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WIP- Daughters of the Emperor. Lost Female Chapter

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at the request of some freinds, and because i need more ideas and input, ive been conviced to slap up my work in progress here at B&C! ive been a long time lurker, but usually dont have much to say, since im more of a hardcore nid player at heart, and truly not that up to date on the marines or any of the other armies really XD

that aside i do have all the source material and fluff at hand, and have gone through most of it at some time or annother over the years.


but basicly, i got sick of being told i cant have female space marines. ive seen most of the arguments against it i think, and i dont buy most of it.. women are just as capable as men in battle and in some societies they fought alongside the men. my whole insperation truly came from my ancestors, the Celts, whom had a great love of running off into battle naked, men and women alike, screaming and waving theyre weapons. im sure its quite a sight to behold, and it gives great ideas for fluff and such already.


ive been looking around for quite awhile now, and for the life of me i havent found any good concrete reasons why i cant have a female space marine chapter yet, other then the cries of the purists who insist it just isnt possible anymore, and that the current gene seed is incompatable or some such nonsense. going with this, i looked hard and couldent find anything that said the gene seeds were incompatible back in pre-heresy times, during the great crusade. for all we know, it could have just been annother lost technology. course this brings up all sorts of breeding questions, but ill get into that when i have to, once the rest of the fluff is fleshed out. ;p


i only have a rough outline for fluff so far, as ive done more conversion then writing recently.. but i still need help with ideas for both conversions AND fluff! so feel free to chime in.

basicly, a chapter of female guard from an amazonian jungle world became recognized by many marine chapters, and even the emerperor himself after sucesfully repelling several hordes of xenos armies over the course of several years. despite the loss of several hundred thousand men and women, only around a thousand troops survived, close to 900 of them women. because of theyre service the emerpeor himself commended them, and chose to induct them as a full marine chapter, if they could survive the training. many of the other legions didnt like this though, since they considered these women to be outsiders of a sort, and weaker then the men, and a great deal of tension kept the legion out near the galactic edge, patroling theyre segmentum of space for trouble. because of the amazonian nature of the legion, and the relative distance from the other legions they kept to more primitave tribal motifs with theyre wargear and armor. using galic knotwork and aincent animal designs to seperate companies, and using alot of natural fibre ropes, cloaks and alot of loose hair are diffrenciate them from vanilla marines.

during the hersey some of the traitor legions used the opportunity to cut the daughters legion off from the rest of the empire, and they have remained cut off untill recently. i havent gotten into this part too readily yet, since this is where all the intreague and drama come into it. that takes time.

i admit, its not great, and im sure its full of hole big enough to fly a hive ship through, but as ive said, i havent worked on the fluff much yet.. its been all about the conversions!


speaking of, i guess i should show some pics before i get linched good and hard. all this talking about female marines must already have the torch bearing mobs ready..


more coming:

I'm surprised you can't find it, it's an old and well established piece of Marine fluff that the gene-seed and transformation process only work with a male physiology and that it's incompatible with females. That's the primary reason and it's a pretty simple deadlock, it's not lost technology either, there have never been female marines in the 40k fluff, except perhaps back in RT but then that was the same system where the Ultramarines Chief Librarian was Half Eldar so... yea.


Basically to do female Marines you either need to just not care about the fluff or you need to try to find a way around the incompatibility issue. Though pretty much every work around I've seen has tended to be either lame or rather implausible but maybe that's just me.


As for your fluff the Guard thing is interresting but also not exactly plausible. There is also an age cutoff in the mid teens, any older than 16 and the transformation process is not likely to take, and anyone outside of their teens is just not going to be able to make the transformation. So to have your Neophytes come from an IG unit fighting for several years they'd have to all have started at 12-14 and be no older than 18 tops and that's not very practical. A Whiteshield Corps would be more practical and work better with that line of reasoning though.

What about technological "upgrades" rather than biological implants that bring up the female marines up to par with their male counterparts?


Also, fiction is fiction is fiction. Like there are fanfics of Samurai Jack and Suzumiya Haruhi crossovers all over the internet, there's always room for Sister Space Marines even if people would burn you at the stake for even having the idea.


