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[RP] Verus Imperator Adventum


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Or even better, it really IS the right planet, and while people are rearranging themselves thinking it's the Wrong planet, they can be assaulted unawares by Basavriuk's forces! The idenfication of it being a wrong planet could be the mistake as well :P The possibilities are endless!


@Shunch: Been there, done that. Been in a similar spot too, and I understand your position. You are welcomed back and don't worry about it. Now, get caught up on all that reading so you can post again :D

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Well, I'm glad at least that you guys don't hate me. Right now, I'm busy sifting through over a dozen pages of storyline, and my eyes are straining already. You lot sure have been busy.


For the sake of my sanity, could someone give me a rundown of the story so far? Also, I noticed there is a (semi) universal time system in place - how does it work?


Maybe it's from my benefit as an outside observer, but this thread (and the story) looks extremely large and unwieldy. Just a thought, but you may want to bring "Part I" to a close sometime in the near future, so that perhaps a new thread, categorizing the evolved storyline, the new characters/RP members, and useful things such as the time system all on one big clean slate.


On the other hand, I may just be saying this may because I am bewilderingly lost and days away from getting on the same page with the rest of you. I'm in no position to handle any kind of transition anyways, so it would have to be on someone else's initiative.


For the most part, I'm just anxious to throw in a lil sumthin-sumthin about Basavriuk, but I've got hours of reading ahead of my before I realistically can. It's strange to feel so 'out of it'.

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Inquisitors Pyykkönen and Crown (Skytear) are holed up in a militant cave fort, with their applicable forces. They have been attacked by some Catachan Snipers under control of Ripath, but no serious problems other than a few DCA's dead and some casualties from the militants. They were investigating signs of heresy in idols/shrines from the militant occupation (which I PMed you about way back when).


A small fleet connected to Inquisitor Pyykkönen is inbound upon hearing of Tyrak's distress call (with no knowledge of any defection, this is in reference to the orks) and should arrive on um.. day 6 to 9 I think it was.


Their authors got a little lost in the sudden orc hulk heading inbound and seeming loss of Basavriuk, and were sorting out which direction to take in their own storyline, or if a planned withdrawl would be more fitting.

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Well, I'm glad at least that you guys don't hate me. Right now, I'm busy sifting through over a dozen pages of storyline, and my eyes are straining already. You lot sure have been busy.


For the sake of my sanity, could someone give me a rundown of the story so far? Also, I noticed there is a (semi) universal time system in place - how does it work?


Maybe it's from my benefit as an outside observer, but this thread (and the story) looks extremely large and unwieldy. Just a thought, but you may want to bring "Part I" to a close sometime in the near future, so that perhaps a new thread, categorizing the evolved storyline, the new characters/RP members, and useful things such as the time system all on one big clean slate.


On the other hand, I may just be saying this may because I am bewilderingly lost and days away from getting on the same page with the rest of you. I'm in no position to handle any kind of transition anyways, so it would have to be on someone else's initiative.


For the most part, I'm just anxious to throw in a lil sumthin-sumthin about Basavriuk, but I've got hours of reading ahead of my before I realistically can. It's strange to feel so 'out of it'.


No you're right, we're all hopelessly lost!


Ryas is in orbit voted to command the Enclave here, I have sent down troops to preprare to attack a large base in the woods. I don't know who's but it was reported to me so I sent troops to take it ;)


Other than that I have no idea where ANYONE is.


What we need to do is close Chapter 1 and begin chapter 2. With one MAJOR change. We create a SEPERATE thread for OOC talk from the main body of the thread. Half my difficulty in trying to find the relevant parts is identifying which parts are OOC and which are IC and THEN trying to figure out which parts are relevant to my character who is currently providing orbital support and command.

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Inquisitor Hayes is with Inquisitor Decklan, currently looking to get back one of the shuttles Tyrak lent out, scrounging for ammunition and generally loitering with intent to purge.


Inquisitor Tyrak has turned Radical and run off with his Navy buddies and Kroot Mercenaries, destroying the Firebird Rising in the process in an attempt to kill Hayes, who knew the rendezvous point for the rest of Tyrak's fleet. There's a fair bit happening with him off-camera at the rendezvous which I will make occasional reference to. It doesn't really affect out storyline though, it's just for anyone who is interested.


Also, I noticed there is a (semi) universal time system in place - how does it work?


