Donkey Kong Posted February 15, 2009 Share Posted February 15, 2009 The Kraken Brothers thread was more or less a try at making a Chapter around pirates with many influences from Final Fantasy and Pirates of the Caribbean , as well as sailors and pirates from stories such as Treasure Island. The first thread basically seemed to confuse me to no end and didn't start off well with a rather poorly made IA and very little input from the community at large. Ideas were mixed and jumbled with great contributions by Grey Hunter Ydalir, Grand Master Tyrad, and Kil78. The Chapter's homeworld was to be called Charybdis. Charybdis was probably my favorite monster from the Odyssey, the idea of a monster who created a whirlpool and then vomited everything back up several hours later brought a smile to my face. The second thing was to have six moons, each called Scylla: Prime, Secundus, Tricus, Quadcus, Pentcus, and Hexcus. Scylla was another monster from the Odyssey, a creature with six heads which each ate a single sailor as ships passed by. The Chapter's Fortress Monastery was to be on Scylla Prime with each of the other moons being turned into gun bases. The idea for the other moons was from Luna, the idea of a planet made into a giant pile of guns just rubs me the right way. As for Charybdis itself, I wanted it to be a water world. Also, to help my pirate aspects I wanted treasure to be on the sea floor, however, Grey Hunter Ydalir smacked me upside the head with the book of logic with the statement that a water world would have no purpose in making treasures and that someone must have left them there to be there. Grand Master Tyrad was my guardian angel suggesting that the world was different before and for some reason or another the polar ice caps were melted and the treasures were submerged. Thus came the first incarnation of Charybdis with a mountainous world with multiple mining operations and artisans making wonderful treasures. Cities were built into the sides of the mountains and on top of plateaus. Then during the Horus Heresy the world was attacked by traitor guardsmen and mechanicus and to win a losing battle the people of Charybdis melted the polar ice caps with some technology or other, possibly the mining machines but I'm just pulling stuff out of the air with that statement, submerging the cities, drowning the traitors and sinking the treasures. This left the surface of the world with island chains and mountain peaks. The next thing I wanted to include were floating islands and airships. Final Fantasy players eyes might be lighting up here, as are mine. With the floating islands and airships came sky pirates, but they're just there to add to the feel of the homeworld. Kil78, Mordray, and Grand Master Tyrad helped me with the floating islands as I first described them as "unnatural." Ideas came about with them either being filled with gasses, being artifacts from the Dark Age of Technology covered in soil, or warp influenced. A mixture of these ideas was created with no real basis on one or another, but Grand Master Tyrad had the idea that the islands would be under study by the Adeptus Mechanicus and once again I am grateful, for this gave me a bit more flexibility with including the Mechanicus in other planetary events. I decided to use the Ultramrine's gene seed. It doesn't add anything, and it doesn't take anything away. The Cadre that taught the Chapter was from the Silver Skulls. This really doesn't have reason behind it besides the fact that I think the Silver Skulls are cool. I have yet to really decide how to answer Grey Hunter Ydalir's question about how the Silver Skull's methods influence the chapter, so input there would be appreciated. One of the things that I wanted for my chapter was terror markings, similar to the skull painted on the helmet like the pre-heresy Night Lords. Again, no reason, just that it looks cool and, as it is known, the Rule of Cool reigns supreme. Possibly, my greatest inspiration for the Chapter were actually the Warhammer Dark Elves, especially the Character Lokhir Fellheart whose helmet I think would look awesome on a Space Marine. Such, one of my earlier ideas was that Denarious, the Silver Skull Cadre leader and the chapter's first Chapter Master, would find eleven of these helms and give one to each of the Captains to mark them as such. This would have some great influence on one of my later ideas, but the origin of the helmets was something that Grey Hunter Ydalir thought I should answer. So, with the presence of the Mechanicus, the artistic nature of the world's populace, and my own imagination I created the idea of Magos Nero and his time on Charbdis in which he made eleven astartes helms which never saw action until long after the Heresy when Denarious found them to win the respect of the chater. The Chapter's organization was the standard codex ten companies. As far as I'm concerned the organization is simple enough and making an odd number of great companies more or less confuses things. I have yet to decide on the chapter's number of dreadnoughts, tactical dreadnought armor, and artificer armor suits. I have also decided on fifteen honor guard. The Chapter is also going to make use of librarians, chaplains, and techmarines. The Chapter Cult is one thing that I never really wrapped my mind around. I don't know how to write