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Death Guard Tactica


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Deme, I can't thank you enough for this tactica, and kindness in publishing your army list. It has been inspirational. I have nearly finished my Death Guard army "The Golden Staff" and they are mech with DP's. I'll endeavour to get a piccie or two on this site once I've finally finished. I am wondering how our beloved smelly boys will fare against the uber new IG codex, with soooo many tanks n' stormtroopers with Val's. I know I'm gonna face the pain from my Iggy mate, he's a total tread head. Look forward to your continued tacticas on this thread. Cheers from down unda - Slappy
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every single champ in my army carries a combi-weapon. Combi-plasmas with the plasma carrying rhino mounted squads, means they can shoot out up to 6 plasma shots the round that the disembark. And I put a combi-melta in the melta equipped landraider mounted sqauds.


Combi-weapons are cheap, and greatly increase the shootiness of the squad on the turn that they disembark. . . plus they look cool.

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Just to be really rude, you buy a "combi-weapon" which gives nothing away as to what weapon it is (combi-flamer -melta or -plasma) and nowhere does it say you have to tell anyone what it is, if you were feeling mean or you simply don't like you're opponent, simply choose what the alternate weapon is when you are about to use it and you can pick which will be the mose effective.


Very bitchy but theres no rule against it, i might go and put some combi-weapons in my army now hmm...

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I've always wondered about this.. It does say there are three kinds of Combi-Weapons, but the only option in wargear is for a 'Combiweapon'. What's the RAW consensus on this one? Obviously, it would have been silly to write 'Combi-Flamer', 'Combi-Melta', and 'Combi-Plasma', and put them all for the same price, in the same section.. but, in their effort to save ink and consolidate choices, they did seem to leave a pretty glaring loophole here.
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i too am looking at making another 42 PM's from the FW kits, they look really cool, and my painting skills have improved a bit since i painted my origianl DG army years ago.


They are awsome, but fragile. I just hate those spikes on the helmets. They are cool looking, but I think 5 out of 10 has broken off simply from falling down from terrain on the battlefield.

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What are players thoughts on equiping champions with combi weapons as no longer do u get the +1 attack for a powerfist+bolt pistol?


Just a thought.


You can now only get the +1 attack bonus if you have a second powerfist, so if you have the points, then take the combiweapon without fear.

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Recived my forgeworld stuff today, they missed 5 torso's out of one of the packs! so now i have enough shoulder pads for 30 marines and torso's for 25! Not good! I will ring them in monday to see what they can do about this. Dont want them thinking im trying to con them out of 5 torso's!
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Recived my forgeworld stuff today, they missed 5 torso's out of one of the packs! so now i have enough shoulder pads for 30 marines and torso's for 25! Not good! I will ring them in monday to see what they can do about this. Dont want them thinking im trying to con them out of 5 torso's!


Nah man there are uselly good about that kind of stuff. I buy a lot from them and i had a case were there only sent me 5 out of my 10 DKOK death riders. They sent the other 5 out once i call them,

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Hey whats a good way to deal with necor and there be back rule, i just play agsisnt one player and they kept getting back up. And trying to blast two brick towers show up for a fun game and was up agisnt a two brick tower list with lord with res orb.

Any way i have feeling he will be useing that same list in a upcomeing event so i never pay necron before and afther playing i see the need to reach that pahse out number asap.

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Thanks shaun03, im gonna ring them tomorrow. As for your necron problem i find the best way of stopping them from getting back up is if you can concentrate your fire on one squad then assault them and knock them all down so there are no models of the same type within 6" then they cant get back up. It takes a bit of practice but u'll do it in the end.


Failing that assault them and kill as many as possible to minus off there LD test at the end of combat because there gonna fail it sooner or later and try keep within 6" of them while they run so they cant rally if there is enemy models within 6".

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Rumour Control thanks i will try that. Hope every thing works well with FW.


On a side note found a way to make short work of the new guard. Take out there officers they are now even more importaning for them. Somke check them quick and wacth them drop with them killed off. They cant use there new order system. As a DKOK guard player i have seen what happens when our officers are killer off.

As far as there new tanks banewolfs become one of the higest tgt one the board will wound us one a 2+ and is temp plate wepon so auto hits. Also there devildog with that meltacannon need to be kill off qucikly. Also that tank thats deck out with plasam cannons will rain death if left uncheck. But other than that there not much i see causeing us issuess.

On a side not they have a lot SC that give furios chagre and other cc ablitys so it is going to be funny wacthing guard assult as and still wounds on 5.


back to necron, how to take out two brick towers useing a 1750 list i know some one will be bring two of them and i blieve a destorty lord thing ?

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Arm your plague marines with meltaguns - the brick towers (which I am assuming are monoliths) will die to meltagun fire pretty fast. 8 +2d6 will usually penetrate their armor.


Another option is to deep strike a 3 man terminator squad with 3 combi meltas. Necrons are so bad in close combat that this three man squad can kill a bunch of warriors too.


If you get your plague marines into close combat with the necron warriors it isn't that hard to phase them out. You don't want to stand and shoot with them, just get into close combat as fast as possible.

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Arm your plague marines with meltaguns - the brick towers (which I am assuming are monoliths) will die to meltagun fire pretty fast. 8 +2d6 will usually penetrate their armor.


Another option is to deep strike a 3 man terminator squad with 3 combi meltas. Necrons are so bad in close combat that this three man squad can kill a bunch of warriors too.


If you get your plague marines into close combat with the necron warriors it isn't that hard to phase them out. You don't want to stand and shoot with them, just get into close combat as fast as possible.