It was originally based on the time as on the Firebird Rising - I had a lot of my events based around the ship watches system, so it became a useful indicator of time. However, the Firebird Rising is now destroyed, so hopefully Inquisitor Ryas in his ship can take over official timekeeping. As long as everyone knows what day it is, we should be fine.

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Maybe it’s the last person you would expect.


Before I get into anything, I just want to say how incredibly sorry I am for what has happened. I can fully understand if some of you aren’t ready to forgive me, and I can also understand if I no longer have a place in this role-play. But if you take in nothing else, please at least understand this: I am truly sorry for the unforgivably rude nature in which I handled this subject.


Indeed the last person I thought to see on here, but damn its good to see you Shunch. Every gamer knows that real life always takes precedence over game life and as such its only expected that games will be put aside when things go bad(or really good depending). I couldn't hold that against you and call myself a gamer.


So... Welcome Back Shunch.


I'm going to start a new thread to better "clean up" the RP vibes. OOC Discussion incoming!



{Day 3, 1400 TST- South of "Basavriuk's Temple"}


This was unexpected. Very unexpected. The marines who had been so reluctant to say anything just earlier flew here just to speak with him. Whats more, they brought a daemonhost with them. Decklan really wasn't sure what to think of this. Instinct drove him next with faith by his side. With lightning speed Decklan drew one of his blessed pistols and trained it on the daemonhost and chanted a quick prayer to sharpen his mind. All of the assembled party similarly trained their weapons on the newcomers. If they wanted to fight they sure weren't showing it but you never can tell with those who consort with daemons.


"I am Inquisitor Decklan. You must be the marines from the jungle. You'd best explain why a daemon stands behind you or find yourself in the way of it's destruction."

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Kadaeux Posted Yesterday, 11:55 PM

I missed the timekeeping system, roughly what would it be now so that I can continue it?




This was unexpected. Very unexpected. The marines who had been so reluctant to say anything just earlier flew here just to speak with him. Whats more, they brought a daemonhost with them. Decklan really wasn't sure what to think of this. Instinct drove him next with faith by his side. With lightning speed Decklan drew one of his blessed pistols and trained it on the daemonhost and chanted a quick prayer to sharpen his mind. All of the assembled party similarly trained their weapons on the newcomers. If they wanted to fight they sure weren't showing it but you never can tell with those who consort with daemons.


"I am Inquisitor Decklan. You must be the marines from the jungle. You'd best explain why a daemon stands behind you or find yourself in the way of it's destruction."




Hayes slowly eased the catch off his bolter.

"More importantly, I want to know what you have to do with the Daemonhost that attacked me at the base camp."

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Day 5:

17:00 Imperial Standard Time. (Terra-based.) (5pm for those unfamiliar with the 24 hour clock, if any.)


Behind Hayes and Decklan the Imperial Guard sent to support them had deployed and at a dramatically opportune moment the single Baneblade rolled up behind them. In orbit Ryas monitored the situation with growing concern. Something wasn't right. Then he spotted in on the strategium as it demonstrated it on the sensors. He opened channels to the small Imperial Guard command Structure.


"This is Inquisitor Ryas. Incoming Ork Rok in your general vicinity, it just," The image resolved in the bridge viewers captured by the prow optical sensors. "broke away from the hulk and is descending towards the surface. Order Pride of Mars to fire her Nova-Cannon at it!" He shouted giving orders to both orbit and surface.


On the surface, if any had been looking, they would have noticed a single flash brighter than the sun that lasted a mere moment before a six thousand kilometre wide fireball obscured the skies for the mere moments it took do dissapate.


Then Ryas resumed contact with the surface. "It won't be slowing down but its in a tumble so it won't land properly either. If you're lucky most of the orks aboard will be killed... if you're not so lucky you're going to have a few thousand to hundred thousand orks and possible their vehicles on you in no time." Then the telltale burn of the Rok entering the atmosphere became visible. It would be mere minutes at most before it touched ground.

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" Captain, set your troops in a half circle around the temple no more than 50 meters between, starting here and extending west send armored support with each and keep in contact at all times. The orks want this temple so bad they can die in it for all I care."