Personally, I'd write the fluff for some Lady Marines as being something very recent in 40k history. Like some kind of experiment run by either Mars trying to match the strength of the Space Marines with Technology or the Administratum with geneseed modification with a Joan of Arc kind of figure at the helm rather than pre-heresy Amazons (Heresy on the gene-seed mods? Maybe. But they've already done something equally heretical... (Exorcists)).


Reason behind this is that a female marine chapter existing preheresy would be impossible because all the Space Marines are technically clones of the modified clones (primarchs) of the Emperor himself. Last I heard, the Almighty was a HE and not a SHE. Also, from what I know, the kind of Amazons with the savagery and all is more or less the product of male sexual fantasies rather than a kind of glorified lady warrior feel you seem to be looking for. It's a completely different matter if you're basing the chapter off of the noble Amazons in Greek Mythology who were said to have participated in even the Trojan War, however.


Oh, and I'd change the name... Daughters of the Emperor has already been taken by the Adeptus Sororitas.


Would like to see how you manage to translate this idea into figure conversions, however.


Good luck!

okay, so it all started innocently enough.. i bought a box of marines cause i wanted 2 or 3 corpses. but then i had these 6 marines left, and i wanted to do this female project, so i hit the ground running..


first they all got basic chestplate redos, and the metal plating skirts on the butt got replaced with a more comfterble form fitting butt-plate. (hey, im a guy. what do you expect??) http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs012.snc1/2926_1076261279515_1615731252_194281_2701791_n.jpghttp://photos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs012.snc1/2926_1076699450469_1615731252_194822_4777215_n.jpg


also added a few little extras like ropes and tassles, wires on the chainswords and other little bits.

i also started to add basic heads with a harder mix of green stuff. it dries harder, quicker that way, and gives me more time to sand in some detail before adding the final touches with a softer mostly yellow mix. pretty much just eyes, nose and mouth to start. http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs012.snc1/2926_1076699530471_1615731252_194824_7105162_n.jpghttp://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs012.snc1/2926_1076699570472_1615731252_194825_3553791_n.jpg

eventually they got some hair as well, and a bit more face detail, but i think im going to pull all the heads off and de a final sand a cut for some detail before i paint. http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs012.snc1/2926_1077604233088_1615731252_196288_7048510_n.jpg



after those 5 were about done, i managed to get ahold of some veterans, and a couple tanks. i just had to keep the heresy going...

the vets were a bit more work, being metal and all, but then i love a good challenge! they didnt need to much mutitlation really, other then scraping the sides of the chest, and cutting off those butt skirts. the one with the green stuff head had her helm cut off. i dont like the normal helms, and want to give everyone beaks, or laurels, or no helm at all XD so she lots her helmed head, and gained another green head. once ive detailed the others, ill finish this head too. i also lost her arm, so i solved the problem by giving her a nice old plasma pistol i found with a beautifull skull on the end. i belive its from Khârn the betryaer, but not positive. its loyal enough if i clean the gauntlet. XD the bodies are my prime concern right now. as you can see i was expermenting with my paint colors too. im pretty much decided on a nice deep wine-like maroon red, with some deep royal blue shoulder pads and knees, and gold trim.

the vet with the axe was probly the most work, since she has that sash on, and i didnt wanna ruin a good thing, so i merly extended it with the green. the commander was a bit of a pain too, since i had to cut the wings off his eagle to get some tits on him, and he was far too butch looking (even with the hair XD) so i had to sand his nose down a bit, and rounded the chin a bit.







the tank i wanted to have a nice old pre-heresy look too. but dont se much p-h stuff floating about, so i just kitbashed a couple tanks together. http://photos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs012.snc1/2926_1089938021425_1615731252_216478_2313713_n.jpg here's what i started with.. basicly the chassy, treads and rest of the body from an old M10 US tank killer, and the turrets, sponsons and bits from a predator.

