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My Ultramarines


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  • 2 weeks later...

My 1st Company Dreadnought done for the LPC 2010. Bulit from a standard AOBR dread with the AOBR dread CCW arm. The assault cannon comes from a normal dreadnought that I stripped down. Bling comes various sources but the purity seals and plaque on the front are from Forge World.



I am actually most proud about the base. The dread is fighting some guardsman infected by nurgle. There is also a corroded nurgle icon on the base. Photo doesnt show it nicely but the rust effect came out very nicely.


2nd pledge for the LPC 2010 was a 9 man tactical squad. The sergeant was completed earlier and can be a few posts earlier. I tried to make each guy as unique as possible with different bolters and helmets.

Whole squad


Box Magazine on bolter


Iron Hands bionic arm with Crusade Helm



Plasma dude with an overlarge targeting array :lol:


Drum Mag on the Bolter


Heresy style MK2 helmet


MM with alternate Mk2 Helm



Ye Olde Tyme Bolter


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im loving the dreads base, its very cool.. look forward to seeing it up close.

You really steamed through these guys, im impressed


Just over a week for a squad of 10 and a dreadnought. I guess for me that is steaming through.


The maximini Mk2 came out far better than I thought it would. Better in fact than the GW one (beserker helm with the bunny ears chopped off). I didnt out an individual photo up but there is also a chap in there with a Mk4 helm. I really like the variation that just doing helmet swaps gives to the squad.

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  • 1 month later...

Its true, the helmets of my terminators are the one area that I am not happy with. However I am going to leave them as they are because if I change these ones then I have to change the other 23 Terminators that I own and I just dont feel like doing that TBH.


*Oh, and this is my 1000th post...yay for me*

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not only are your marines stunning they also bring up a welcome feeling of warmth as i rember the time all 2nd company ultramarines had yellow bands insead of gold, and your idea to use older style helmets is one i have always loved. these marines have also made me feel better about the smurfs seeing as they have no trace of the blandness so often linked with ultramarine armys, each modle was a treat for my detail seeking eyes, i do feel some level of envy, but its overwelmed by how happy i feel when i look at these marines :Troops:
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this was all the motivation i needed to start making each marine unique again, ive been making them within the kit instructions for too long. and my first few squads where full of inspired littlle details and things like personal heraldry dented armor older mk armor but after a while i just stoped, now that i see it can be done for the majority of a force im going to start again :P , also the scouts are done almost exactly like mine (but mine have one silver shoulder and gauntlet one black) i never saw sence in scouts that stand out. also im a bit late but the termie apoth on the page before has his healing junk mounted on a powerfist! that could go so wrong in a rushed operation ;)
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Well it had to happen :lol:

Its taken me 2 weeks to paint this guy due to other commitments but here he is in all his glory. Venerable Dreadnough "Will be Named Later" for your perusal. Only 1 little bit of kit bash on this chap. Can anyone tell me what? :)




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Your paintings amazing as ever mate! Nice going.


As for the Dread question i honestly cant see it. I want to say something about the heavy flamer but having not seen the sprue im not sure what it did and didnt come with.....argh. back to staring at your pics til i get it

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