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Slaaneshi Themed Daemon Army


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Okay I got some work done...I was lazy for a few days, its been like 6 months since I worked less than 80 hours a week...ugh!


So anyway stuff!




First the Throne:


I'm still working on this. I'll post up some concept sketches tonight, to show my thinking on this. Yes, those are what you think they are. Fear not...they're will be removable loincloths and chains to cover said naughty bits. Plus on the table top you can't see them without looking real close.
















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I'm for the most part done with the Pregger. I do need to finish a few things:


1. The belly gun needs something. Perhaps a belly ring or other peircing? Should the barrell be most Eldar like? Ideas would be helpful.


2. I'm pretty proud with how the hand have turned out, they're pretty expressive now, and scaled correctly....yeah!


3. I still don't know what to do with the head though. I'm been thinking of some sort of crown. Again, please help!


























Here is the thing assembled for the most part. The foot print is avtually slightly smaller that the GW model.







Moving on...



Daemon Princess #1:





I'm still working on this. I need to finish the teeth detailing and tounge, before adding the lips and filling out the cheeks. Then on to the smoothing and blending the features together and finally carving in micro-detail like: eye lids, nostrils, etc. Hopefully this will be done tonight.




















Her body and wings are done except for the following:


1. I still need to carve in some daemonic script on the arm and leg bands. I'm not sure if the leg armor needs any aditional detailing. May be a raised outer edge or something. Ideas would definitely be appreciated here.


2. I have to fill in the slanneshi symbols on the leg etc.


3. Drill out the cut point and re-sculpt the transitions to hide where the parts will be glued back together.


4. Sanding and polishing the model to get that daemonic flesh silky smooth. :jaw: This will probably be the most time consuming and least fun part.








More Later!

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Okay small update...






The Body detailing on DP# 1 is done, and ready for casting. Here's the final head...unless you guys spot some glaring anatomical errors. Still needs minor tweaks, to the lips and nose but otherwise I 'm calling it done. I started boxing the model up to for molding as well. Pics to follow...




























I'm still working on the Soul Grinder....





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Sersi, you made a rather large mess on the ceiling and wall behind me as my brain exploded from all the awesome in this thread. A friend linked me to your thread and I got hooked pretty much instantly. I'll have to look for some Aves now to play with it a bit. I've got a Subjugator built out of a mix of Defiler and Soulgrinder kits that's now slated for retirement thanks to some of the ideas you've provided.


As for some comments on your work;


I like the way that DP head in the last post turned out; it's face is vaguely reminiscent of a generic 'that girl from high school', but definitely malicious and ready to do bad things to you.


The pregnant monstrosity is coming along quite nicely. A few pages back there were some suggestions for making it look distinctly like a Farseer rather than just a generic, albeit pregnant daemon. I tend to like the idea of the Farseer helmet horns, but I think to do it justice you'd need to have it just barely recognizable, and unless you want to do an alternate head it would be a shame to cover up half the face with something like a broken Farseer mask. Perhaps one of the horns could be growing out of an Eldar looking helmet horn like a tree growing through concrete or something along those lines. Perhaps it's one of the last fragments of the former Farseer and her equipment? Also, I liked the idea of the lounging 'nettes being this tormented Farseer's council. Considering the amount of 'nettes you've already done, I don't know how eager you are for more (particularly scratch built poses), but what do you think about a couple of 'nettes whispering in her ears or caressing various body parts?


I'm certainly not the first new member of Bolter and Chainsword because of your work. Looking forward to seeing the rest.

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The idea of birthing a child seems horrifying enough to me as a guy, but how about having Daemonettes as midwifes to help you through the birthing process? That would make anyone act like a crazy demon engine...
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Bah....a few more revisions to the face:



I thinned down the nose, reduced the jaw, and plumped up the lips.












I want to make her a bit cuter. So I'll probably reduce the high check bones. Also I want fill the hollows of the cheeks, foe a more rounded look. The goal being to make her less masculine looking.




Anyway, I need some input from you guys cause I've been looking at this so long I starting to go blind to the flaws.

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I guess it depends on the kind of alluring you're going for. As she is now, she kinda has the 'I'm going to tell you to sit down, and you're going to say 'yes ma'am' look. If you go cuter, it might come across more as a 'Pretty please with sugar on top let me cut you open like a fish babykins.'


Personally, I tend to prefer the dominatrix look she's got now because yeah, it's a little masculine, but with the rest of the model I think it'll come across as the sort of powerful woman look that makes anyone want to just sit down and take orders, and that's my take on how Slaanesh likes working.

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Thanks Guys! I'll be making some changes to the head today. I got lots of great feedback.



I've started setting the parts up for molding:















I do need correct the lean on the body; but other than that I sectioned her up in the most efficient way. That is the way that with use the least silicon rubber.

