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Death Guard Tactica


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In regards to why the Tactica is taking quite awhile, I decided I'd give you all insight into the reason for the delay.


Long story short, I've begun a new business which I'm currently running out of my home, and I'm at a critical juncture right now (read as: the first couple thousand dollars of profit are rolling in, and I'm like a caveman blowing on a scrubfire, trying to make sure it doesn't gutter and die), so I haven't had as much time to sit down and actually play some Warhammer in weeks. I've been busy, busy, busy on real-world crap, and it's exhausting, but rewarding. I will say that, as soon as the business stabilizes (within a few more weeks), I should have much more free time to dole out Mortarion's ire to the foes of our noble legion.


Until then, however, I'm stuck with neglecting my work here, as I wouldn't want to include any theory-hammer in the Tactica; when I began this work, I wanted to ensure that every single thing written down was something that worked for me, and that worked consistently. I'm not saying this is the ONLY way to play Death Guard, but I really did want folks who were either new recruits, or old veterans, to see that this is how I run my army, and that the strategies and techniques I use can be applied to their own army, even if it isn't a carbon copy of mine.


I can also tell you that I'm experimenting with strategies which deviate from the standard Land Raider double-spear I began endorsing with this Tactica, and have even sold my Land Raiders in order to keep myself from 'slipping' back into something comfortable; I've begun using a different army, and I am still learning how best to employ a Vindicator wall backed up by Plague Marines and Daemon Princes. I'm gonna play this army to death, play anyone and everyone I can with it, and ensure that whatever advice I do give will be complete, and as accurate as possible.


In that vein, expect a revamp of the old Tactica, to include new and far more 'in-depth' entries for heavy support choices, new ways to run Plague Marine squads, strategies regarding holding your army in reserve, the best way (that I've found) to use the massive Demolisher cannon on a Vindicator, etc.


Stay tuned, and display the patience our Legion is notorious for; I have not forgotten you, Brothers, and I'm ultimately grateful to all of you for your kind words, your consideration, and your contributions to this thread. See you all soon.



Good luck with the business and I hope it rewarding every sense possible. Its alot of work but if it something you love I hope it works out for you.


Multi vindi's rocks hard. I just took mine to tournament yesterday (small batrep in the chaos forum) even with a cannon they are useful blocking and hiding, contesting, ramming and a host of other things. I love mine at 1500 I run 3 with paired princes. Never miss my landraider and every time I try and include it the list falls apart. Once I decided on the vindi's I tried not to look back (they keep almost getting replaced by oblits...) I actually think 2 might be perfect with obliterator support though the triple vindi does work. Look forward to hearing your conclusions on this play style.

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obliterator i sometimes run 3 of them but lately i have been thing of droping in favor of aonther sq of Pm with 2 plasam gun and combi plasam.

With two lr and two meltagun sq and dul princes so i thinking 4 sq of PM may be better than 3 obliterators.

But unsure i mean the obliterators are a nice mult tasking unint, but i feel my self a little out number some time when it comes to obj missions. So do you think about obliterators?

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Obliterators can be very useful especially given their wide choice of weapons however, they are most useful in my opinion in squads of 1, maybe 2, when you deep strike behind the enemy for a nice melta shot at the back armour of their tanks or even to contest an objective, or just sit in cover with one and annoy your opponent as they would not want to waste too many of their resources to kill just one of the damn things :P


I personally like deep striking them though. 1500 points using two of them, even if they screw it up like douches then its still not too much of a bother for you, you can still win after that if you concentrate.

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I larve this topic, I find it highly useful.


Could someone with experience pm me, i would like to talk about making my army list as I'm just starting out, and I don't feel like letting my ideas get orbital dropped onto the board yet :P.


Really, the only tactics I ever find online are with Demon Princes, I know points wise its feasable as a monster to throw at the enemy, but I just wish there was other tactica out there. ^_^ 75% of the time it's a Lash DP too.


Sorry, rant.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Demetri, I've been revisiting you thread and waiting to hear your next list. I'm wondering if you've any interesting anecdotes/advice/tactics re the new imp guard, or whether you've found little or no change?


My circle of gamers are all "ahem" mature aged and have been playing for years. Money and or limited available models is not an issue with these guys. (can even get a tau army with great knarlocs etc on the table opposite) so I live in power/experimental list land.


Your advice especially re your land raider build vs Tau would be appreciated.


I mainly play against Space Marines, Imperial guard, Tau, SOB, Blood Angels.