mine. Charybids's location in the galaxy was decided to be somewhere between the Maelstrom and the Ghoul Stars giving me the ability to portray my chapter fighting Chaos and Orks. An original idea I had was for the Second Company Captain Barbarossa, and this has probably been the center of my notes. Barbarossa and his company get lost in the warp traveling back to Scylla Prime, they're stuck for a century fighting off daemons while being guided by their librarian and with constant repairs done by the techmarine. Marines being to mutate and to keep themselves pure some of the marines amputate their mutated limbs and replace them with bionics. Barbarossa amputates both his legs and one of his arms. Some of the marines keep their mutations and fight on with further unnatural enhancements. When Barbarossa reemerges from the warp he and his company have been devastated. Barbarossa meets with Fourth Company Captain, Master of the Fleet, and friend Howl. Howl reluctantly gives Barbarossa a new Strike Cruiser and allows Barbarossa to leave, and Barbarossa sails off into the Ghoul Stars to die in glory. After continuous fighting in the Ghoul Stars the Second Company begins to use Ork icons to scare the Orks including taking Ork head trophies and mounting Ork glyphs on their banners as well as taking and using Ork weapons. Later Howl is assassinated by Chapter honor guard for letting Barbarossa go. And later still the Second Company is reformed under Commondaunt Astos Narrick, name compliments of Kil78. Astos is not given the title Captain because Barbarossa still has the ceremonial helm and chases after Barbarossa into the Ghoul Stars. The chapter already has several named characters: First Company Captain Lucil Tobulo; Second Company Captain Strabo Barbarossa* Reformed Second Company Commondaunt Astos Narrick; Master of the Watch Third Company Captain Dega Icarus; Chief of the Arsenal Forth Company Captain [Filo Howl [DECEASED]]; Julian Nemo; Master of the Fleet Fifth Company Captain Pasquel Voy; Master of Marches Tenth Company Captain Malden Calles; Chief of Recruits Possible names include: Allardyce; Alo; Astos*; Bacchus; Barbarossa*; Barthello; Belgran; Brasser; Benbow; Bligh; Bouff; Boscawen; Caesar; Calico; Calles*; Callum; Ceto; Cetus; Condent; Cruso; Dega*; Dodona; Esther; Filo*; Ghis; Giott; Hermes; Hood; Howl*; Icarus*; Igus; Ishmael; Jiru; Jol; Julian; Laffiti; Lillibullero; Livesi; Lucil*; Lusca; Malden*; Milo; Narrick*; Nemo; Palom; Pasquel*; Rahl; Rais; Ramsey; Raphsodus; Roux; Sabin; Sato; Smollett; Strabo*; Stratton; Tasi; Testu; Tobias; Tobulo*; Topapa; Trelawni; Trion; Vane; Vashon; Veboer; Voy*; * Used Names The Chapter badge The Captains' helmet I have something bordering on three pages of notes size nine font. Ideas and input are very welcome and very appreciated. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Threnodus Posted February 15, 2009 Share Posted February 15, 2009 Here are some thoughts based on what you have so far. Doctrine - there has been very little (that I've come across at least) written on marine combat in aquatic conditions. A largely water covered world gives you the opportunity to point out the training marines undergo for combat in different environments. With Charybdis and the moons Scylla, you have at least submerged and (if you choose) vacuum environments readily available. Submerged training gives you a tie-in to their namesake and a specialization that will affect all other combat doctrine. For example, boarding actions undertaken on ships from the sea could be paralleled to Thunderhawk assaults on spacecraft (as opposed or in addition to the use of boarding torpedoes) where the marines must operate in the void and find egress into the ship or disable it from the outside. Multiple teams of this nature would be dispatched and, naturally, referred to as the kraken's arms. Organization - to keep with the pirate theme, each company Captain could also be the master of the company's strike cruiser. The chapter master may be referred to as Commodore to keep in this vein. Barbarossa - he's been lost in the warp for a century, fighting chaos every step of the way. When he finally re-emerges to real space, his first act is to get a new warp-worthy ship and head right back out again. What drives him? What quest is he on that he must do this immediately without even consulting his fellow Captains, or his Commodore? Even if you never answer these questions outright, hinting at them builds the sense that there is more to the story than what has been told. Artificer helmets - why were eleven made? This number makes the story a little too pat. If the magos was obsessed with prime numbers, maybe there's something to it, but an even dozen may be better. If you can find a way to distribute 16, then it fits into binary code better. The five others could be distributed to the heads of the librarium, recclusiam, apothecarium, the master of the forge, and the chapter champion, for example. The idea of a kraken-faced chaplain kind of appeals to me, but I digress... The Silver Skulls - The ritualistic nature of the Silver Skulls could definitely be perpetuated in chapter via the superstitious nature of sailors. If the Company Captain sees a "red sky in morning," then perhaps the mission will be delayed or re-planned to avoid ill luck. Hope this gives you some help refining your ideas. You're off to a good start. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Donkey Kong Posted February 16, 2009 Author Share Posted February 16, 2009 Thank you, Threnodus. The combat doctrine could well include a proficiency in boarding actions. Thank you for that suggestion. And, you're right, I do have the environments available to me to explain the specialization. The "Kraken's arms" is just great, With the organization, I think both of those ideas could work. I'm sorry, Barbarossa and his Second Company isn't quite as well explained here as it was in the other thread. Barbarossa and his marines were mutated after being stuck in the warp for a period of time and because of this Barbarossa puts himself on a death oath to die with dignity after entering real space. Though your view of him coming back with the intention to get right back up is something I could work with. Barbarossa's quest, as has been said, is to die. He needs to do this now so he isn't shaming himself or the chapter. The big conflict this gave me to work with was the one between Barbarossa and Narrick. The artificer helms have the ceremonial significance of marking the Captain. Without it Narrick is named Commondaunt instead of rightful Captain even though he is given every other authority. Narrick takes this as an insult. So Narrick, being my chapter's embodiment of Lucius, decides that he's not going to take that sitting down and chases right after Barbarossa to take his fancy hat and his nice title. The artificer helmets were basically just there to tie in the krake theme. The initial idea of eleven was one for the Chapter Master and one for each of the Captains. I may change that to fit your idea. What is the recclusiam? Your idea with the Silver Skulls works and I think I can expand on it more to make it work. I just need to find a list of sailor superstition. Input and comments are appreciated. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Donkey Kong Posted February 18, 2009 Author Share Posted February 18, 2009 Several ideas I've had for some of the more special things the chapter possesses. First off are bikes. To be honest, I have mixed feelings on the look of the space marine bike and attack bike. However, the Master of the Ravenwing is drop dead gorgeous, primarily because of the eagle head front. I know that Jet bikes are Dark Age of Technology and extremely rare, so I don't know whether to flat out call them jetbikes and use converted MotR bikes or to somehow convert and cast a similar plate and stick it on bikes. My argument for is that my world has floating islands and has close ties to the Mechanicus. Against is that jetbikes are too hard to maintain and wouldn't be fluffy. So opinions? Also, how would one make attack bikes using the former method? Second are my chapter's fifteen honor guard. The Death Guard Death Shroud image from the Horus Heresy card game provide the basic idea for these guys. First thing to change was the fact that scythes didn't fit with my chapter and so I turned to naval pole arms and came up with the trident. Deciding that it'd be rather boring just to have a trident and that the halberd is my favorite pole arm I decided to continue searching. It eventually resulted in a picture of military forks, and I'll be honest, these things look brutal. I figure that a bulked out figure 2 with a third point added to the head would embody the weapon of choice for these guys. Other than the weapon I think the only things to really change are the iconography. I like the knightly helm and I can really imagine a scene where Captain Howl is flaked by a couple of these guys and after winning one of them turns around a spears Howl. Howl then asks astonished, "Brother . . . why?" and the honor guard pulls him in close and says, "For the good of the chapter, Captain." And then the honor guard rips the spear out of Howl and Howl falls dead. Third idea was chaining weapons to their arms. It may resemble Black Templars but the pirates like their punishment, savvy? Plus it just looks really, really cool. For heraldry, the original and main idea is the Krake. Secondary symbols would be tentacles, sea serpents and gorgon heads. The only problem now is deciding on what each designates. Originally the serpent was going to indicate veteran status, but I still don't know if the gorgon head would be better or what the other that isn't veteran should be. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Donkey Kong Posted February 18, 2009 Author Share Posted February 18, 2009 No comments? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Imperialis_Dominatus Posted February 19, 2009 Share Posted February 19, 2009 I like the idea and want to see it further developed. Only thing that sticks out badly that can't be made better- Barbarossa got a whole Strike Cruiser? I can understand a small Warp-capable vessel, but Strike Cruisers are hella valuable to a Chapter. You don't just send one out into the void, even for a Captain on some morbid penitent crusade. To answer your question, the Reclusiam is where the Chaplaincy of the Chapter resides. They also handle relics and such, I'm sure. Anything faith-related probably has them in it, too. I think the idea of combining the Silver Skulls' ritualistic nature with the superstitions of sailors is an awesome idea. You could incorporate all kinds of battle rituals and practices into your Chapter. Terror markings would fit in here too. Great stuff. From Wiki on superstition for sailors: "It is considered bad luck for a ship to set sail on a Friday, to bring anything blue aboard, to stick a knife into the deck, to leave a hatch cover upside-down, to say "pig", or to eat walnuts aboard. Some beliefs state that it is bad luck to have a woman aboard ship, while others say that a storm will give way to calm if a woman bares her body to it, which may explain why female figureheads are often bare-breasted." You could incorporate that last bit onto BFG fleets or tanks in 40k. :) I also approve of the idea of an aquatic specialization. You could really go into detail on what Marines do in marine battles (see what I did there?). I also like the idea of organizing the Chapter around its ships. Captains get a Strike Cruiser, Chapter Master gets the Battle Barge. Maybe specialize in boarding actions as well? As far as jetbikes go, I'd use a different technology. Jetbikes are super rare. You'd be stepping on Sammael's toes badly if you had squads of them. Trident-halberds are cool, and very original as far as a signature weapon. I also like that the weapons are chained to them. It brought to mind (to me, at least) oarslaves having their oars chained to them. Your Chapter could see its brethren as the Imperium's metaphorical oarslaves, and their weapons are that with which they drive the future of the Imperium. Or at least of their Chapter, if you want to maintain the privateer outlook. Serpents, gorgons, kraken- heck, add in some monster squids and octopi. Why not? Tentacly/squirmy/squiggly sea beasts will add greatly to your imagery. They could be anything- maybe Company heraldry? Awards of merit? Play up the sea imagery, I like it. Abalone shells with the same stuff used on purity seals for medals? Shell designs on armor? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Donkey Kong Posted February 19, 2009 Author Share Posted February 19, 2009 Imperialis_Dominatus said: I like the idea and want to see it further developed. Only thing that sticks out badly that can't be made better- Barbarossa got a whole Strike Cruiser? I can understand a small Warp-capable vessel, but Strike Cruisers are hella valuable to a Chapter. You don't just send one out into the void, even for a Captain on some morbid penitent crusade. Thank you, and I see your point. Why is it you say that this can't be made better? Imperialis_Dominatus said: To answer your question, the Reclusiam is where the Chaplaincy of the Chapter resides. They also handle relics and such, I'm sure. Anything faith-related probably has them in it, too. Once again, thank you. Imperialis_Dominatus said: I think the idea of combining the Silver Skulls' ritualistic nature with the superstitions of sailors is an awesome idea. You could incorporate all kinds of battle rituals and practices into your Chapter. Terror markings would fit in here too. Great stuff. From Wiki on superstition for sailors: "It is considered bad luck for a ship to set sail on a Friday, to bring anything blue aboard, to stick a knife into the deck, to leave a hatch cover upside-down, to say "pig", or to eat walnuts aboard. Some beliefs state that it is bad luck to have a woman aboard ship, while others say that a storm will give way to calm if a woman bares her body to it, which may explain why female figureheads are often bare-breasted." You could incorporate that last bit onto BFG fleets or tanks in 40k. :) Thanks for looking into that, also I'm glad you think that it's a good idea. Imperialis_Dominatus said: I also approve of the idea of an aquatic specialization. You could really go into detail on what Marines do in marine battles (see what I did there?). I see what you did there :D . Imperialis_Dominatus said: I also like the idea of organizing the Chapter around its ships. Captains get a Strike Cruiser, Chapter Master gets the Battle Barge. Maybe specialize in boarding actions as well? With a ship savvy Chapter you think I'm limiting the brothers to one Battle Barge? Don't forget these guys have been around since the ninth founding and have close ties to the Mechanicus. Imperialis_Dominatus said: As far as jetbikes go, I'd use a different technology. Jetbikes are super rare. You'd be stepping on Sammael's toes badly if you had squads of them. I agree there. So, what do you think would be better? Imperialis_Dominatus said: Trident-halberds are cool, and very original as far as a signature weapon. I also like that the weapons are chained to them. It brought to mind (to me, at least) oarslaves having their oars chained to them. Your Chapter could see its brethren as the Imperium's metaphorical oarslaves, and their weapons are that with which they drive the future of the Imperium. Or at least of their Chapter, if you want to maintain the privateer outlook. Thanks for the compliment on trident-halberds. Interesting on the oarslaves connection. I'll see how I can make it fit. Imperialis_Dominatus said: Serpents, gorgons, kraken- heck, add in some monster squids and octopi. Why not? Tentacly/squirmy/squiggly sea beasts will add greatly to your imagery. They could be anything- maybe Company heraldry? Awards of merit? Play up the sea imagery, I like it. Abalone shells with the same stuff used on purity seals for medals? Shell designs on armor? Thank you. I like the abalone shell idea, not so much the shell design on armor. I also thought of names for Strike Cruisers and Battle Barges. I may have buried myself too deep in Greek Mythology when thinking them up. Battle Barge: Charybdis’ Maw Battle Barge: Deliverance Battle Barge: Nausicaa (Had no idea of the actual meaning of her name previous, but I'll be damned if it isn't cool) Strike Cruiser: Gorgon (Maybe not) Strike Cruiser: Iliad (Maybe not) Strike Cruiser: Maenad (Crazy, crazy ladies) Strike Cruiser: Nostoi (based on Nostros) Strike Cruiser: Obdurate Kleos Strike Cruiser: Obsidian Pearl (See what I did there?) Strike Cruiser: Relentless Also, I need help naming the other Captains and the Chapter itself. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Imperialis_Dominatus Posted February 20, 2009 Share Posted February 20, 2009 Well, you could give Barbarossa a smaller ship. But a Strike Cruiser would just be crazy. Alright, large fleet, ninth Founding, Mech ties. Gotcha. Alternate jetbikes? I dunno, I'm kind of tapped at the moment. Maybe some civilian STC they got from their Mechanicus buddies and had their Techmarines muck about with to make something like a jetbike, but not as good (therefore using the rules for bikes instead). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Donkey Kong Posted February 20, 2009 Author Share Posted February 20, 2009 Imperialis_Dominatus said: Well, you could give Barbarossa a smaller ship. But a Strike Cruiser would just be crazy. Would a Gladius Class Frigate be more appropriate? Imperialis_Dominatus said: Alternate jetbikes? I dunno, I'm kind of tapped at the moment. Maybe some civilian STC they got from their Mechanicus buddies and had their Techmarines muck about with to make something like a jetbike, but not as good (therefore using the rules for bikes instead). Sound fair. For the Chapter's colors, currently it's a very dark blue similar to the Crimson Fists. However, that Death Guard Death Shroud picture keeps growing on me with the pale green. What do you all think would be better? I would like to keep the color of the terror markings white. Also, on reflection, the dark blue is reminiscent of Pre Heresy Night Lords. I want the Chapter to have a degree of infighting, this can be seen with Howl's assassination and Narrick's chase after Barbarossa. Does anyone have any input for a drive? To throw a previous made idea out there, Howl was assassinated for letting Barbarossa go. Also, I still need help naming the Chapter Master and Sixth - Ninth Company Captains. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Tyrak Posted February 20, 2009 Share Posted February 20, 2009 Why would a Strike Cruiser be crazy? It can support the full company (anything smaller and you run out of room), plus its the size of an Imperial Navy Dauntless Light Cruiser. Even if Barbarossa has to steal it, he's going to need it if he wants to transport his full company. On the other hand, if I've misread this and Barbarossa does not take his company with him, then these objections are void. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Imperialis_Dominatus Posted February 20, 2009 Share Posted February 20, 2009 Way I read it he went on the ship himself. That's why I was kinda :lol: . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Donkey Kong Posted February 21, 2009 Author Share Posted February 21, 2009 No, Grand Master Tyrak, you read correctly. Thank you Imperialis_Dominatus for telling me where the confusion came from. So, I suppose that a Strike Cruiser would be fine. Still no opinion on the Chapter's colors or names for the Captains/ Chapter Master and some of the ships? For the colors, I'm debating between a dark blue similar to Crimson Fists or Night Lords and a pale green similar to the Death Guard Death Shroud picture. I need names for the Chapter Master, preferably two so that I can have one pass and another to mold Narrick. I also need names for some of the Librarians and Chaplains as well as the Captains of all the reserve companies. And the Ship names are five posts above. I still want to include the mutinous edge, however don't really have a good reason for it. I don't want Chaos to be up my Chapter's rectum, though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Donkey Kong Posted February 23, 2009 Author Share Posted February 23, 2009 Comments and opinions? Just to further conglomerate every pirate ideology with the Imperium, I feel that it would be interesting to have all the marines of Barbarossa's Second mark their armor with a black spot. Basically being condemned to fight and die far away from home and hunted by their brothers. It's close enough to execution for me. I need a name for Filo Howl's successor. I think that Hood would be fitting, just need a first name now, suggestions? For the name of the Chapter, does anyone have any ideas? Does Krakemarines sound good or like someone just jammed a couple words in a blender? 'Twisted'-marines does make me smile though. Also, I'm surprised that no one has made a comment about alcohol. