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I would go with Berzerker Pezz and his suggestion it might add an interesting look. Plus him being a World Eater is a bonus.

Skulls for the skull throne anyone?


Maybe try and butcher a Chaplains head... hmmmm so many options.


In other news... still loving the work.



Well ive been watching this thread almost since you started it and its looking really good, and then I mean REEEAAAAAALLLYYY good.


I have to say that i want to see a skull helm on champ, but not the zerker skull helm,

I would take a tomb king head and a marine helm cut the front of the helmet, and then cut the front part of the tomb king skull, and put the skull face on the helmet.(its confusing bur you get a skull helm)


good luck to you



Well pretty much finished with the Skull Champion, I think I'm going to add a large Khorne icon on the backpack at some point, but not right away. I have to finish the free hand on the shoulder as well. I'm unsure about the head, I haven't glued it yet incase feedback on it is negative. I wanted a horned head, but one won't fit so I've gone with this sofar. Anyways onto pics:








Damn I just have two phrases for that model...


Nice and good job..


And for those who also do WoW- Fury warrior with titan's grip...ftw! :D


but for some reason, I however would have chosen a different helmet though... maybe the terminator lords helmet or a the bald head from the forge world character...

The Berzerker is top-notch. The conversion is solid, the painting excellent. The helmet is the only let-down. It ought to be red, and an entirely different helmet as well! Shaved-down WHFB chaos knight helmets just don't fit, in my opinion.


Suggestions: The Marine appears to be wearing an amalgamation of predominantly Mk. IV and V armor. Perhaps you could use either one of the mk. V helmets off the Chaos Marine sprue or Chaos vechicle sprue (the one that looks a little like a skull, with studs on top; the one from the vehicle sprue has a bionic eye); or one of the actual skull helmets from the recut chaos marine sprue; or perhaps a Forge World mk. IV helmet. You could also go with any helmet from the Berzerker box, though I'd remove the bunny ears. Don't go with a boring Mk. VII helmet like any loyalist marine; and the chaos marine Mk. VIIs with helmets look really silly, in my opinion. Don't go with a terminator helmet, that would look entirely wrong.

Okay thanks for tip there. I've been using a trick I learned from Clarinet. Rubbing your finger against your nose (outside, not inside :P ) rubs some of the oil/grease off, works pretty much the same -_-


You continue to amaze me here. keep up the good work, maybe when I've done my few true scales I'll post them up here...but this would be one hell of a tough act to follow.

Thanks for the feedback all.


Although the head is not as bright a white in person, I think you all are right about it not fitting the model. I don't really have the money to fork out for the Zufor head, so I will probably go through my bits box and my friends and see what I can come up with. I've never been much of a fan of the skull head off the Berserker spue, but I have a few kicking around so I will debunnify them and see how they look. I like the skull image painted onto a somewhat plain helmet, and thanks Biohazard for the pic to allow me to visualize it a bit more. Hopefully I can get another update or two in before I leave for work for the summer in a few days.

Just a quick update, got some work done on the 5th squad member. Here's a mock up of the final pose. I like it but let me know what you think, its a little static compared to the rest, but I didn't want to do a lot of cutting on these legs, as I'm not confident in my GSing quite yet.



  • 5 months later...

Well sorry for the threadomancy, but I'm back at this project. I was away for work for quite awhile but now I have some time to hopefully finish this squad.


Unfortunately not a big update but I have got some painting done.




More to come in the near future!!!

  • 2 weeks later...

Another small update, almost finished work on the 4th squad member and have undercoated and prepped the 1st guy for repaint.




Group shot of the near finished three:





And for those who also do WoW- Fury warrior with titan's grip...ftw!

I should melt your computer with a flare gun for saying that. ^_^ My two friends who play WoW religiously are making me want to rip my hair out.


Fantastic models, to say the least. The metallics lack depth, however. Some washes and a highlight of mythril silver will do the trick, though.


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