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WIP Rune Priest


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I have started on the left leg runes, fancied up the staff a little, and added a mohawk (maybe too wide?)




I still have to finish the runes, add a wolf tooth necklace to the staff and do the feet. Anybody else have any ideas? See any major flaws in the design?


Better days,

OK, I tried to fix the mohawk. Did a little more work to the staff. I'm working on the runes now.




@Darth - you were right, I do like the look with the mohawk. Thanks for the tip.


Better days,

hi there

the way it COULD be done is to take a broad file and make a 'trench'. By doing this you'll have some confined space to work within. Fill the trench with GS. If the trench is done nicely, you should be able just to let the tool run along the edges to create the upper and lower horizontal lines of the 'Helle'. Write the runes in between the lines. Let it dry. Then sand it down in level with the greave. At this point there will possibly be some clean-up work, to do with a sharp knife... It may sound difficult but I'm convinced this is how I would do it and I do believe that it'll give a superp result...


Looking forward to see him done. And indeed to totally rip you for ideas for my next-generation-SW-codex Termie Rune Bandit :rolleyes:







The runes are done. Once the GS cures I'll clean them up with a knife. I'm almost done with the staff too. All I need to do is add the cords holding the teeth and charms onto the strap (and clean the strap up a little.




Thanks for all the replies, encouragement, and the help. If anyone has anything else to add, please say so.


@blackmane - I'm not sure if that would work. The rod I'm using is too thin. I'll mess around with the idea. Maybe I can create the upper portion of the leg using GS. If I get it worked out I'll let you know what I did.


Better days,

I said I was learning to use GS. I've been using the stuff for years. Fixing bad molds, filling in gaps. Mostly clean up work. I've been converting mini's since 2nd edition. It's only on my last two or three armies that I actually started to get into the GS. As you can see I'm very much a novice at sculpting. Being able to make something that is able to be recognized and something that looks good are two very different things.


Much of what I did with this mini was an experiment. First time I used plastic rods for the arms, first time I tried to make something with GS and then add it to the mini (staff straps). I've done dozens of fur pelts and the teeth and straps I'm familiar with. I keep stealing ideas and techniques from this board and trying to do them myself.GS was just the next step in my learning phase. I post so much here because there is very little negative feedback (in a mean spirited way). Many of the people here are amazing builders and painters, and most of them are willing to share thier knowledge and experience. So, it's a good environment for me.


This is the rune priest my new guy will replace. He was from three armies ago. About 18 months or so ago. I like to think I'm getting better.




If there was confusion, or if it sounded like I was claiming to be working with GS for the first time, I'm sorry. That was never my motive. I've been working on getting better at building and painting since I stopped playing a long time ago.


I hope that clears things up. And thanks for the kind words.


Better days,



I've got him standing on a base now! I put the beaky in for a size comparison.




I think I may have to add some thin plastic sheet under the feet, as they seem too thin to me right now.


@ Skullz - I want to point out that I did not in any mean that you had been negative in your posts. I was speaking in general. I request help and C&C here and try to modify my mini's according to what people say. I do not mind people telling me what I need to work on or what I could do better. So, no hard feelings I hope.


better days,



I have thought of something; I've making fur on my poodles for quite some time now, and more than once I've used GS over plastic fur(like u did with them paws) and ended up with an all to visible border between the GS fur and the Plastic fur. I find it hard to see on your model, which very well could mean it is done properly. Have you considered painting the border or inking it to see if its visible...


What I tend to do myself, is to use the plastic parts as super structure and then GS it over or in the case of paws pulling some single fur straws as far toward the claws as possible, without messing with the claws and their 'attach points'


This said I must add that though my peops tell me i'm not bad, my skills are no where near yours. I've been tinkering with GS-building Vs GS-filling for more than 5 years now and if you are as relative noob as you claim I believe u to be a GS-prodigy


Now get him done so I can get started with my own Rune Priest





I wanted to post up a size pic with the other HQ guys I have. So he wouldn't look like such a beast. The army will be a blend of 13th Company and "modern" wolves (no wulfen). I am building this army to get back into the playing aspect of the game and it's going to take me a while. I usually build and paint an army then give it away to make room for new stuff.




I feel like a huge misunderstanding happened somehow. I am not claiming to be a newbie with GS. I consider myself a decent novice. I look at the work of Prophet, Doghouse, Joker, and Boltman and I think they have ungodly GS skills. I can make average stuff, they make small pieces of art. But, I want to make sure people don't think I'm lying about anything. I have used GS for a long time. But, I'm only getting into the sculpting side of the hobby.


Better days,



I just wanted to thank everyone that helped out with this. If I didn't use your ideas, I'm sorry. Some of the input I got, I was simply not able to create.


He is finished with the build phase and I'm hoping to start painting him today.




Thanks again.


Better days,



I debated putting this one on a shelf until I get better, but I'm weak willed :)


I'm trying to keep the gray lighter and cleaner than my normal wolves. Does it look like there is enough highlight on the grey or should I go lighter?




I'm not going to bombard the board with updates like I did before. Promise.


Better days,


The model looks great, his size and scale are impressive.

At 1st I thought the staff was overdone, but it actually works with the model and remains balanced!

If you are going for a 13th Co. look, why not go with the old school Space Wolf grey color, instead of the newer blur grey version.

Also, I would add some washes to those runes, they need some shading and are a bit bright yellow.


Can't wait to see this GIANT finished!

Inspires me for the rumored Wolf 'Dex in Nov. 2009.


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