finally put the lightning claw wielding Wolf Guard to use...








Right, I think that's it... Oh I have also started painting my Rune Priest, so I will try and get shots up when He is done (so far nearly finished the main body and face. Just weapon and backpack/pelt to go).


Again, sorry for the delay guys. Have this rather large keg of ale on me, I promise it's nearly full *burps*


Oooh, nearly forgot the Long Fangs,. Not much done but thought I would post it while I'm here :D They are all getting either older looking armour, or more bionics than my regular marines.





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  • 6 months later...

Righty ho, I finally have an update for this thread... I know, shock horror.

Lack of funds emans that despite me wanting a pre-heresy land raider for my army I was never going to get round to saving for the FW one so I am in the process of busting out the plasticard to convert my own. It also gives me the practice I think Im going to need when it comes to turning my Land Speeder Storm into a Typhoon (and for finishing off my poor, neglected venerable dread).

Only a small update but one sponson is almost finished now. Need to add rivets and cablies and thats about it.














The pics might be a bit dodgy, they were taken on my phone but I'd appreciate comments.

Oh and the weapon does turn (although it doesn't pivot up and down- I couldn't be doing with that). Hopefully over the next week or so I can finish off the top plate and other sponson although I can't gurantee when I'll be able to update the pictures.


All the best.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@ DirtyDel they are the hands from the old metal wulfen models. I had a fair few lying around but didn't want them to be full on werewolf marines so just stole the hands. I've seen people use Crypt Ghoul hands to good success but I didn't have any of those.


@Dizzy-xc the first one took a while to get right but the second one got built in a little over an hour from start to finish. Once the measurements are down its pretty straight forward. I was going to take a shot of the plans I drew up once I've tidied it all up. The real pain is in getting the weapons to sit straight and the top plate because of the angle its on.


Right another update (I know guys, I'm scared too).

I've been assembling my grey hunters, and after much bits buying (including the odd forgeworld piece) I'm finally at the point where the 3 squads are fully assembled. Green stuffing will commence soon so they should be further indivdualised once thats finished. Then painting should commence. I'm going to do a squad at a time so hopefully the first squad will receive their first few layers by the end of next week.


O.k then, squad 1.






Squad 2






Squad 3






I've also been putting together more blood claws, thanks in no small part to steali... I mean borrowing some death company arms from my friend. All these guys will have two close combat weapons and will be getting greenstuffed mohawks.






Then there are two of my long fangs.




Last but by no means least the landraider has received some more attention. The assault cannons aren't glued in place (it's why the look wonky) but they will be able to pivot. The top plate needs a lot of detailing and the smoke stacks on the back will be started once I have purchased a mitre box (and some more plastic tubing). Then its about done, bar a million and one rivets.












Anyway, I'll leave it there. All the best guys

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  • 9 months later...

A'ight guys, what's up?

Bet you all thought I'd given up, but fear not. I'm still alive (and occassionally even sober :/ ) and have a couple of updates for you.

Firstly the Land Raider conversion is almost finished. It's got a bit of detailing to do and some gap filling but the bulk of the work is done (it's still only propped together atm).
















Here's a close up of the multimelta, I used an old school leman russ hatch for it and added a bit of plasticard detailing for the inside of it. I realise it will never close because of the way it is positioned but it looks cool and that's far more important :lol:






Then there's my land speeder conversion. I've been toying with this idea for ages. It's going to be a typhoon, but its made from the chasis of a storm. It'll be fully enclosed, but I preferred the bigger body and additional thrusters (might help to propel it forward to claim objectives).









And yes, as late a response as this is amrogers3, those legs are indeed from the Iron Hands upgrade kit from a few years back. I think, but don't quote me on this, that they may well be released as a finecast set... whether this is true or not (or indeed has already happened) I don't know. I've been out of the loop for a while.

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What I really like is how all the marines are in generally different marks. I really like the land raider, and you clearly have the right idea going on there. That land speeder is just sucha good idea, might have to pinch that one.


On a realated note, The Iron Warriors upgrade pack has been re-released in finecast here.

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  • 2 months later...

@ Brother Syth, cheers for the info there. Will make a friend of mine very happy.


Thanks for the compliments though. Always appreciated.


Well I finished my Land Raider that I pledged for the ETL vow, just finished it a couple of days late... Still, figured it'd be rude not to post pics.
















I've also finished the small details on my vindicator (although I can't find the little targetting bit that goes on the top!!), I kinow, I know. Two finished bits in one update... It's a sign of the end times I'm sure. On th plus side though, my predator is likely going to get finished very soon too. Bonus!!














After I've finished the small bits on the pred my next plan is to paint all my finished Wolf Guard... soon I may have a complete unit... do you know how scared that makes me?

Oh and apologies for the pictures, my phone got nicked the other day so I've had to drag an old camera out of reitrement and it's not the greatest.

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Well here's the predator. Just finished the weathering on it so the pigments will change colour slightly once the glue has dried out.
















Well I supose it's time I started finialisng the details on my TDA Wolf Guard bodyguard... on the plus side I already have one painted so it's only 3 models... should take me about a year lol.

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I may have lied when I said I'd add pics of painted wolf guard (I got bored with green stuffing bits so I've left them to dry) but I did finish my rune Priest (excluding base which I have got a plan for).
















Was very pleased with the face and the bit of glow around the gem on the skull. He has the Great Wolf's symbol on his shoulder (as all priests are from the Great Wolf's 'company') but he does have my great company's symbol on his knee although the cloak hides it a bit.

Let me know what you guys think.

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Time for another update guys. No painting this time round but I have been working on another character. This is the first shot of my Wolf Priest, the cloak is only half done (and the GS isn't dry hence the glare).

As always let me know what you think.













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@ GooseDaMoose Now it's a conversion from a bikers hand. I used a sharp knife to cut along the fingers and across the knuckles to allow me to reposition them slightlty. The GS is just to fill the gaps and neaten it up. The only hand I've sculpted was one held flat against the side of a bolter, I've never done one where the fingers weren't supported so I can't really offer any advice. Sorry.



Some (hopefully) better shots of my RP including the snow storm effect on his base. I've lost my static grass/clump foliage so I can't complete it yet but I made the blizzard bit using some scenic snow, glue and coke can to hold the shape while it dried. It's a bit comic book/anime in feel but I wanted the RP to look like he was generating the storm, the focus being the staff. Let me know what you guys think (the little bit on the front of the rock I'm not convinced by so may take off).

















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Bit of a pic heavy one this but bear with me.


I finsihed the wolf cloak (including sculpting the wolf head, very pleased with how this turned out even if it is slightly too small and the ears a bit too long)


















The backpack with a little bit of scultping work done just to break up the (soon to be) black areas.





These are the legs of the Wolf Guard PAck Leader for my Swiftclaws. All my PA WG have the old metal dev/long fang legs with extra armour plates around the bottom so I thought the biker would need the same. Still WIP but not a bad start.








Chnaged the heads on two of my PA WG and nearly finished a TDA WG for my GH.















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