The woman sighed, and rubbed her forehead. A grouchy "Yes sir" sounded from her voice, but with no hints of insubbordination-- just someone who needs a cup of coffee and some R&R after having neither for seven eyars of nonstop combat. Walking back to her soldiers, she gave them the order, the twenty five men spreading out with perfect discipline, each of them being veterans of a long, and deadly war known to them as the Umaran Apocalypse. A few Orks attacking was no problem-- most of these guardsmen had individually killed thousands of orks, if not tens of thousands, over the years. They had faced down Space Marines turned chaos, and a Tyranid swarm, and these few were the survivors, the ones that came out victorious from these battles.


Which, of course, is probably precisely why they would never get the rest they wanted. Each one of them found a big of cover and readied their lasguns. Their origonal guns were so worn down from use and abuse that they had to have them replaced when they finally got off of Umara IV, and they have been replaced with new, better-crafted guns. Not master-crafted quality, but certainly crafted with enough care that the soldiers made sure to treat the guns with equal care during cleaning so far.

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OOC:: Welcome back Shunch... No one was angry with you... a little worried maybe, but not angry. Hope everything is okay now, and glad to see your back with us.




Hannibal sighed as all the marines and Inquisitors trained their weapons upon him, his soldiers, and the marines sworn into service to him. Shaking his head, he started forward, not bothering with the threat of being fired upon. "I am Inquisitor Lord Hannibal Draken. The Host, Jerimiah 73 is cursed to me, our fates are one in the same. This is also the reason I seek you out. We have come here on a mission to destroy an artifact that was pulled out of reach of me before I could destroy it along with the Heretic that created it. I beleive that artifact is here." He stated, Looking at each Inquisitor in turn. "I could care less about your weapons, their blessings have little effect on the curse of the bolt shell already embedded in me, and I, my men, and the host are of no threat to you. What is a threat to you is the artifact, that I beleive has recently activated. If I am correct, then we are all in more danger then you realise." He paused, looking at Inquisitor Hayes. "as to your question, Jerimiah 73 is the only host to follow me, and as I have already stated, I did not create him, but by fate we are bound together. Aside from the fact that we have only been planetside a short time. By the time these Marines' battlebarge arrived, your blockade was already set up, and we were able to come through undetected by way of the Hulk your ships seemed to have trouble with." He stated, turning back to the marines and troopers that were standing by, he began walking back to the thunderhawks. "If you come across plagued creatures, you know where I am, their leader carries the artifact, and I aim to destroy it." He finished, turning to regard the Inquisitors once more.

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Levinski watched the exchange between the newcomer and Decklan with more that a little amusement, until he realised Decklan was letting him go.


"Decklan! You cannot really be allowing him to leave, the presence of this daemonhost alone proves this man is a heretic." He shouted, aiming his bolter at the hosts head.



Levinski isn't just going to let you leave without a bit more of an explanation than that. :P

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{Day 3, 1405 TST- Just south of "Basavriuk's Temple"}


"Inquisitor Lord Hannibal Draken, Born on Belfall III, its read that your family started the incident known as the Belfall Massacre. And Jerimiah 73, Sighted across 3 sectors over the last 30 years, killer of no less than 42 inquisitorial agents in the field. And that would lead me to believe that these must be the marines of the Crimson Moon chapter, believed lost in the Belfall Massacre. Wow." The look on Inquisitor Decklan's face must have seemed strange, one of fascination and determination. He kept his weapon trained on the host at all times and turned to regard the scene splayed out around him and knew for certain this would mark his career forever.

"Now... Keeping all that in mind Inquisitor Draken I must ask that your men hand over their weapons and you come back here and give us a proper explanation of the circumstances that brought you to us. And before you say it, yes, we do have the time for this."

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Inquisitor Draken smiled, watching the man tell off a small account of the history that had lead up to this point. He would have been impressed at the knowledge years ago. But being hunted took away the prospect of being impressed by anything nowadays. "True enough, but your figures are somewhat off. The total that the daemon within the host has killed is currently at seventy two, and unless you would like to become number seventy four, I would ask you to refrain from a misguided bolt." He said, looking at the errant bodyguard that had surmised him a heretic because of the host. "As to what brought me here, it is the artifact my thrice cursed brother created. A book manifested of a daemon dedicated to the ruious god of decay. This book, this Libram Mortis, eats away at the lands, turning anything it's corruption touches into a rotting spectre of what it once was. The bearer of the book is possessed of the daemon within, much the same as the daemon within this host possesses any that happen to kill it." Taking pause, he looked back at the chaplin, then back to the collected Inquisitors. "This is the last company, of the Crimson Moons, and as penance for having to kill their own, follow me in my hunt to destroy this artifact."


