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My Ultramarines


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They will get done but very very slowly I am afraid. I just dont have the time or inclination to paint right now. I am hoping that 3 weeks away when I am on holiday will stoke the painting fires for when I get back.
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Well here is some new stuff.

First up is Cassius. I have to say that I dont really like the model too much and I dont think I did his left shoulder plate all that well but anyways, he is done baring his base.



Next comes my new Ironclad - well its actually a fairly old dread that I have refurbished. Tidied up the paintwork, threw on a couple forgeworld arms, a FW dread heavy flamer, a home made melta and off we go. I really quite like this dread and I think it all turned out very well.



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I already have a model done for the termi version of Agemann which uses the Lysander rules. However I got a burst of inspiration yesterday and kitbashed up a decent version of him in Power Armour. Will use the captains profile with SB, Relic blade, digital weapons and Artificer Armour. Comes up to 168 points I think. Its also usefull to have him as a sort of generic captain who has a bit of shooting ability if I want to put him in a squad.

Anyways here he is. He is using the AOBR captain body as a base with some other bits and pieces added or chopped off. A wee bit of greenstuff to fill in the gaps and hey presto:



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  • 1 month later...

Its been a while since my last upload but here is my latest effort. A Space Hulk Terminator that has been Ultramarineified. A few minor modifications, a coat of paint and bobs your uncle. He will fit in nicely as either a Captain or Veteran Sergeant.






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Nice to see this as I'm going to Ultramarinise my Space Hulk termies. It almost looks like a totally different model just from the paint job. I may try and figure out a way to remove the blood drops though, but they do look like gemstones anyway so it's not a massive problem.
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I managed to get rid of the ones hanging off his torso but was not confident enough to tackle the more integrated ones on his legs and shoulders.


Fair enough. I definitely understand the difficulty involved. Something that I learned doing my Belial conversion is that leg detail is best removed then covered up with more detail. If you do end up trying to get rid of some leg insignia, if you can't get the surface smooth again, I would suggest some GS or a plastic piece filed down to fit around the leg.

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I managed to get rid of the ones hanging off his torso but was not confident enough to tackle the more integrated ones on his legs and shoulders.

Was he ever a member of the 3rd Company? Their banner as pictured in Codex: Ultramarines incorporates drops of Tyranid blood.


Ah ha. The perfect answer!!! He is apparently also a bit blood thirsty, what with the 5 skulls hanging off him :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dont get me started on the white. I found to my disgust that using a white spray basecoat did not infact make it easier or quicker to do the white. In fact it took longer. I only did the claws in white basecoat but you then have to black out all the non white bits. I also found that the white base coat seems to be a little more coarser than the black so did not look nice. Also you still needed lots of coats of watered down white to get a good effect.


I did the first 3 guys like that but eventually I ended up stripping down the last 2 sets of claws, spraying them black and using my old tried and tested method of doing white which worked 100% better.


The white parts of the body (crux terminatus, helmets etc) were a pleasure to do. Easy and quick.


Moral of the story...stick to what you know and with what works.

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