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Forgefather Vulkan He'stan


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Here is what mine looks like. Ignore the white and green base thats just temp....


I did the flame gauntlet using some las guns off of some IG and a power fist.

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Not much in the past few days, because, well, exams.


But, I've been trying scales again.







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If i can get my digicam working, I'll post my complete Vulkan He'stan conversion. I took a normal SM vet, the one with the guy holding a bolt pistol out with his right hand, helmetless, with a power fist clutched down by his waist in his left hand. If you go on the GW webstore, you'll see which model I am speaking of.


I drilled a hole in the power fist so as to be able to slide a small piece of music wire through the fist, creating the effect that he is holding the wire (The shaft of his relic spear).


I then took some brass sheet and bent a blade, ground it down on a grinding wheel and then filled in with green stuff where there were inconsistencies. I then made a cape completely out of green stuff, making sort of a droop down by the back pack, and all the way around the inside of the cape, i fashioned some drake spines, as though that specific part of the cape came directly from the back of the drake it was made from. I then just took an xacto knife and put some subtle textures on the cape, painted the dude up and he's done. I'll try to get pics up if I can.

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looks good to me! I had a friend that converted using the techmarine as a base... it did take some time and looked really good in the end... but anyway you decided against it (even though your gs work is up to scratch) I think you've done really well! the cloak detailing is going to look superb when finished! and the conversion of the melta arm etc is fantastic... Can't wait to see it finished!
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aaaaagh, I started doing a very similar conversion to this using Sicarius, and yours looks 100 times better Ein! I've LOVED all of your stuff over at the waaagh, so I have high hopes for his bad boy. Very well implemented indeed.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright. I haven't had much (any!) free time to work on my Vulkan conversion, but despite that I have made some decent steps in getting him towards done. The first thing is that I completely re-tooled his Gauntlet of the Forge, after I found an apothecary arm and inspiration struck. I hacked off most of the apothecary-like bits and stuck a nozzle in their place from an old 2nd ed space marine pistol that was lying around. I think it's actually pretty cool looking, because it looks better integrated into the arm and it's not a power fist.


I also filed the handle on the spear a bit thinner, added a little eagle head to the bottom, and pinned the rune priest blade I'd been considering up at the top. I like the way it looks, actually. I thought it'd be too small, but it looks like it'll do the job.






There's some gaps to fill, but I'll get to that. I may end up lighting his eyes a yellow-green with SMD LEDs, but I don't know yet. I'm waiting for the things I bought on ebay a while back to arrive, but they're being shipped from hong kong, so who knows when that's going to happen.

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Looks great, Ein. :P


I was thinking of using Sicarius as the base for my Salamanders captain too, and was wondering how to get the UM details off (which you've illustrated nicely) ...


Also- I was wondering where that backpack is from/if we could get a picture?

Looks like the backpack off Chaplain Xavier.

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Regarding the backpack, I actually have no idea what it's from. It doesn't look like Xavier's because it's got different details on the back and no cloak:




Something I picked up off of ebay. I figure it fits the part. :)


Very nice, The Apothecary arm was a great idea and I LIke what you've done to that lovely Sicarius model. I've been truing to figure out how to get the 'U's off of him for a while. Here's my vulkan:




What's the metal cloak on this guy's back from? I don't recognize it, and it doesn't look like Xavier's.

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This is getting better and better. However I do agree with Mol that perhaps he needs a Chapter Symbol somewhere.


Oh and the cloak on the linked image is from Malus Darkblade, the Dark Elf, I think.


Oh come on, like there's any question as to who he is and of what chapter?


... alright, I'll see if I can cram one or two on his knee pads or something. I like the segmented shoulder pad's look on him too much to ditch it, and I can't very well put such a thing across that, though.


Thanks for letting me know about that cloak. Now I've got to see if I can go about getting one. I think it'd look good on my termie librarian down the road.

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This is getting better and better. However I do agree with Mol that perhaps he needs a Chapter Symbol somewhere.


Oh and the cloak on the linked image is from Malus Darkblade, the Dark Elf, I think.


That is correct. A friend of mine made a unit of cold one riders out of Malus' cold one, so he had plenty of those cloaks to spare.

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Just having a bit of fun with this. I hollowed out the helmet and eyes so I could install lights in the head. It's still being cleaned up and worked on a bit, but you get the general idea:




The 'light bleed' that you guys are seeing is partly due to the thinner plastic where I hollowed out the head. Fortunately, that sort of thing is easily fixed with the application of paint - a bit of black paint on the interior of the hollowed out helmet, and the normal Salamander green overtop will completely conceal all of the unwanted glow.


Interesting thing to note is that a 3mm LED does actually fit inside a marine's head. Quite nicely, actually. I intended for his eyes to be a bright yellow/almost green color, and I fished a yellow LED out of my pile for that purpose, but it seems to be orange instead as you'll see in the pictures. I think that may actually have something to do with the LED getting too much voltage - it's probably meant for 2.5v and I'm feeding 3v into it here. Either way, I may not even use the 3mm LED, as I have ridiculously, ridiculously tiny SMT LEDS that are the right color and about half a MM wide. I can probably install one behind each eye if I do that, though I'm not sure if I want to deal with the hassle of that.


Anyway, just thought I'd show this.


Edit: Query. Do you guys like the orange, or would you rather see it in a yellow-green like below?



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Thats awesome. I really like the light idea. Are you going to do that for all of them?...and another though, how do you power them? how small are the batteries?


great stuff. I'd like to see this finished.


I am not going to do this for all of them, no. I typically reserve this sort of thing for my HQs or other important units, or vehicles. Part of this is to retain my sanity, because lighting tons of marines is more work than I care to bother with. The other part is more of a practical matter - by nature, LEDs don't last forever, and usually after they're installed in a model and that model is painted, repairing them to any appreciable degree becomes impossible. Nothing would nag me more than to have 50 lit marines on the table, and have a couple of them who didn't work who I'd have to remake or fix at great aggravation later.


HQs can obviously still burn out, but I like my HQs to be more showpiece-y than anything anyway. I did this sort of thing to my weirdboy for my ork army, and it's fun to have something like that around.

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Regarding the backpack, I actually have no idea what it's from. It doesn't look like Xavier's because it's got different details on the back and no cloak.

Doh. I was thrown by the "scale" detailing on the exhaust "balls" - thought it had had the cloak hacked off. ;)


P.S. The more I look at this, the more I love it. The pose is excellent ("relaxed power" - very fitting), and I do like the apothecary's gauntlet - it doesn't look too chunky (I don't like the use of powerfists for this as they're too big) ...

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