As heavy bolters on both the transport and gunship pivoted in their sponsons, clearing various sections of forest that seemed not to have guard posted before moving back to train their lenses on the group in general, before going back through their scans, Hannibal looked into the sky at the flaming rok racing to the ground, before looking back to Inquisitor Decklan. Like I have told others before you, when I declared exterminatus on Belfall, the populace was already dead or turning into that which each of us have sworn to destroy, I know the artifact yet still exists because I am still cursed. I still feel the pains of a warp charged bolt round that has fused with me, until the book has been destroyed, this host will return again and again, and I will not be allowed to die." He finished, shaking his head as he looked over the group. "Do what you will, but I have to destroy that artifact, and we shall not give up our weapons, especially when you will be needing all the help you can get." He stated, waiting for the impact of the rok.

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"True enough, but your figures are somewhat off. The total that the daemon within the host has killed is currently at seventy two, and unless you would like to become number seventy four, I would ask you to refrain from a misguided bolt."


"Oh? May I ask which one of us gets to be number seventy-three?" Hayes remarked calmly.

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"No I think he's right Hayes I count for two." Decklan chuckled as he lowered his pistol. Was he doing the right thing? He didn't know, and this was not the time to consult his cards. He'd be crazy to right now, the daemons were so damn close he could practically taste them. The host was one thing to feel so close but loose daemons were different they were raw. "Looks like we won't have time to find out though." And just as he said that the clearing burst into action. The orks had arrived.


"WAAAAAAGHHH!!!!!" Was the only sound heard before the gunfire started. The thunderhawk's heavy-bolters opened up first, a deafening roar from the combined might of twelve twin-linked heavy-bolters slung under the wings of the thunderhawks. Then the small arms fire began, bolters, lasguns and all manner of weapons. In the opening seconds more than 50 orks fell to the combined fire but it was far from over there were plenty of orks to go around.

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Hannibal nodded silently as the gunfire opened up on all sides. Not that any would hear him anyway. Unsheathing his powersword, he as well as the chaplin and terminators turned and charged headlong into the foray. Rubbing his thumb over the activation rune, the blade flickered to life, pulsing with reddish energies as he closed the distance to the orks. The host on the otherhand, did nothing bu look at a group of orks charging in on the position of the guardsmen, and gibbering and cackling incoherently, simply appeared there, standing to take the charge headlong. Chanting wildly as the orks bellowed their warcries, it smiled as the bones in it's hands contorted and grew into wicked looking talons. "The Beast does not scare us, we shall kill you all!" It screamed as it began tearing into the first ork.
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*In character*


Inquisitor Hayes rolled his eyes. Why couldn't anyone in the Inquisition be tactically aware? Turning to Fralon, he said,

"Ask Inquisitor Ryas to prepare for an Orbital Strike, and in the meantime to dispatch a Marauder Squadron for air support."

Sighing, he hefted his bolter and began snapping off shots. I was going to be a long day.

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The veteran guardsmen fired their guns, emptying one clip after the other into the Orks, with captain Taylor holding the central position. Her pistol was more than enough for her, as she knew she would need to free her other hand-- which held her power sword, the reward for her service in evacuating the Inquisitor that sent her here. Some reward this is... a decade's R&R would have been cheaper and more rewarding at the same time...


The longsword was exquisite, crackling with blue energy and painting her as the primary target for the Orks charging them. After all, she had the shinest weapon and armor.

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Before Levinski could do anything about that damned host and his heretical master, the orks arrived. Not that they weren't expected, they should really have arrived days ago, but that wasn't what was going through Levinskis head, no, that was saved for the desperate battle for survival.


"Why didn't I bring my psycannon?" He asked noone in particular as he cut another ork down with his power sword. Orks are barbarians at best, and little match for the might of the imperium. Or, they wouldn't be if there wasn't so damned many of them.

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{Day 3, 1430 TST- Just south of "Basavriuk's Temple"}


Bolter shells fell like the rain and with every one an ork too fell. It was happening just as Decklan had predicted the orks had rushed to confront the imperials assuming the temple was the goal. The nobz had stayed behind to let the smaller orks do the work while they took the temple itself. They had even begun to defend its entrance and position heavy weapons there. Exactly what Decklan had hoped for. Talking into his comm bead, "Captain Corvinus if you be so kind." And with that a thunderous explosion rocked the area as the explosives placed in the temple went off incinerating the nobz in the blast. The orks were scared now, faced with overwhelming imperial firepower and the sudden loss of any command many began to run. It wasn't long before the whole of charge had halted and were making an attempt to flee. Taking the oportunity the imperials shot dead what orks they could before they all left.