I'm loving your thread, good luck with the business. - Slappy

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What is everybody's thoughts on land raiders as transports for your plague marines?


I'm trying to decide between running two land raiders, or just using all those points for more troops in rhinos. The list is 2500 points, so there will be plenty of anti-tank out there.


Does anyone still run the plaguespear setup? Are more bodies just better?

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My personal thoughts on a land raider can be summed up with a quote.


The predominant metaphor in my mind at that time was of a gun carrier fleet. The Raiders were my gun heavy aircraft carriers, and the PAGK were my defensive fighter screen.


Only instead of PAGK, it's plague marines. I use them to kill tanks and MC while providing cover for my plague marines and DPs. Demetrii said earlier in the thread that two is the perfect number and I agree. I can't give any advice for 2500 as I play 1850 and lower, but start at two and run some practice games.


More bodies are better, but plague marines can survive with a low body count. If you have points put more in. Otherwise don't worry too much about it.

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I find players tend to liek Mudkips. I mean, I've heard some things...


Anyway, Defilers are a dreadful pain to hide for a cover-save, but a pair of them may be an option.. or, perhaps even three?


A pair of Vindicators?


A pair of Land Raiders?


Depends on what you see your heavy support being responsible for.

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hello there,


wow this is a very cool thread thanks for taking the time to write it :P.


below i have writen my lattest army list to see what you guys think of it. I had been running a chaos lord with some termy buddies but i have found them to be rubbish. i didnt equip them right i admit that but the Lord is poor, in every way. no matter who or what it faced he let me down. i have played 6 games so far with this army and between them they have killed about ohh....350pts total.....thats in ALL the games together...not in each.

so i have dropped them for a couple of DP's...

let me know your thoughts please and any suggestions as to what to spend my last few points on etc or changes i should make.

however this list is made of of models i have or that i am making.






DP 175pts

wings, MoN, warptime


DP 165pts

Wings, MoN, Nurgle's Rot



Heavy Support


Vindicator 150pts

TL Bolter

Daemonic Possession




PM SQD 1 296pts

6 Marines 1 Asp Champ

Power Fist, combi-flamer

2 Meltaguns


Rhino-Extra Armour- Havoc Launcher


PM SQD 2 296pts

6 Marines 1 Asp Champ

Power Fist, combi-flamer

2 Meltaguns


rhino, extra armour,havoc


PM SQD 3 191pts

7 Marines

2 Plasma Guns


PM SQD 4 191pts

7 Marines

2 Plasma Guns


Total 1464pts

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Solid list overall. Probably a little too much wargear. I would drop the havoc launchers from your rhinos and use the points to get all your squads mounted in rhinos.


Other than that, it looks like a solid list. At 1500 I like to use 3 PM squads and you could certainly drop one of your squads to make room for some long range anti-tank. Your current list has no long range units at all. Drop one of the plasma squads and you should have enough for a 3 man obliterator squad.

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i would have to say that extra armor isnt needed on a rhinos, if u dumped both of those you could almost afford 2 rhinos for the other squads. I dont like plasma on plaguemarines anymore, melta are better IMO, can even destroy a LR at 12 inches if you're lucky, same cant be said for plasma.


List is similar to mine, only i lack a DP and some wargear but gain a rhino and LR, bizare.

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Gentlemen, I have aquired a Sorcerer and it has the bolt pistol and force sword. I put wings on it, what spell should I take, as he will have Mark of Nurgle. I want Wind of Chaos but I want to hear from people who still use Sorcs, and would it be better to take Rot or Warptime with/without PP?
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this is my concept idea for my Deathguard army, i would appreciate any tips, since this is my first non tau army, and my first time posting on a 40k forum.


Daemon Prince (Kjartan the cruel)

Wings, Mark of Nurgle, Warptime



Squad 1=plague marines x6

Plague champion, Meltagun x2, Rhino transport


Squad 2=plague marines x6-

Plague champion, Meltagun x2, Rhino transport


Squad 3=plague marines x6

Plague champion, Flamer x2, Rhino transport



Squad 4=plague marines x6

Plague champion, Flamer x2, Rhino transport


for 1k pt games remove rhino from one flame squad making it 998 points

Heavy Support-vindicator 1

Daemonic possession, Extra armour, Twinlinked bolter

Total- 165

Vindicator 2

same as above

Total- 165

Vindicator 3-

same as first

Total- 165

(for 1.5k games drop one rhino for melta squad making it 1493 pts)

Summoned daemons-

Great Unclean one-100

HQ-Daemon Prince-(Uhtredarwae-uhtred the wicked in norse)

Wings, Mark of Nurgle, Warptime


Squad 5 (havocs) x5-75

Mark of nurgle, Missile launcherx3, heavy bolter


Grand total-2003


what do you think, i dont have any models yet besides one melta squad of plague marines, but hopefully, with this weeks paycheck, i can defend papa nurgle at the local hobby store, I would appreciate any critiques or tips for making a deathguard army thats fun to play, and hopefully will win more often then not.

thank you :)

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I run triple vindis. Love them. I don't think Demonic Possession or Extra Armor is needed on them at all, though lately have been buying Havoc Launchers for them.


