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FW to redo the =I=?


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thats why a lot of people bann FW stuff from normal games and tournaments . among friends its as always a free for all.

again I know that you are looking at FW stuff thourgh the eyes of the updated sob stuff , but not everyone plays sob [and to make it a bit clear most of my FW stuff that I didnt sell is IG and nids . and most of the stuff is totally unplayable now].


I do agree that right now, FW stuff is almost all friendly-games only. Coming with some FW stuff with potentially game-breaking rules to a pickup game in a store or to a tournement would make no sense. But in a friendly game, I've faced the Baneblade (using the IA rules and cost, though!) in a nomal 2000 pts game with my GK. It was more a point-sink than an asset, really. It can turn 90% per turn, move 6", etc...A few chainfist termies made it ineffective in a few turns. ON the other hand, a griffon heavy mortar with inferno shells can force even fearless units off the board on turn one (any unit that receives one wound must fall back 2d6 even if fearless as it tries to avoid the flames!)!


Making a whole army FW would be a problem as The Jeske said, few people buy FW models, but even fewer buy IA books (darn they're expensive!). But FW could temporarely put the rules on the website for a while (like the Reaver's). All in all, a FW DH minidex is not probable and it would still bring lots of complaints, but would be a lot better than the current state of disrepair...



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Even if your opponent doesn't buy the IA books, you should bring your books anyway . I bring C:WH to all the games I play, so that if someone gets confused about something I can read directly from it to my opponents, or let them read from it (if their hands are clean...). You're supposed to do this in the first place. So uh... that's not an entirelly relevant point.
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I meant that even I, which owns lot of FW stuff (we're talking Reaver, Warhound, Valkyrie, Vultures, Hydras, Thudd guns, Containment field, Lightning), don't own the IA book. It might seem sad, but 60$ to 100$ to get the rules when i've put from a few dozen to a few hundreds (read over a thousand) dollars on a model doesn't see right. Especially since usually less than 10% of the rules in the book are relevant to my army...


So... I... kinda.... find the rules... like... you know... here and there...


So imagine if the average player start ordering 1-2 squads of GK just because they are cool, have new rules and add fluff to his SM army. He wouldn't order the 100$ Siege of Vrak #3 to go with his 100-140$ of models!




ps. Now you've made me feel bad. I do own IA: Apocalypse, but it's so full of typos it's sad...

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So... I... kinda.... find the rules... like... you know... here and there...


HERESY! THE INQUISITION IS COMING FOR YOU!!!!....oh wait, i do that too.... :)


So imagine if the average player start ordering 1-2 squads of GK just because they are cool, have new rules and add fluff to his SM army. He wouldn't order the 100$ Siege of Vrak #3 to go with his 100-140$ of models!


True, but it still isn't GW proper and wouldn't really be deemed neccisary for starting it since their is a codex (with albeit outdated rules but it is a start). I'm in the States so I guess I don't see this as big of an obstacle as one in say, Nottingham, where FW is more accepted. And I guess it would be kinda lame to dish out so much for something that will be far less than a codex redo. But it still would be nice to have that option.....

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My word, I've never cared much for FW beyond the GK Land Raider doors and maybe the Dreadnaught, but if they started making Grey Knights I'd have to spend some college savings, to put it lightly. ;)






This is so awesome it hurts.

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Are you kidding...the details are incredible, but the big picture is all wrong. The thighs are 1/6 the length of the shins, the guy's entire body would easily fit inside the torso of his armor, based on the size of his head, oh, and those exceptionally lengthy shins are 3/4 as big around as the guy's waist! ...as a work of art, it's awesome, as a technical drawing, it sucks.
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If his body's perportional to the head.. His hands don't reach the elbows of his armor....


And his feet are kickin' around in the crotch.


"Pretty... But dumb. As for me? I put it down as a 2 day ride with one helluva tip" <Harry Canyon>



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Yeah, I guess the proportions are a bit off but eh...it's not like GW is known for that now are they? :P Also, I thought it was kinda cool that it was an old dude in there, I akin him to the old guy in the "13th Warrior" that after losing his sword in one of those bear-guys, punched a horse and beat on the rider until he got like 7 spears stuck in him. And also cause it's different than the typical 30 or 40 year old looking SM you see in every picture and know those guys are a couple of centuries up there. Makes you wonder how many he has banished, Stern has at least 3 Lord of Change on his score sheet and he's only a BC!


Also, I've been lurking at some other forums and they seem pretty convinced that it is an Inquisitor because of the new Guard codex that will be coming out next year and also because of the end of Vraks II I guess. I think that that does lend some credence to their argument, they haven't really released an Inquisitor in Termie armour except Cotez (sort of) but I still am hoping for it to be GKGM....

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I'm pretty certain its an Inquisitor now, because if I'm not mistaken, it appears he has a holstered pistol, which strikes me as extremely un-GK-esque.

It's still ridiculously awesome nonetheless.



Agreed! and I'm all excited ABOUT Rediculously Awesome!



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Pretty awesome. wonder if they'll make a female inquisitor that doesn't have Marge hair.

Heh. :P I really like the Marge-haired inquisitors!


I agree, though. A bit more gender representation would be nice....


Still. that model is incredible-looking.

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With terminator armor, it's so thick that you can just say it's a female in there, noone will know the difference as long as you keep the helmet on or have the face be androgynous. It's really only an issue with power armor.
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tbh as i mention in another thread no terminatour armour fits.... atleast not older styles didnt the newer stuff does a bit better but its not quite there.... that said that artwork while cool, dosnt look like a GK to me, its got GK markings and everything but to me looks like something out of unreal tournament 3 gears of war... its TOO bulky. Its pretty but its not GK, unless thwe whole GK army was redesigned that would stick out like a sore thumb
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