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Fantastic work- i mean i honestly sit here reading this in hushed awe at just your efficiency of getting all this done (as well as the plain talent, though your faces are a touch... off- not that i'm Jes Goodwin or anything :)). I've got a question concerning products though, because i've bought a few and wonder if you have any experience with them before i go ahead and bollocks it up ;).


I have Hobby time rtv silicon rubber. Smooth-on Smooth cast 300 and a mould release called J-wax. It's the mould release that i am most curious about since it doesn't seem to say what on earth you can get it off with.




Dr Death

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Yes sir. I'm back for a couple of months at least.



Brother Kovash:


I just takes a little obsessive compulsion is all. B)








Dr Death:


Thank you very much. I'll definitely admit to the heads being off. I draw and sculpt well, but the scale makes everything a good deal harder. That and I've often to lazy...er...tired to look up proper reference images. But, if you look back at the very first heads I did. I think you'll see a world of improvement.



Molding & Casting:



I've used smooth on 300, its a good middle of the road silicon, good flexibility and tear strength. I don't anymore as the crystal clear silicon I use now not only makes cutting the mold open a snap. Further, when filling the mold you can see if their is any trapped air pocks and correct for them right away. So you waste less silicon in creating the molds, and produce fewer flawed casts from them. As far as mold release goes, I don't usually use it can out-gas and damage the surface of the cast, and has to carefully cleaned off the cast or is will prevent proper paint adhesion. Its just not worth the trouble most of the time. Now, if you have lots of heavy detail work like the fur on a gorilla model or something sure, because you'll probably tear the mold otherwise. Just wait 3-5 minutes after spraying to close up the mold and it should be fine.

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Thanks for the input guys I have made some changes:


- re-sculpted the chin and jaw.

- reduce the nose and gave it a slight upward turn

- filled out the hollows of the cheeks.

- rounded out the furrows on the brow.



The sum of the above changes resulting is this thing here...enjoy!














Things to do:



The lower lip still bothers me; as do the corners of the mouth at present. Well anyway back to work.





More Later!

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Just checked through all this thread and what can I say but, tis amazing work. A quick point on the preggers soul grinder, have you ever seen the Adrian Smith piece with the slaneesh cultists? The one with the big Minotaur at the side and the big lazy aul bint up on a palanquin? I could just see that beast of yours being carried on a palanquin held aloft by cultist's. Anyway good work and keep on keeping on.
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My friend I am shocked, appalled, amazed and in total awe of this thread. The work you have produced so far is a testiment to your dedication and skill, absolutely fantastic.

Consider this thread tracked and I really look forward to it all being finished completely and painted. Superb.

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Okay, one more time...





- corrected the corners of the mouth.

- cut off and re-sculpted the ears in the correct place. Yeah there still rough at this point.

- thinned the nostrils down.

- shaved down the chin even more...

- Softened the brow.


The mouth is not opened as wide now, but the head also looks less stretched out than before. It still needs a little sanding and tweaking. So what do you think?




















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just to let you know that I as I discovered this thred last evening, I didn't go to bed until very very late at night because I was so amazed and inspired. I just couldn't get away from the computer, Slaanesh truly had me shackled in awe, slowly draining all life out of me (i.e. I got sleepy).


As a person whose skills are nothing compared to yours, I feel ashamed to share my opinion on your art, but in some way I would really like to add my 2 cents.


All I would like to say is that adding more "gothic" elements to the pregnant killing machine would make it blend in more easily with the Warhammer 40k universe. I'm talking about chains, spikes, torches, fanatic bulky stuff (even though we're talking about delicate and slender Slaanesh).


Keep up the excellent work, truly amazing!

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Looks good Sersi. She has a very 'I'm enjoying all of this killing' look...feminine, gleeful and daemonic all at the same time.


A question about the mouth though; are the lights just playing a trick on her mouth or are the teeth structured more like two large fangs up top? I'm sure post-paint it won't be as hard to pick up on but with the gray and the shadows it's hard to tell whether she has fangs, a row of teeth, or just a tooth-shaped flat spot in the mouth that'll get it's detail in paint (even more so now that the mouth isn't open as wide).

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First off I want to thank everyone who offered me critiques and advice as I worked through the Daemon Princesses final head. It really helped!



Okay stuff!




Daemon Princess:


Well, here is the final version of this head. I'd say its a great improvement over the earlier versions. Since, here posed body is already boxed up for casting. I used a body that cast to practice painting on. So, at least she's no longer a floating head.

Once I've cast it this weekend, I'll be clipping the hair off and sculpting a new tentacle version. I plan on sculpting it tentacles straight, so they can be immerse in warm water and posed any way you want later.





























Soul Grinder:



I've made quite a bit of progress on the Soul Grinder, but I still need to process all the progress shots. Anyway here's teaser.






Lacking inspiration on how to finish the Farseers head I turned to "Liber Chaotica". There I found this version of a Keeper of Secrets head. With the cone-head and jewels is looks quite Eldar-ish. So, I'm going with a version of this for the head.




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