I tend to buy Havoc Launchers for everything these days, I ran 7 of them at the last tournament I attended and they paid for themselves over and over again.

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Looks good man, if you want to get that 2k in line, just remove the extra armor off the Vindicators, wait doesn't Dpossession on vehicles render Extra Armor useless? I'm not sure about damage but the rules say it just turns Rules stunned to shaken, Dpos just removes both of those entirely 0.o Also, you almost confused me with that Mark of Nurgle, sadly it's called the Icon of Nurgle ._.
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I run triple vindis. Love them. I don't think Demonic Possession or Extra Armor is needed on them at all, though lately have been buying Havoc Launchers for them.


I tend to buy Havoc Launchers for everything these days, I ran 7 of them at the last tournament I attended and they paid for themselves over and over again.

cool, thanks, that should save me enough to bulk up that havok squad up to 7, and give it a rhino too

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Also, I want to give my Defiler a heavy flamer and ccw combo, would that be the best for a Plague Marine army without a Demon Prince? Reaper Autocannon/CCW or Havoc...you get the idea I think. I can't decide because I havn't the experience but Defilers and Vindicators are solid choices.


Second is would I benefit more with 2 Land Raiders with this Defiler, 3 Obliterators and a second defiler...yeah basically that chestnut.

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Daemon Prince (Kjartan the cruel)

Wings, Mark of Nurgle, Warptime



Squad 1=plague marines x6

Plague champion, Meltagun x2, Rhino transport


Squad 2=plague marines x6-

Plague champion, Meltagun x2, Rhino transport


Squad 3=plague marines x6

Plague champion, Flamer x2, Rhino transport



Squad 4=plague marines x6

Plague champion, Flamer x2, Rhino transport


for 1k pt games remove rhino from one flame squad making it 998 points

Heavy Support-vindicator 1

Daemonic possession, Twinlinked bolter

Total- 165

Vindicator 2

same as above

Total- 165

Vindicator 3-

same as first

Total- 165

(for 1.5k games drop one rhino for melta squad making it 1493 pts)

Summoned daemons-

Great Unclean one-100

HQ-Daemon Prince-(Uhtredarwae-uhtred the wicked in norse)

Wings, Mark of Nurgle, Warptime


Squad 5 (havocs) x5-754

Mark of nurgle, Missile launcherx3, heavy bolter. rhino


Grand total-1993


My updated list, removed the extra armor and added a rhino to my havoc squad. i plan on bumping it to apocalypse standards after i get a couple of games played at 2k with people at my local hobby store. ive noticed an abundance of necrons and black templars in the list, so this thread will be extremely helpfull in systematically annihilating them. thank you to all who helped, and i would appreciate any more advice for my army list. as stated before, i need to buy the models first (shudder thats $584.5 dollars, without counting the paint and gs i will need to paint this many miniatures). good way to spend the summer though : D

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I'm rumming on


7x plague Marines, 2 plasma rifles, rhino

7x plague Marines, 2 plasma rifles, rhino


7 Plague Marines, 1 Plague Champ powerfist, 2 meltas, rhino

7 Plague Marines, 1 plague champ powerfist 2 meltas rhino


1 Defiler, (can't come up with what gear to pick)

1 Obliterator Cult x3 Oblits


Sorcerer w/ wings, Mark of Nurgle, force weapon, bolt pistol, frag/krack grenades, Wind of Chaos or Rot depending on situation


I didn't add the points because this is just a basic setup to give what I plan, I'll post the points later when I get feedback on the remaining Heavy choices and what to do with my Sorcerer.

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@ ninjabat, u seem to have 4 heavy support choices in that army, and you havent removed the costs of extra armor from the vindicators :D

oops on multiple levels, i didn't realise i couldnt have 4 heavy support choices,

and the vindies now cost 150 points apiece :P

looks like im going to spend today readung 5th ed rules again ;)

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