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Slaaneshi Themed Daemon Army


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So, I've made some revisions on the Pregnant Soul Grinder who's working name is now "Carna", after the roman goddess of flesh, from whose name the word carnal; as in "carnal knowledge" was derived. Until of unless someone thinks up a better one for me. :D

FYI, although I'm sure you know, it's also similar to the Italian 'carne', meaning meat (or the meat course). There's something unsettlingly suitable about that.


Generally: I love the look and feel of this. It even lends itself neatly to characterful fluff about the army, in particular the idea of a daemon princess as a corrupted eldar, and the pr- Carna. I like the idea that maybe the leading KoS looked at a penitant engine and thought 'that's a good idea...' and picked a particularly (dis-?)favoured princess to 'crew' it.

I vote for perhaps some scribing on the legs (of suitably eldrich and spidery appearance, of course).

Suggestions for colour - although I've not really done much with the hobby in ages (uni work, lack of funds etc.) my intuition would be pale (perhaps with a very very subtle purple hint to it?) skin, jet black eyes and bold colours on the robes etc. for plenty of contrast. I've seen Slaanesh done with pale pink armour etc., but usually with marines, never when there's this much bare flesh.


If there's one criticism I'd make is that you could perhaps add some novelty to the triad of princesses by making one slightly androgynous - a single female breast on one side and on the other a male pectoral, whilst making the face slighly less certain - a wider chin and jaw line, for example. Afterall, Slaanesh is often associated with inderterminate perversity.



Edit: seems the photobucket account is exceeded. Can't wait to see what you've got though. :P

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Okay, started on the Soul Grinder's final head. Its still very early in the re-sculpting process. The Liber Chaotic head is really working form me. Its eldar-esque, which fits the fluff. It's got a crown of six horns, that I like and which allow me to incorporate Slaanesh's sacred number into the model again.






Oh, by the way the pencil lines on her sides mark where I'll be gouging in cuts from her hands clawing her belly. I still may add some raised veins ti the belly. We'll see...








Admittedly, this is not the most forgiving angle, but I think the heads coming along nicely.




Looking at this picture makes me wonder if mechanical legs could work using just this part of the sculpture.






What say you all?



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i would like to see the faces of the guys at the LGS when you show them that army

and i would also like to see the faces of the parents who are in the store whith their kids :D

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Looking at her now the eyes are a bit to large, but that's easily fixed. I may open the eyes, at least partially. Or scrunch closed really tight as if she's in great pain. I'll look for some reference and do some sketches.
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So, I've been working on the Soulgrinder. I settled on a combination of things:



1. Farseer helmet - this is without the most iconic element of the Farseer imagery I've studied. So, this had to be incorporated some how. So, I've opted for a helmet with a shattered and cracked face plate that will partially reveal the eldar's face.


2. Horns - Horns are fundamental to Chaos in general and Slaanesh in particular. So 6 horns will be punch through holes in the sides if the helmet, similar to Chaos Possessed. I also mimics the stylized crest on the Farseer Helmets.


3. Soul Stones - Since I envision this as a primarily psychic weapon. The entire throne will be encrusted with captured Eldar Soul Stones, used to amplify the Farseer's powers.


4. The throne and with walker legs I now envision as a corrupted wraith-bone construct. Similar to something like the Wraithlord. I may have to rethink the working of the knee joints and do a bit of re-sculpting. But it should be simple to do.



Got all that? Really? Okay.


So, Pics:



Head Details:












Claw Marks:



Its kind of hard to see with everything being grey, but the claw marks are pretty deep, with torn flesh built up where they stop. It's a bit of subtle detailing but it whould really standout when painted. The reason the hands don't look like the match up with the claw marks because they're no longer glued in place...in case your wondering.








Full Body:


Lastly here are a few full body pics of the Farseer. I added shackles to the praying hands as added to the pleading aspect of the model. Is she praying to Slaanesh? Begging for Death?, of Calling on the Eldar gods for salvation? Cursing them? Who can say...she's probably done all of the above over the course of her millennium long imprisonment.












Sorry, I had to upload some pictures to DakkaDakka to get around Photobucket's Censors. Okay, tiny grey nipples are bad...unless their shadowed? They only blocked some pics...weird. :bleep:

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Stop freaking my brains out Sersi!


Seriously, this is some wicked cool stuff.


Although I still think the belly gun would have been even more freakier if it came out another opening further down...


