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Slaaneshi Themed Daemon Army


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Really like the project so far. Lots of great sculpting and design ideas.

The only thing I don't like is the demon princess heads and it is because the cheekbones are too close to the nose under the eyes, they should be wider set IMO.

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This tread is absolutely awesome........


I don't really know what to say, but some other guy already said masterpiece army.


I'll definately double that - a true masterpiece it is - and you sir, is a master sculpter.


I salute you (too) !!


Best regards and keep it coming :D



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  • 3 weeks later...
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Okay I finished my 1st Damon Princess the former eldar harlequin Sor'dia'del. She has the DP#1 body, the new tentacle head with some additional sculpted tentacles.



I really like the new tentacle hair. It's much more dynamic and layered.










After looking through my Slaanesh reference images I saw a few things I wanted to added. She was seductive as all things Slaanesh should be but not monstrous enough. So I decided to add some elements from current GW KOS model and this image:






Note the spiky bony plates growing out of the rib-cage and cradling the breasts. I used spare horns from the seeker mounts to recreate them here. Actually I've used those horn bits several times in the army: the Gluttons, KOS, DP's, chariots, Pleasure seekers and of course Seekers all have them added is different ways. I'm using it as another unifying design element like the wing motif, tentacles and nudity.









She's got some additional spikes piercing the skin at the hip joints.






She just needs a bit more clean up and then she's just need painting and some Slaanesh brass-etch symbols.

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A few close ups on the Heralds:


The first one are pretty much just kit bashing. The second the same with a slight repose. The last one is a Frankenstein combining a Reaper vampire mini, with daemonette and seeker bits, plus weapons hands taken from two different Dark Elf kits. she less top heavy than the others, so I compensated with a bit more junk in the trunk. :lol:














I've never really liked the Masque mini. How could the same guy who sculpted the older metal daemonettes sculpt that thing? She has two breast but instead of being next to each other their on above the other? Really? Anybody no who sculpted the new plastic daemonettes and seekers? Anyway, here's my converted version. I kept what I felt were the best parts the hair and skirt. The face was weird so I replaced it with a bald daemonette head and sculpted the transition from the new head to the hair. I also used a seeker torso and daemonette legs to get her proportions closer to the plastics. The banner is from the WF Slaanesh Lord mounted on a Boobworm. The other herald has a WF Dark Elf sword and one of the Masque's missing arms.








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Updated to the KOS:



So after looking at my reference pics:










I decided add some additional bling to the model.






Let me tell you trying to bend those tiny little links that hold the chain to the larger rings was a real #$%!. The chain and two shorter strands attached to the lower eventually hold a brass-etch Slaanesh symbol in place. Oh, he also got two additional stubby little horns, to bring him up to the sacred number of "6".





The Slaanesh symbol around the neck is from the Chaos Space marine icon, just cut down.






I wanted to add something to the open hand. So I thought how about a nice pimp glove made from supple Eldar skins. The gem on the glove is part of an Eldar infinity circuit. The trapped souls within are always available to torment for his amusement.



Lastly looking at the reference pictures; you guys were right he needs some eyes. The face just doesn't emote without them.

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  • 3 months later...
Wow. I lost the link to this an age ago, and having just rediscovered it yesterday (and subsequently catching up) it's great to see how far it's come. Are you going to be adding more to the army still? I came up with a bunch of ideas an age ago, but I never got to actually pass them on to you, so maybe they could be of use if you have some things not quite made yet :)
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