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Hey all, this is my first WIP post here, although I've been getting inspiration for quite awhile. I've decided to start a true-scale chaos army and this is the first test model for my Khorne Berserkers squad. This is my first serious test for greenstuffing, so it might be a little rough.


Its basically ready for priming:







With arms and possible head blu-tacked on:



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Hey Overdrive,


The only SLIGHTLY rough bit of GS-fu is on the left thigh, but that could be easily sorted.

Otherwise it looks gloriously smooth.


My only crit atm is that the 'tubes' made from guitar wire look a little thin compared to the termi body. Maybe try to pick up some thicker stuff



Keep up the good work.


How many points of army are you thinking of for this true-scale army of yours?




Cpt X

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Nice start, though thicker guitar wire for the cable might be good. Also where did you get the inspiration for the chap? I ask this because I did a guide on True Scaling for the Astro Magazine based around a Berserker, and this model is a berserker too done using the same method but with leg adjustments.
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@Xavier: I think your right on the chest tubes. It was so hard to get thim in on this guy I've left them and moved to painting, but will definitely try a larger guage on on the one. I've got a 1000pt list done up now, but Its not finalized, all I know right now is I want to have an 8 man berserker squad built, then I'm probabley going to try and do a TS Khârn, and move on from there.


@Trygon: I got my inspiration from reading lots of Doghouses threads, Synapse over at Warseer, and once I saw Pig of Sparta's TS Night Lord, I knew I wanted to do Chaos rather then a loyalist army.



I've finished the red armour, although because of my crappy camera i'm having trouble getting a decent shot of it. I've also started on the next guy who will be a Plasma pistol Marine.


Arms are just tac'd on for now, and the head hasn't been started.



The next one:


I'm also working on a Space Wolf Landraider for a friend and have 3/4 of the interior done:


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Well, double post, but atleast this is an update. Haven't finished painting the first one yet, but I liked the way it turned out so I'm moving ahead with the army. This is going to become my log to keep track of my progress, so hopefully I can help inspire some of you, and any Comments or Criticisms are more than welcome.


Here's the second guy without GS done, and arms tac'd on:



Here is the very raw start of the third trooper:



Finally the two together, with the legs put together so you have a bit of an idea of the poses:


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Thanks for the support guys. Have had most the day free for once and got lots done on the two new guys and some painting on the old one.


@Tortoise: The spiked collar is the curved part of the terminator chestpiece put on its side and cut down a bit. I still have to shave it down more to make the head fit how I want it.


I've finished the body of the first Berserker:




Here is the current state of the head. I like the gray/white on red contrast, however the test will be what it looks like with the bronze painted on.



Also here is what I got done on the two WIP ones:




I'm trying to do a bit more sculpting on each one as I feel my skills progress a bit. Of course any C&C is more than welcome.

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Double post, ah well it happens. Painting is a great way to put off writing papers, and as such I've finished the first Marine. He's essentially a test model for the army, but I don't think I will change the paint scheme much. He is completely done except for weathering, which I'm not sure how to go about doing, and detailing.





Here is a scale shot with an old Berserker I had done for a previous army which went no where:



I also finished the head of the second marine, minus some detailing as I'm not sure what I want as a tatoo on his face and I always put off doing eye till last. This is the best picture I could get as it seems to reflect light and end up pretty washed out.




As usual Comments, criticisms and suggestions are appreciated.

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Hey all,


Double, double post, ah well nothing to be done. Between projects/papers and presentations I managed to finish painting the second marine. I put considerably more work into him than the first guy as I wanted to see if my themes would work on the first one. I h aven't had any time to work on the third member, his legs are almost done, then its on to the torso, but I don't have a pic of the legs yet.


Here's the finished Plasma Pistol Marine with inset of his shoulder:




As always comments and criticisms are more than welcome. I'm looking especially for some markings to make them all a little more unique.

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Hey Overdrive, thanks for the name drop :D. I have to say I love the way you're doing these, the first on looks really good. It almost makes me want to get another TS project going. The red, white and brass on the first one looks spot on. I'll be keeping an eye on this thread.



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Hey all,


Thanks for the support, I'm glad you like how these are going. Hopefully between when classes end next week, and exams start the week after I can get a bit done of the 3rd and 4th guys.


@Chainaxe_of_Khorne: Scab red, Scorched brown and Black are the 3 colors used in the red.


@Klaxonsfan: For the red, I start with a black basecoat, and mix together the VGC equivalents to scorched brown and black till I have a very dark brown. I also add a small bit of Scab Red just to give it a slightly reddish tint. When painting it on I try and leave a little black around all edges, but its dark enough that this isn't necessary. After I have a good covering of this, I add more and more Scab red to the mix until my final layer is really just scab red darkened with a tiny bit of Scorched brown. Its really more of a guessing game, I add red to the mix until I'm happy with the result. I will try and detail the layers with the next guy I do, unfortunatly I don't have a very good camera, but I'll do my best.


@mongrelfish: I plan to build a 1000 pt army, and if by the end of that I'm still interested push onto 1500. One thing I'm interested in is doing some TS terminators which don't fit into my current list, so I will see how it goes.


@Pig of Sparta: Your welcome, I hope you do decide to try another TS project, as both of your previous ones on here turned out great!


One thing this picture doesn't really show is the head actually has a greenish hue, which in hindsight I'm not really sure about.

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