i primed it all and slapped the body together and added some of the interior details. the M10 came with a gorgeous metal body, and a ton of extra bits for inside and out, so i wanted to use as much of both kits as i could. http://photos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs018.snc1/4229_1091169572213_1615731252_218660_996354_n.jpg

the turrent mounts were drastically diffretn sizes, so i had to use some plasticard, green and bits from both kits to convert the holes to fit. put the turret together too, extending the battery backs because i always thought they were too puny. http://photos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs018.snc1/4229_1091169612214_1615731252_218661_7121992_n.jpghttp://photos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs018.snc1/4229_1091169652215_1615731252_218662_3229847_n.jpghttp://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs018.snc1/4229_1091169692216_1615731252_218663_2936383_n.jpg

heres a bit of a preveiw, more or less. still deciding on what kinda gun to mount in the turret at this point. http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs018.snc1/4229_1091169732217_1615731252_218664_7860402_n.jpg

more paint. still just at the foundation stages, but i figure i may as well start main assembly before i ink and highlight.


the details on the hull are starting to come together slowly, with the knotwork along the one side, and some on the front. ill be putting one of the name banners over the gold knotwork in the front though, so im still trying to find a good design. im afraid things might be getting to busy now though -.- we'll see when its inked, and had some dirt and rust thrown on. http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs018.snc1/4229_1091761467010_1615731252_220050_8319945_n.jpg

sponsons are still a toss up. i may mount them hanging off the ends vertically, or horizonatally. since i dont like the way the wire drags the way i have it in the photo, i may mount it horizontally instead, with the wires hanging to the sides. i even consdered cutting the guns drastically so they could be mounted to the forward hull, but not sure i like that idea ether.. im alway open to suggestions? http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs018.snc1/4229_1091761507011_1615731252_220051_4106852_n.jpg



this is all i have so far though.. this weekend i have tons to do! once i finished my "predator" ill still have the body of the rhino the pred turret came with, so that'll need a nice paint scheme too! (plus ill have all those extra M10 gas tanks, canvases and tools to pretty it up ^^) i also have a box of assault termies waiting for breastplates still, and i have to decide what to do to all the lightning claws they came with.. i dont think normal ones will do XD but then again, maybie some seals, tassle and ropes will suffice, like the others? almost went with the hammers, but the claws seem more lady-like.. :D

Awesome job on the predator. Wish you had some better lighting so we can see it properly, though.


I'm not that much of a fan of the GS'd breasts. It looks way too bulky and kind of implies that the ladies are impossibly butch. Would rather have the bits shaved down to be slimmer and more armor-like than anything.


Kind of like this:


(Forgive the crappy anime picture, but it's really the only example I could find)





or this:



I'm surprised you can't find it, it's an old and well established piece of Marine fluff that the gene-seed and transformation process only work with a male physiology and that it's incompatible with females. That's the primary reason and it's a pretty simple deadlock, it's not lost technology either, there have never been female marines in the 40k fluff, except perhaps back in RT but then that was the same system where the Ultramarines Chief Librarian was Half Eldar so... yea.

the only place i remember seeing that particular line said something along the lines of the CURRENT gene-seed didnt work. ive heard of others using aincent lost tech gene-seeds for theyre own female chapters but never read the details. im sure id have to find something more techncial to make my final fluff from. i wanna sound like i know what im tlaking about even if only for a moment XD


as for the age cutoffs i didnt read that part.. but then i never liked guard and stayed away from guard fluff.. XD lol i would think that any geno-modifications would be doable anytime before the 40s. your genetic structure dosent start to break down untill you hit middle age after all.. and im sure women can take just as much pain as any man, from organ growth or otherwise.



What about technological "upgrades" rather than biological implants that bring up the female marines up to par with their male counterparts?


Personally, I'd write the fluff for some Lady Marines as being something very recent in 40k history. Like some kind of experiment run by either Mars trying to match the strength of the Space Marines with Technology or the Administratum with geneseed modification with a Joan of Arc kind of figure at the helm rather than pre-heresy Amazons (Heresy on the gene-seed mods? Maybe. But they've already done something equally heretical... (Exorcists)).


Reason behind this is that a female marine chapter existing preheresy would be impossible because all the Space Marines are technically clones of the modified clones (primarchs) of the Emperor himself. Last I heard, the Almighty was a HE and not a SHE. Also, from what I know, the kind of Amazons with the savagery and all is more or less the product of male sexual fantasies rather than a kind of glorified lady warrior feel you seem to be looking for. It's a completely different matter if you're basing the chapter off of the noble Amazons in Greek Mythology who were said to have participated in even the Trojan War, however.