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The emperors chosen Posted February 23, 2009 Share Posted February 23, 2009 suggestion for chapter name:Emerald corsairs(thank you name generator), it ties in the sea, and the greenish colored armor you want, instead of jetbikes, landspeeders are always an option, i like the idea of it also Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Donkey Kong Posted February 23, 2009 Author Share Posted February 23, 2009 Thank you. For the name, not really, but thanks for the effort. I think I'll be using both bikes and landspeeders. I'm glad you like them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Donkey Kong Posted February 24, 2009 Author Share Posted February 24, 2009 Well, new ideas. First, every captain is also the commander of their Strike Cruiser. They all have the title Shipmaster. Second is a character by the name of Rahl Lusca. Lusca will either be a Captain or Barbarossa's first squad sergeant. As sergeant he'll be adorned with Bad Moon symbols and his terror marking will be replaced by the Bad Moon Crescent. If he's a Captain he'll just be a name. So Lusca's attitude doesn't appear as eccentric, the idea of Barbarossa's Second was that every veteran sergeant would take an Ork glyph and incorporate it into their heraldry. I still need name ideas for Librarians and Techmarines considering how valuable they are to the Chapter. I need some way to represent the Mechanicus relationship without turning the lot of them into Iron Hands. And I still need names for Filo Howl's successor, the Chapter Master, his successor, and all the reserve company captains. EDIT: Playing around a bit with the SM painter. Opinions? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Donkey Kong Posted February 26, 2009 Author Share Posted February 26, 2009 Well, messing about with the SM painter resulted in these three marines.;spr2=533B1C Regular Marine;spr2=533B1C Veteran Sergeant;bg=FFFFFF& Terminator The idea is gray green and brass space marines. I think these colors are much better for the chapter than the dark blue. If anyone could possibly transfer the Icon onto a shoulder that would be awesome. Also, a better picture of the Death Shroud that inspired these guys Still need name suggestions. Thanks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grey Hunter Ydalir Posted February 27, 2009 Share Posted February 27, 2009 I think what you did with the problem of having treasure at the bottom of the ocean works very well and I love the thought of how they won that battle. Very charactful and works well. That really was my biggest problem. In the previous thread what I said as "too obvious by half" was more a comment on that previously it was more 'Pirates of the Caribbean in space' rather than 'Space Marines influenced by PotC'. As it stands now your thoughts on where you want to go now are, to my mind, much better and much more charactful. Quote Later Howl is assassinated by Chapter honor guard for letting Barbarossa go. And later still the Second Company is reformed under Commondaunt Astos Narrick, name compliments of Kil78. Astos is not given the title Captain because Barbarossa still has the ceremonial helm and chases after Barbarossa into the Ghoul Stars. I especially love this bit. You hardly ever see infighting or intrigue within a chapters ranks and this is fantastic. It gives them a dimension most chapters don't have and keeps very well within your theme. On the colour scheme, I'm not totally convinced. I see where your going and the scheme could work very well though I do think it is a bit flat. It needs something, the Death Guard you show have the gold trim and indentation to give it a bit of... I dont know, pop. I don't want to sound like an Interior Designer here. :) Though pirates are notorious for having many charms and are great lovers of gold. Perhaps with the addition of some charms, good luck tokens and such would help, though that might be going against what I have said above. Not entirely sure, though I do think you need another colour in there. In the end though the colour scheme is even more subjective than most other parts of the DIY and if you like what you have already then there is no need to change it. Good stuff KingHongKong, I hope to see more soon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Donkey Kong Posted February 28, 2009 Author Share Posted February 28, 2009 Quote I think what you did with the problem of having treasure at the bottom of the ocean works very well and I love the thought of how they won that battle. Very charactful and works well. That really was my biggest problem. In the previous thread what I said as "too obvious by half" was more a comment on that previously it was more 'Pirates of the Caribbean in space' rather than 'Space Marines influenced by PotC'. As it stands now your thoughts on where you want to go now are, to my mind, much better and much more charactful. Thank you for the compliment and for clearing up that 'too obvious by half' thing. I'm glad you like them. Quote I especially love this bit. You hardly ever see infighting or intrigue within a chapters ranks and this is fantastic. It gives them a dimension most chapters don't have and keeps very well within your theme. I love that bit too. The infighting does give me the little sense of character. However, I still need help developing the drive behind them. I don't want all of the marines with a taste of power to be narcissistic or power hungry. Astos is a character who has both of these traits but he's a bullet for Barbarossa. Quote On the colour scheme, I'm