At the end of it the inquisitorial party found themselves standing in a field of dead orks. The smell was something else but the only one who gagged was Haye's astropath. "Burn the bodies! Lest this planet falls to their smell too." Stepping over the bodies of the orks Decklan walked over to where Inquisitor Draken was standing and waved the assassin to join them. "Alright, lets hear the stories here.

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*In character*


+++ Incoming Transmission +++


+++ Astropathic Duct Delta +++


+++ Recipient: Inquisitor Ryas +++


+++ Begin Transmission +++


Inquisitor Ryas,


Our salutations and thanks for alerting us to the conspiracy and heresy regarding former Inquisitor Tyrak. We must inform you that the heretic Tyrak was tracked with his substantial fleet to a rendezvous point in the galactic south-west of Asteroid Field 322, Scarus Sector. A substantial Imperial Navy taskforce, accompanied by elements of the Exorcists Chapter, was dispatched to the location, but was unable to arrive before the traitor Tyrak and his fleet. It appears that his fleet was rejoined by the majority of it's escort ships, which were escorting a sizeable fleet of munitions, foodstuffs and fuel transports. It also appears that a Mechanicus Explorator fleet operating in the region was surprised at high anchor by said escorts, and captured. Losses totalled 1

Mechanicus Retribution-Class Battleship and 3 Mechanicus Gothic-Class Cruisers, all equipped with prow Nova Cannons. The Fabricator-General has been appraised of this catastrophe, but the Adeptus Mechanicus has declined to reveal what, if any, experimental systems were fitted to the ships.


Tyrak's fleet, having arrived first, was able to link up and flee the system, declining to offer battle and suffering no damage. The asteroid base, however, was cleansed by the Exorcists Chapter with only minimal casualties. Be advised, Kroot Mercenaries were located in the base fighting for Tyrak - it is possible that some are present at your location, should Tyrak be actively seeking to undermine the on-going investigation into former Inquisitor Basavriuk. Due to the nature and events of Basavriuk's trial, his status of Diabolus has been upheld by Lord Inquisitor Obscurus following Tyrak's defection. Former Inquisitor Tyrak's status has now been changed to Excommunicate Xenos. Lord Inquisitor Obscurus has also seen fit to uphold the status of Inquisitor Hayes, however, he is to remain with this mission until completion, at which point he is to report to Inquisition Fortress +++Location undisclosed, Inquisitor Ryas' eyes only+++ for routine purity screening.


Due to the situation and events elsewhere, we are unable to pursue any short-term options regarding former Inquisitor Tyrak. Long-term options are being examined, but pending a situation change the matter is considered closed by the Lord Inquisitor Obscurus.


Your brothers in the service of the Emperor,

Admiral Reinholt, Battlefleet Scarus, and Captain +++Identity undisclosed, Inquisitor Ryas' eyes only+++ , Exorcists Chapter


+++ Transmission Ends +++

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Pulling his blade free of an ork body, Inquisitor Draken smiled slightly at the forthought the Inquisition had put forth to end the xenos threat. "Impressive..." He said under his breath as he sheathed his powersword. Turning to regard Inquisitor Decklan, he shook his head impassively. "Nothing to tell other than what has already been said." He started, watching as the Host meandered back to his side, it's hands reforming into relatively human apatures. "But, if I am right, we bear a significant problem, as the plague that manifests from that artifact effects the dead and dying first, and between these orks, whatever human populace that has not already completely decayed, and of those that have been lost from the Emperor's light, we would see a host come forth beyond even the capabilities of our joined efforts." He said, looking back at Decklan. "Both of us are fully aware of what would happen should the plague bring the attention of the ruinous powrs to this planet." He finished, looking out over to his thunderhawks. "We have not had active communication to the Fortress of the Indominatable, if we give you our frequencies, may I trust that you would not use this against us?" He asked, watching as his group took stock of wounded, luckily he thought he saw every face of the two squads that had come planetside, and it seemed none of the marines had been hurt in the combat. "That, was a most fortuitous plan of yours, I can assume that your forces took minor casualties?" He further asked, making minor observations of the few faces he could remember.
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