Oh, and I'd change the name... Daughters of the Emperor has already been taken by the Adeptus Sororitas.

Would like to see how you manage to translate this idea into figure conversions, however.


i hadent considered the tech side of it.. since i always assumed the sisters were already women in minor power armor. i didnt just want a beefery looking sister squad. i wanted full marines demmit! i suppose there are technological ways you could be conditioned to sport a suit of power armor about though.. i may have to look into that in the end, to avoid the stake. fire ruins these pants.

i had considered a more modern explantaion as well, but i liked the pre-heresy look, and having a long lost chapter sounds so much more romantic then being the green horns in town.

as for the whole primarch argument. why couldent a primarch have been female? if they were simply embyonic clones of the emperor, they were all female untill the final weeks of maturation! im sure the emperor had the knowledge to create a female clone, and the foresight to see a need for them. and as ive said, im going for the battle maidens of the old celtic legends, much like the greek hoplytes (sp?) who went into battle with theyre husbands. i had even planned on naming our jungle homeworld Eire. lol


and it just figures.. all the good names are taken! i liked the daugters of the emperor, but i dont wanna take something thats been done. ill have to hit the drawing board again anyways it looks like..



glad to see im getting some constructive help here though, and not just empty critisizim and flames XD thanks guys!

Ah, sorry. Didn't see the entire thing about Galic knotwork and everything. It's 3 AM, can hardly blame myself.


Amazonian Jungle origins are kind of... off for a Celtic base, though... isn't it?


The reason why I feel that it's better to be a more recent chapter is because anything having to do with the canon of the preheresy legions are pretty much set in stone in the minds of pretty much everyone keeps up with 40k. Can't really modify it without sounding just a tad bit ridiculous...


Also, I feel that a fledgling chapter fighting to gain the recognition of the Imperium (maybe out of desperation to prove their worth because otherwise they'd be excommunicated or something) after its birth has a lot more drama and flavor to it rather than to say that they've always existed from the beginning and that everyone just didn't really know about it. It's the same reason why having a preheresy chapter lost in the warp to reappear in 41k is generally frowned upon. In otherwords, a Deus Ex Machina.

This is one thing that i really, and i mean REALLY, hate about people making female marines. They make the breasts impossibly large instead of just trimming the armor a bit slimmer.

well, yeah, big breasts are good, but in battle, would those be good? i mean, i don't think they can hold the boltgun correctly.

I remember seeing someone remake a sisters squad in plastic using GS and scout pieces, that looked great and their were no breasts. I think the whole hge breasts sticking out of the armor is dumb looking.


Besides if they were space marines they would have a sick amount of testosterone, which probably reduce breast size!

I agree that the no female space marine argument (though well supported by Space Marine fluff) is a little unfair. The next closest thing are female guard (which there aren't any in the guard range) in power armor. However, I agree with the oversized breasts, maybe instead of bulking the armor, you could slim it down a little. Something along the lines of Dark Eldar has a more 'realistic' look to them.

If you want an army with lots of comic relief, you could always collect orks..


Sorry, I know that sounds mean, but I simply cannot take that seriously in any way. If I were you, I would just do either normal Marines or Sisters of Battle, but not this.

I'm going to keep this strictly as a modeling critique, the breasts and but plates simply do not work. Marines are already grossly out of proportion this makes them look even worse. The giant round heads and bowling ball type breasts make them look like fat cabbage patch kids.


If you want to convey a female form them you need to make the armor more slender not add to it. I'd also suggest keeping the breast off the armor, armor is meant to deflect incoming weapons away from the center of body, that doesn't work if you have an pair of breast on the armor itself as they will tend to channel things to the center rather than deflect it away. Women wearing heavy body armor are going to look a lot like men, they might have a slightly differant chest plate to allow for a bit more room but it'll look more along the lines of a sports bra where it's a single shell type piece rather than two individually distinct breasts.