not totally convinced. I see where your going and the scheme could work very well though I do think it is a bit flat. It needs something, the Death Guard you show have the gold trim and indentation to give it a bit of... I dont know, pop. I don't want to sound like an Interior Designer here. :ph34r: Though pirates are notorious for having many charms and are great lovers of gold. Perhaps with the addition of some charms, good luck tokens and such would help, though that might be going against what I have said above. Not entirely sure, though I do think you need another colour in there. In the end though the colour scheme is even more subjective than most other parts of the DIY and if you like what you have already then there is no need to change it. The marines are going to have lots of charms. I think these will give the *pop* you're talking about ^_^ . Quote Good stuff KingHongKong, I hope to see more soon. Thank you, I hope to see more of you Grey Hunter Ydalir. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Donkey Kong Posted March 2, 2009 Author Share Posted March 2, 2009 On assault marines, I feel that the talons that Chaos Raptors, the Chaos Lord with jump pack, and the Ork Zagstruck all have would be quite menacing. I think they'd make boarding and "death from above" easier. Opinions? Next, I would like to ask some of you, how do you think the mindset of the standard Krake marine would be? It's quite funny, because I don't know what to think here. I also don't know what position to take on the marines and alcohol. Part of me is pushing towards it while the other is yelling no because of how it makes them go from pretty unique to bog standard pirates in space. Also, as has been said before, I don't really understand what is meant by a Chapter's "Beliefs." I understand that the Space Marines do not worship the Emperor as a god, but as the best human ever. I understand that the alien, mutant, and heretic must all burn. But when it comes to the particular Chapter's belief's I fall short. This kind of goes hand in hand with their attitude, but I'd like an outside opinion on what it should be so that I can find ways to work with it and make it my own. I still need ideas for names of characters, I need the Chapter Master (two names for a predecessor and another to send Narrick to hunt Barbarossa), Howl's successor, captains for all the reserve companies except tenth. I would like opinions on some of the ship names. Thank you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Mordray Posted March 2, 2009 Share Posted March 2, 2009 Quote Also, as has been said before, I don't really understand what is meant by a Chapter's "Beliefs." I understand that the Space Marines do not worship the Emperor as a god, but as the best human ever. I understand that the alien, mutant, and heretic must all burn. But when it comes to the particular Chapter's belief's I fall short. This kind of goes hand in hand with their attitude, but I'd like an outside opinion on what it should be so that I can find ways to work with it and make it my own. I can only talk of my own chapters and hope that I've understood enough as I'm in a similar boat... I'm sorry to say that some (chapters) do worship the emperor as a god... Personally in your case I'd take all those elements and ask yourself just what it is about the Emperor your chapter respects... and so forth and so forth... My Rave Demons chapter, respect what the Emperor was trying to achieve by unifying humanity and striving for a better tomorrow... they strive to bring about his dream of a new golden age (their interpretation at least). Hostile or invasive xeno's must be killed, Mutants are not inherently evil, but heretics (which includes the ministrum in their eyes, as well as most of the Admech) must be purged... hmmm trying to describe their manorism is rather hard... I really need to write up a formal IA for these guys... They were born of a story I never finished and a whole lot of daydreaming... My newest chapter, and the first one to remain loyal, views the Emperor as the ultimate warrior and seek to purge his galaxy of xeno threats... Mutants make good cannon fodder and heretics are excellent kindlin'... The vast majority of their cult that I've worked out so far is centered around an event known as the Hunt, in which a neophyte (they're the ones ready for the scouts right?) is sent out into the wilds to find their Spirit Scorpion (not happy with that wording but provides an adequate image...) and bring it back where it's genetic code is used by their Organicists influenced tech-marines, create that Neophytes suit of power armor. Blade Chaplins then lead the Neophyte in the ritual consumption of his scorpion, all of this must take place before the neophyte is allowed to join the chapter on the field of battle. I hope this helps... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Donkey Kong Posted March 4, 2009 Author Share Posted March 4, 2009 Thank you Mordray. For the attitude of my marines. I expect a close brotherhood and an attachment to superstition and duty. The assassination of Captain Filo Howl is one thing that I want to show the devotion to the chapter. Howl is assassinated by honor guard who ultimately accept orders from the Chapter Master. So a feeling of doing things for the good of the Chapter as a whole. As for the superstitions, I expect the list of sailor superstitions to do, there might be a twist on them in the future, and it does give a raised eyebrow to the true feeling towards Librarians with the "blue - unlucky" thing. The Krake's respect their librarians. I do want to keep them blue though. The Chapter's beliefs are mostly in the respect of the Emperor. I don't want the krake to hold much there. Maybe a creature that inspires terror in the people of Charybdis, so they take it as a terror marking. For Howl's fate, I need to decide between a successor Chapter Master to order his assassination, or the current Chapter Master to take his time to plan it out. I don't know which would be better in the long run, I'm leaning towards the former. To basically recap what I think would be interesting for other members to contribute would be: Names for the Chapter Master and successor. Names for the Captains of the reserve companies except the scout company and Howl's successor. An opinion on the name of the ships. An opinion on the Chapter's beliefs and attitude. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grey Hunter Ydalir Posted March 4, 2009 Share Posted March 4, 2009 Quote An opinion on the Chapter's beliefs and attitude In my mind they should fit with a pirates mentality. Not trusting, paranoid and rather vicious. Squads to me seem like small ships. There is the Sargent (ships captain) and his suboardinates, who he keeps in check with intimidation and punishments. The Company captains would be constantly striving to both keep loyal bodyguards to him, ferret out the disloyal ones and be constantly wary of his officers. Each company captain would likely be wary of his brother captains in the same manner and I wouldn't be suprised to see two companies under the leadership of one particuarly strong captain. However I dont see them as quite anarchistic as pirates or as what I said above might imply. In the face of danger or threat they are still brothers and will defend each other. The only reason to be so wary is the more power you have the more likely someone doesent want you to be there, or wants to take it for himself. Despite this, being such a fraternity as a space marine chapter is, it would have to be a fairly major mistake to incur their brothers wrath. That won't stop them from being paranoid though. ;) Perhaps different to what you see them as but I like that feel, though I may have over-stated their qualities and could, in hindsight almost definetly be toned down a lot from what I was talking about but the underlying feel if you may. Captains would certainly have a rivalry though and be constantly striving to outdo one another. just my two cents Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Donkey Kong Posted March 5, 2009 Author Share Posted March 5, 2009 I like your ideas Grey Hunter Ydalir, but I think that your idea of their power hunger and paranoia is over exaggerated. I'd like to think respect and drilling keeps the marines in line instead of fear tactics with sergeants. If the marines are all paranoid, why would Howl accept the honor guard. I'd expect him to know the successor Chapter Master and to know that he disapproved of Barbarossa's freedom. Being weary isn't something that I want them to be. "They shall know no fear" not "I shall fear my battle brothers." Though an underlying weariness of "They might not like me here, what will they do if I make a mistake, etc." would probably be a nice touch. The rivalry will definitely be there. I don't think that two companies under one Captain would ever truly be there. The paranoia does go off when a situation like that happens. Though I'm sure a more senior captain would take control during a campaign involving more than one company. I do like them being viscous though. I also think that having an air of humor would be nice too. Considering how Blackbeard set his beard on fire for a laugh and to scare enemies. One thing that I think might be interesting would be a carrying rivalry between battle brothers of different descent on Charybdis. For example brothers born on Imperial vessels, brothers born to pirates, brothers born to artisans, etc. I don't know if this would seem a little ridiculous or not though. Opinions and input? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grey Hunter Ydalir Posted March 5, 2009 Share Posted March 5, 2009 You've basically refined my ideas and you've turned them how I thought they should really be. Looks good. Quote One thing that I think might be interesting would be a carrying rivalry between battle brothers of different descent on Charybdis. For example brothers born on Imperial vessels, brothers born to pirates, brothers born to artisans, etc. It could work as long as it's not overdone. Squads made up of single lines of descent make sense, and having them rivals with other squads. It would also play over to company captains, who they would include in their company and who their main rivals would be. However if you, as I said, overdo it then it will end up being contrived and draw focus away from the chapter as a whole. Something like this would be great as something mentioned but not delved into too deeply, or commented on when regarding certain characters or events in the chapter. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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