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Is Loken alive?


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They're using lances and macrocannons, weapons designed to blow up/cut through large sections of ships. Even if they're using bombardment cannon, those are designed to affect significantly armoured bunkers. Even if they're not as powerful as nukes (which they apparently aren't, according to Rogue Trader), I was mainly commenting on the claim comparing loken surviving to a Terminator having a building collapse on him. Given that the city wasn't heavily effected, I'm not calling Loken a Marty Stu given his survival, it's just that it's not a fair comparison. Loken's a lucky S.O.B., who survived due to luck and a large amount of rubble shielding him from a non-Exterminatus-level bombardment.
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Loken's a lucky S.O.B., who survived due to luck and a large amount of rubble shielding him from a non-Exterminatus-level bombardment.


Close, luck though? You REALLY think that this will be about luck? "The Emperor Protects" "Faith in him is their Shield". This is the place that those sayings were put to the test. Even if you say its luck, why can't Tarvitz be just as lucky? If you say its the Rubble........

Legion of One hints that he might have lived with out the help of that.


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Good to see Lord Lorne Walkier branching out from beating the same single drum about Loken's survival over and over again. Hope this Tarvitz conspiracy theory stuff stays as fresh if it takes another four years to categorically answer the question of what happened to Saul et al... :tu:
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Really? "Faith in him is their shield"? We're talking about Loken here, the guy famously opposed to anything to do with faith and religion. You're making a lot of quotes about 40k-style Grey Knights, forgetting entirely that this is 30k we're talking about, when faith was heresy. Loken believed in the Emperors ideals, but he certainly didn't deify him, or believe that the Emperor would protect him from all the way on Terra. The Emperor almost wiped out the Word Bearers for making these sorts of claims, and Loken was absolutely nowhere near anything like their position in regards to the Emperor. The sayings can't have been put to the test because (other than a what was then fringe-cult) they didn't exist. The Loyalists on Istvaan didn't pray to the Emperor, they believed in the Imperial Truth.


I know Loken's apparently one of the founding Grey Knights, but he didn't worship the Emperor, and neither would 99.9% of the other Astartes on Istvaan, if any did at all.

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