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Red Scorpion Vanguard Project


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Yo. I'm in the process of building a substantial Red Scorpion army in traditional Anphelion Project grey/yellow, but for the Vanguard unit I'm doing something a little different. There's an alternate color scheme shown in the White Dwarf c. 1988 in which Red Scorpions are first mentioned. It's a crazy paintscheme, and they're in mk6 armor too. Fluffwise for my army, these veterans are soo old and tough, they still wear their original issue Mk6 and they retain the colors they wore during the Angstrom Incident in the Badab War:


It's hard to reconcile with the current RS fluff that they hate camoflage, but I'm doing it anyway. It's only one squad of veterans; they can be ideosincratic.


Anyway, on to the knitty gritty: Ten Vanguard Vets in Mk6; beakie helms; custom studded left shoulder guards; legs with greaves (no kneecaps); scenic bases; three models will have magnetised wargear so I can equip the squad with w/e, including just flamers/plaspistols to make them regular assault marines if I choose to.

The Sergeant will have double lightning claws. He's from the old metal veterans set (which GW is now calling Mk1 veterans--very confusing) and he used to have a chainsword for a right arm:


You can see him and his older metal jump pack on the left. I'll provide better shots of him later, but doing his arm swap and grinding off the three metal tabards that used to be on the right lightning claw was a serious job. For the rest of the squad, four of the legs used to be kneecaps but I converted them to greaves like this:


The assault chests I'm using will get some work too. I'm removing the exposed bits of wing from behind the chest straps (Mk6 was pre-eagle) and adding a circular grill to the 'belt buckle' in the center.

I'm trying to fast-track this squad. I'll have them built and primed black within a couple days. (that's fast for me :rolleyes: )

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Awesome way to incorporate the chapter's old-school fluff into your army list. I've been looking for a way to add 'Battle of Sagan's Moon drop troop camouflage' to my Fire Angels army, and your idea works perfectly--I may have to steal it...


BTW, has there been any fluff about the Angstrom Incident, beyond the paint scheme reference?

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BTW, has there been any fluff about the Angstrom Incident, beyond the paint scheme reference?


Not to my knowledge. I've scoured the internet and can't find anything besides some obvious user-generated fluff (garbage). I believe there was an official GW Badab campaign a few years ago but I can't find any details. Also, it's strange to me that I find a single image of a mini painted in this color scheme. It's as though no one has painted these up in the twenty-odd years since that image first appeared in print (or at least, no one with a digital camera).


Fortunately for me, I'm participating in an upcoming Badab Campaign here in Austin being developed by BoLS. That's why I'm going so deep into fluff history myself.


Thanks for the comments guys. More to come.

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The Badab War has always intrigued me because it's pretty much the only instance I am aware of where camo on space marines is so prevalent. I have a folder of images for the BW and the camo schemes are really bizarre looking, but at the same time very cool. My fav is still the Howling Griffons, but the Red Scorpion version you have picked is also excellent.


I also like how you converted the greaves to make them look Mk. 6-ish. Very clever.


I'm really looking forward to seeing these guys with some paint on them.


Btw, I'm down in Katy and some of us are trying to organize a trip up to Austin to visit with the BoLS guys. We're so close it seems a shame not to.



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Spent the day cleaning wargear; got it all done. Several sets of arms now have magnets set in them, as do three of the torsos:


Of the three metal arms, the one with a skull and laurels used to have an Ultramarine U on there (from Chronus); the smooth finished one had its rim removed; and the studded one got tidied up a bit too.

All the torsos got a small circle of GS as the base of the grill, and after several hours letting it harden I've made a few tests of the grill itself. The ends will get trimmed down once the glue is completely dry:


I'm not certain if it's good enough, but that's what a test is for.


Last bit for the day--Rogue Trader era studded shoulders have fewer studs and in a different pattern than the common studded shoulders around these days. I'm making three studded columns down the center of the shoulder; the four outermost studs get shaved off:

EDIT: replaced image with finished group shot:


Setting brass rivets into metal shoulders is fun. Everyone should do it.

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Alright, they're all standing:



Right shoulder pads have the rim removed, left shoulder pads studded in the old style. Three of those guys have magnetic arms.

They just need the chest/circle grills completed and they're ready for basecoat and down to business. Jump packs will go on after painting complete. Woot!

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First color test, would appreciate comments:



TBH, it looks suprisingly crappier in the pics than it does IRL, but it's only a first draft.

After the black coat, the red is in three layers: 1) a drybrushed mix of red/drop of blue/drop of silver/several drops of clear medium (makes it semi-transparent); 2) a drybrushed layer of Blood Red; 3) thinned down Blood Red in fine lines.


I want to keep the process somewhat simple so it's reproducible and consistent.


Straps and armor joints will be a charcoal grey, working up to silvery highlights.

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Interesting concept for a squad. Love the studded shouldpads. Are you using all beakie helmets as well?


Regarding the painting of a test model - I would use a different approach. Base coat your red (suggest Foundation Red), basecoat Red Gore over that, bring it up one highlight with Blood Red with a wet-brushing. Let dry, then wash with the new-ish GW red wash.


At that point I would ADD the very, very dark blue, then highlight that up sparingly with a dark blue.


- Blackbone

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Thanks for the comments and support. I've pushed it a bit further, though he's still very WIP:



Open questions remaining for me: the center stripe on the helmet (see reference photo in first post). I'm thinking only the sergeant gets it. Also, should the chainsword get hazard stripes... and if so what color? Yellow could tie the unit in to the rest of the army better, but it may just look out of place on the red/black unit.

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If I remember correctly, the RT era Mk VI all had stripes down the center - there were different stripes / additional designs for sergeants and officers.

Caution / hazard stripes were all the rage - and I think a yellow / black design would "pop" out, and theme it into the rest of your army well.

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Age quod agis - great phrase. And thanks for the advice; that's exactly what I was looking for.


Here he his, shot at night (as if you can't tell), 99% done:




He still needs his eyes, and that little lens on his helmet, and the leather hilt on the chainsword, some general cleaning up. Maybe some battle damage too. Oh and the old school decals courtesy of BoLS website.

But you get where I'm going with the squad. Thanks all for the comments and encouragement. Now for the other nine...

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A very unique color scheme. But won't you highlight the black armor?


Oh hell. It actually IS highlighted a bit. And the pics are rather dark... but it needs more work :woot: I'll do it tomorrow.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update: I've got the first five solidly in PIP stage, including the Sergeant. Here's some highlights:




more to come...

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