Additionally the way the breasts are formed on your models makes it look like they are coming out of the sides of their bodies or their arm pits. Even women with really large breasts still have them centered on the chest, not on the side. Pamela Anderson has rediculously oversized breasts but they still meet at the center line of her chest. Not that 40k is particuarly great on anatomy since everything is exaggerted but you really should take a look at some human anatomy books to get a better feel for female form.


I really don't want to be discouraging on your sculpting efforts but the heads are entirely too large and the features make them like they have potatoes for heads, or are incredibly swollen from some horrific medical/allergic reaction. You'd be much better off getting female eldar or fantasy elf heads and trimming down the ears, personally for female marines I'd mix a combination of eldar and marine parts to get a sleeker female look to them, either that or carve down the bodies significantly.


GW has amazon models for mordheim you could use, there's also a couple companies that make spues of heads Micro Art Studios and Hassle Free

No offence intended, but the sculpting makes them look like "Mega-boob-marines-of-boob-doom-sillyness", rather than female Space Marines.

I do like the concept of female Marines, but almost every time, it's not pulled off very well.


And I do not think that their Power Armour would be so enlarged in the chest area. Looks a bit ridiculous. And I think they would look very much like normal Space Marines, just with different heads. Or possibly similar to Sisters of Battle, which are as close as you are going to get in the fluff.

Regarding Fluff.... havent had time to read entire thread so if this link has been mentioned or you have already seen it appologies.... its fluff someone made for female marines, and afew differing implants from male marines, as well as some background stories...




I read alot of stuff, was just something i came across.. maybe it will help you.

I remember seeing someone remake a sisters squad in plastic using GS and scout pieces, that looked great and their were no breasts. I think the whole hge breasts sticking out of the armor is dumb looking.


Besides if they were space marines they would have a sick amount of testosterone, which probably reduce breast size!


That was me.




I suppose this could be worked into a female marine design in some way.


EDIT: Ah, Gyson_Vore got to it before me. Kudos to you mate.

What Paulsongames said. We see this kind of thread every six months. Efforts to crete "Female Marines" tend to come over as insanely swollen, distended Nurgle marines. Women are if anything slimmer and smaller than most men, not larger. Taking a standard marine and sculpting bowling balls to their upper torsos just doesn't convey "female" very convincingly.


As for the huge fluff argument about female space marines that is sure to follow, I care not.

No offence intended, but the sculpting makes them look like "Mega-boob-marines-of-boob-doom-sillyness", rather than female Space Marines.



i feel that youre use of boobs on the armor to show that there female lack creativity. its so easy to slap a pair of breast on something and say "there, its female now" it also hints that the reason youre doing female marines is more of a sexual intent.



just callin it how i see it. all the arguments between weather you can or cant aside, i think there is a way to do it, though its more subtle then how its being done.

Looks good. I'm surprised how well those veterans turned out.


Ignore the naysayers. I want to see an army of these. I have a handful of female marines and scouts in my Ultramarines, and they fit in just fine.


Plus, you could totally justify the boob armour.


"It's extra armour. Enemies would either become distracted or would shoot more, and the extra armour would deflect those shots."



Works for me.

The next time someone says the word 'naysayer' I am going to gorge my eyes out.


Anyways, the reason why we are so opposed to boob armour is because:


1: Combined with a matter of the thickness of power armour and the reduction in breast size due to muscle mass and a larger bone structure, the cups would be filled with nothing but thin air.


2: The cups would deflect bullets off into the center chest and helmet/face.


3: If crumbled, the cups would fragment into the chest cavity. Their domes basically and due to their position on the surface of the chest plate would be prone to fracturing under great force.


To be honest, to represent a female marine what you really need to do is:


1: Shorten the legs and abdomen waist armour ever so slightly.


2: Make the abdomen waist armour not as wide.


3: Make the chest not as wide. This is very important, if not the most important, step in making female marines. Females do not have as wide chests as men so the chest armour would be not as wide as that on a male marine's power armour. This would involve filing down on each side of the marine torso I would assume.

That female scout is very nice looking. Maybe you should look into the scout torsos? If not get out your file and attack where the arms connect to the marine torso. You will have some alignment issues with the arms holding a bolter but it will be worth it to slim them down.


Good effort. Keep working.


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