Melta weapons aren't very effective vs monoliths since they can't roll two dice against them. I think dreads and vindicators are pretty effective though.

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yeah cc there warriors sounds good to me. Now does the MC take away there "will be back" saveing thorw?

Also y dont we get the 2d6 for hitting the monoliths? The nerco players like to over apply there rules and not share there codex to much. Thats y i hate playing them, and now there a nerco player comeing up in next month turny. So i just want to know the whats the real deal witth them.

But my list has two Land riders in it will there lascannon beable to kill thos towers?. And how effecive is assulting the monoliths with a NDP w/ warptime?

I have only had a few games agaisnt the nerco sense the came out so my overall tac knowalge of them is very litmed.

So from what i gather this far best way to get ride of the nerco is phase them out. So i am thinking that should be my main goal is kill warriors off fast asap. So instance death would take away will be back??

Anyways thanks for the help.

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Nothing gets bonus penetration dice on a Monolith, including Monstrous Creatures, so your Prince can't even scratch the paint. A meltagun can kill a Monolith on a roll of 6 to penetrate (glance), and 6 on the damage table (-2 for glance, +1 for AP1 = -1 total = 5 = wrecked). Your best bet is, like they said, a Strength 10 weapon like a Demolisher shell, or a Dreadnought close combat weapon. Primarily, however, you should ignore the Monoliths, and focus on the Necrons themselves.
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I wasn't aware of the monolith ignoring bonus penetration dice. I guess chainfist doesn't work either? I've never read the necron codex.


In that case I would just concentrate on getting everyone into CC with them as fast as possible to phase them out. Necrons will lose combat by tons.

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Demetrii, what would you do for a 1,500 and 2,000 point list? I found it hard to make a similar build even with the points so close to each other without revamping a lot of stuff.
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I wasn't aware of the monolith ignoring bonus penetration dice. I guess chainfist doesn't work either? I've never read the necron codex.


In that case I would just concentrate on getting everyone into CC with them as fast as possible to phase them out. Necrons will lose combat by tons.

I usually ignore the 'Liths and just go directly for the phase-out. Necrons are one of the weakest armies in this edition due to the phase-out rule, the brutality of CC and the loss of their anti-vehicle bonuses ("gauss rending"). ^_^
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In a 1,500 game, I find Plaguespear becomes dramatically weaker, and I would recommend experimentation with a pair of Vindicators in a largely mechanized army full of melta and flamer firepower, with some Prince lovin' thrown in. Paired Princes is dicey in 1500, but it can be done. In 2,000, I have very little advice, as 99% of the games played here are 1750 and 1850, especially at tournament level, and I primarily only play in tournaments, or to practice for them. Perhaps a pair of Obliterators? Perhaps a Vindicator with Possession?
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As a Necron player, I agree completely with the gentlemen above. Engage Necrons in CC and hope for a sweeping advance. If the Necrons survive combat, they may teleport their unit using their Monolith to get out of CC and reroll WBB, but at least you're forcing him to choose to use his particle whip ability or keep his unit alive (he can't teleport and use the P-whip).


You put him in reactive mode where he's doing everything he can to keep his units out of CC - teleporting with his Monolith, using his lord's Veil of Darkness, or moving/running away. All of these give him little options to fight back or hold objectives. Monolith teleportation makes him lose his large blast attack and depend on the low strength/AP Flux Arc, VoD forces his lord to move away from the other units and deny them the Res Orb (not to mention the risk of mishap), and fleeing warriors can only fire 12" rapid fire (most will choose to run instead of shooting). Turboboosted Destroyers can't fire back.

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In regards to why the Tactica is taking quite awhile, I decided I'd give you all insight into the reason for the delay.


Long story short, I've begun a new business which I'm currently running out of my home, and I'm at a critical juncture right now (read as: the first couple thousand dollars of profit are rolling in, and I'm like a caveman blowing on a scrubfire, trying to make sure it doesn't gutter and die), so I haven't had as much time to sit down and actually play some Warhammer in weeks. I've been busy, busy, busy on real-world crap, and it's exhausting, but rewarding. I will say that, as soon as the business stabilizes (within a few more weeks), I should have much more free time to dole out Mortarion's ire to the foes of our noble legion.


Until then, however, I'm stuck with neglecting my work here, as I wouldn't want to include any theory-hammer in the Tactica; when I began this work, I wanted to ensure that every single thing written down was something that worked for me, and that worked consistently. I'm not saying this is the ONLY way to play Death Guard, but I really did want folks who were either new recruits, or old veterans, to see that this is how I run my army, and that the strategies and techniques I use can be applied to their own army, even if it isn't a carbon copy of mine.


I can also tell you that I'm experimenting with strategies which deviate from the standard Land Raider double-spear I began endorsing with this Tactica, and have even sold my Land Raiders in order to keep myself from 'slipping' back into something comfortable; I've begun using a different army, and I am still learning how best to employ a Vindicator wall backed up by Plague Marines and Daemon Princes. I'm gonna play this army to death, play anyone and everyone I can with it, and ensure that whatever advice I do give will be complete, and as accurate as possible.


In that vein, expect a revamp of the old Tactica, to include new and far more 'in-depth' entries for heavy support choices, new ways to run Plague Marine squads, strategies regarding holding your army in reserve, the best way (that I've found) to use the massive Demolisher cannon on a Vindicator, etc.


Stay tuned, and display the patience our Legion is notorious for; I have not forgotten you, Brothers, and I'm ultimately grateful to all of you for your kind words, your consideration, and your contributions to this thread. See you all soon.



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