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Red Scorpion Vanguard Project


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Excellent work, I love the way your black and red blend together. When I first saw the computer pick I thought that would be tuff to do smoothly but i think you nailed it.
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Finished the first five, including basing and custom decals courtesy of BoLS:




Five more to go, including the TH/SS guy. Cheers!

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Oh heavens no, I'm only planning one squad of these guys. They were expensive and labor intensive. Besides, who has room in their army list for TWO vanguard squads? Interesting idea though...


No, after this squad it's back to the customary Red Scorpion colors of grey/yellow. I've got the army here in various stages of paint/assembly, and need to focus on them for a while.

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The models look great mate and I really like the paintjob.

Im a big fan of Vanguards, Heroic Intervention is golden :confused:


Can you tell me how you placed the decals and what kind of paper you used?

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Vissah: I followed the custom decals tutorial on BoLS. I printed them on white decal paper and cut out the circles with scissors, used Micro Sol to soften the decals so they curve over the shoulder nicely. The black circles around the edges had to be touched up with black paint a bit.



With the exception of a clearcoat, the squad is done! It's been raining for a few days so I have to wait till the humidity is lower. Anyway: Looks like it took me a month. Here they are, ready to bring the Emperor's Justice:








Now, finally, back to normal grey and yellow. Woot!

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