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FW to redo the =I=?


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It could well be the Inquisitor specialist game - FW seem to have partly taken over specialist game models, and they haven't done anything for Inquisitor yet. That said they did do Inquisitor Solomon Lok as part of Imperial Armour 4 - The Anphelion Project. Maybe this has something to do with the next Imperial Armour?
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It could well be the Inquisitor specialist game - FW seem to have partly taken over specialist game models, and they haven't done anything for Inquisitor yet.


I'm no expert on Inquisitor models, but that doesn't seem to be an Inquisitor base.


On the other hand, they may just be using new/different bases for them.

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It's almost like someone at Forge World was reading our comments here on the forum and passed the word along that since the Inquisition people didn't get any love from the regular Games Workshop crew, we'd be free to spend money on Forge World Inquisition stuff... like shiney new Land Raiders and psycannon turrets...


Watch as GW Inquisitors now come to drag me away ;)

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Hey, their loss. If GW won't do it, we have to look somewhere else. Don't need to put up with their Marine (and specifically ultramarines) fanboyism if there's alternatives available, and FW does good work.
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That does appear to be a 40mm base. And it's certainly Terminator armor. I can't imagine FW decides to redo the best range in 40k's arsenal, however they MAY be making some special characters for the newest IA book, similar to Solomon Lok they did a while back. Perhaps a named GK Grandmaster/Bro-capt? If that's the case I'd more than likely be buying it myself.
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Well it's definitely a Terminator, and it's design indicates Inquisitor rather than Grey Knight*


* = Scrolls, multiple use of prominent =I= symbols (large one on the leg armour, and a smaller one on the lamp), irregular weaponry - if that is indeed a Storm Shield he's wielding.

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irregular weaponry - if that is indeed a Storm Shield he's wielding.

A point: As per the Codex, Daemon Hunter Terminators (not the HQ Brother Captain, but ANY member of the Elites choice squad) may make a free swap of Nemesis Force Weapon and Stormbolter for Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield. So it wouldn't be THAT irregular to have a Forge World GKT with Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield.


But I do have to grant your point about the =I= as opposed to the more regular Grey Knight armor styling. Hmmm....


Whatever it is, it looks cool! ;)

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I am crying right now. I am so mad at myself for not having more money so I can get what ever that is because I don't care if it is an Inquisitor or GKBC or GKGM, I WANTS IT! MY PRECIOUS!


But more on a serious note, maybe their new IA book will have a plot involving the Ordo Malleus, hence all the amazing love they are putting out recently. Also, I actually wouldn't be surprised if they changed the scheme of the Grey Knights. There is an amazing pic of a GKGM, it's fan art but illustrates that excessive use of =I= can be done very well for them. I'll see if I can find it again....


edit: Found it


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This is an image of Grey Knights...




Notice the highly ornate armor, and the use of the inquisitorial I in certain but small ways... It's my background and was hard to find again so I just uploaded it... The full image is beautiful.

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There have been rumors that the next IA book will see more GK, ordo malleus and demonic action... I'm so primed... And I love ordering from FW. Always feel like being part of a VIP club or something!



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Well the belt suggests Grey Knight because of it's Inscriptions. The lack of inscriptions is ultimately why the Torso looks more Inq than GK.

If FW are really doing what they could be doing then I aint going have much money for other things...


I'm not too keen of the TH, I would prefer it a Force hammer that acts like NFW.

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Holy mother of Jefferson Davis!!

I thought the model sneak-peek to be awesome but...but...you just made my heart stop with that picture.

I feel... did someone get the lcense plates of that strike cruiser that hit me in the head?!

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honersstodnt Posted Today, 01:17 AM

this may be hoping a bit too much... but do you think there is any chance forge world might release new rules for the grey knights if they are truly redo-ing the DH codex? I wouldnt mind having my army be forgeworld only, like elysian drop troops...


I wouldn't mind that either, even if it was Opponents-Permission only, as we would be getting some real Love (with a capital 'L') from ForgeWorld.

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I'd be really surprised, but given FW's rogue attitude this past few weeks (changing the point cost of WH/DH stuff in an errata!?) not entirely impossible...


At the very least, I expect an Inquisitor-lord an retinue with special rules and the GKLR redeemer. I really wouldn't mind if the DH/GK were redone as an IA only list as my gaming group commonly uses some FW stuff even in regular games (not flyers of titans, although we use them massively in Apocalypse!).



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