Is the plate she's sitting on also done? Because it looks a little bland at the moment and some added techy stuff like an engine (or other power-source) would make it look more like a machine.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, I got the molds for the princess poured, here are some pictures. I'm using a transparent silicon rubber called "Sort-a-Clear" by Smooth-on; that makes it super easy to cut open the molds without costly errors. The trick with clear silicon is that your mold box must be absolutely smooth to achieve maximum clarity. Any grain refracts the light penetrating the block and you won't be able to see through it. I use homemade foam core box, with the inside lined with clear packing tape. It works a treat.













I'll get the molds cut tonight, and should have the first assembled cast posted up before morning.




More Later!

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Well, now... Its hard to believe that I started this model way back in April of 2009.



I re-vented the molds and cave it the old college try...



This ones a mixture of components from to different pours, hence the color variation. You'll also notice a few holes caused by air bubbles. Anyway, she a composed of 8 socketed components, no pinning required. I working on a new tentacle head. The tentacles will be cast straight but with a quick dunk in hot water, they can be posed how every you like.






















In Progress:



1. Detailing the Soulgrinder's throne, with lounging daemonettes.


2. Working on the Changling stand-in model.


3. Six converted Fiends of Slaanesh; with just six larger breasts....yeah!


4. Started hacking apart the other to daemon princesses, to clean the up for casting.


5. reworking some details on the male KOS.







More later!

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Really digging the soulgrinder, but when are you going to begin on the throne? :lol:

The princess has come out really nice, although I don't really like the head. I guess its the eyes that don't look right to me. However, this is still a very good piece, since that's the only thing I can give critique on! Still, first need to wait for the paint, perhaps I'm seeing this totally wrong. Any indication of when that will start?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's a new head design for ya:


Its kinda inspired by "Legend", but hey if you want a female Blood Thirster you could do that too.












I haven't decided on how to resolve the hair yet. Tentacles or pony tail.




Here's a quick preview of the tentacle head:





Sorry, she's already setting in her mold. Anyway, she has 18 individual head tentacles, that can be cut to the length you choose. Immerse them in warm watter and pose them any way you like. Once she's de-molded she'll be posted up hear as well.









This is just a simple sculpted conversion. Never understood why Fiends have 10 rather than 6 breasts. So, anyway I'm fixing that. Its still in WIP, and yes I know the bottom pair is missing nipples. :D








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Oh my .. I can honestly say I've never seen an army of this scale belonging to a gamer, and I've never seen anyone create such a Slaanesh army like it. Its stunning. I've spent ages pawing over the images and reading your great dreams for where you're taking this glorious beast of an army.




I love it. The attention to detail, the skill to make the parts and scratch builds, wonderful. I bet you must get a lot of PMs asking for pieces.. my mind is swimming with possibilities too. Its the wings.. such pretty wings, you were right to go with angelic feathers over bat-like membranes. I'm going to be following this and coming back again and again rereading it all. Inspiring work.. add me to your list of followers clambering for bits.


Can't wait to see what happens next.

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That has to be the nicest hobby related compliment I've ever received. Thank you! Working on this project has been great. I didn't plan on it getting quite so large, but i kept getting such great feedback & suggestions. I'm glad this thread inspired you, as so many others have and continue to inspire me.
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I know how you love the fluff, finding inspiration and such, I love the details about the Palace of Slaanesh and its circles of ever increasing temptation. Here's something I was planning to add to my army and I wanted to know what you thought Sersi.


Devil Dryads from the Circle of Vainglory aka Thorn Children according to the WH Daemon army book. (converted Daemonettes to be played as Daemonettes)



I started out light and now I'm leaning towards all out hybrid nymph-ettes. I essentially want them to be pretty, clearly Slaanesh, yet creepy and supernaturally otherworldly like inhabitents of Athel Loren in WH - fitting denizens to Slaanesh's garden maze.


Would they look prettier with just prickly thorns here an there, on arms coming away from their claws, and on cheekbones expressing that dangerous thing behind the beatiful face - or as above, go with all out fusion of dryad wood nymph and seductive daemonette?

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I thought I'd better say the image of the Devil Dryad is purely conceptual at this stage, I like to visualise on projects and made the concept image on computer swaping bits of Daemonette and Dryad around to make something I liked the look of. I forgot to mention this earlier, its just a bit of computer trickery before I have a bash at making them myself.
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That's a very good idea. I actually bits ordered a bunch of Dynad head for conversion and then forgot about them. I'm sure there here somewhere... :lol:
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