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Black légion and White scars Blog...


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Love your work here ;)

especially the Thousand Sons terminators

the marine on the front of the rhino is sweet as well

although, isn't the marine's black carpace basicaly a solid mass of bone covering his organs?

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Good starts to think of my plate of presentation:

- 1) A dune sand or Whites scars would have found a technological mystery (see the lower photograph)

composition of the decoration in circle around the mystery and inclined as if it passed around for chager enemy…

- 2) A canyon: the mystery techno toujur in the center, two cliff of each with dimensions Scout which goes down from there, the motor bikes pass around the mystery… the advantage it is that the cliffs will point out the bases



I did not achetté it yet and I believe which this factory more… I see that and I you tien with the current… for an idea of the size it is approximately 15 or 35 cm…


Here is my advance of the week end… not francheent terrible but is nevertheless necessary to pass there…






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J'avance pas vite mais j'ai beaucoup de travail en ce moment

J'essais de faire des petites chose...





Bon je sais plus qui ma dit que j'était pas assez fin quand je sucltais mais la j'ai fais des efforts...

et la derniere photo représente la conversion principal de mon land speeder 3

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Phew finally of the photographs…

That started to be long… 5th motor bike finished more than 10 to make… highly my next vacancy that I can make of them 5 at a stretch like the last time…





And to finish 2 small WIP



The question with 1000€ it is: what is it?

Good do I carry out my last pilot of the first squadron and I pass to another thing for step to weary… h'm… a Land speeder or 1 attack bike ?


with you to say to me…

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Hi crevette !

Kinda nice display once more ! U're a famous hobbyist indeed.

Just started the last parisian league this month so if you come along, pay me a visit and bring up Phat-baddon.

After some thoughts on the matter, I kling to the idea that your termy libby would look better in full blue except the red legging and white shoulderpads. Just my point but the blue part looks weird like this, all alone.





Hmmmm btw, where did you see that big suit (the one in the sand) ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I finished 4 base of motor bike and I started the assembly of a Land speeder and a attack bike…

The motor bike will not be exeptionnel, it will be even enough standar…

The Land speeder when with him has a skin of wolf and the emblem White scars forge world… nothing extraordinary altogether…




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  • 3 months later...

Yes that made very a long time.

I am not Pa remained inactive since all this time, after having achetté the integrality of my armed with white scars I put myself on the army eldar my brother. It remained in the paperboard very (very) a long time.

The figurine are not any more with the last style and level painting I assembled some walk.

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  • 1 month later...

Je suis de retour pour vous jouer un mauvais tour...

non sans blague j'ai appris de trés bonne nouvelle ses dernier temps, et je suis en plein travaux à la maison. Carrelage, papier peint, peinture, menuiserie. De plus j'ai livrée 3 opération immobilière depuis le debut d'année... l'équivalent de 23 maisons, 66 appartements...


Depuis mon dernier message j'ai peint un peu de tout et de rien: du thousand sons, du Nurgle, du White scars...

pour commencer je vais juste vous montrer mon armée du chaos casi complète:


I am of return to play you a nasty trick…

not without joke I learned from very good news his last time, and I am into full work at the house. Tiling, wallpaper, painting, joinery. Moreover I delivered 3 real estate transaction since the beginning of year… the equivalent of 23 houses, 66 apartments…


Since my last message I painted a little whole and of nothing: thousand sounds, of Nurgle, White scars…

to start I just will show you my complete army of chaos casi:





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  • 2 weeks later...

News finised N'jal of storm



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  • 1 month later...

My news vindicator of nurgle




My prince deamon for competition


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Great vindis !

I found them a bit plain and I have a problem with the blue-painted lamp grill, but however that's a good painting scheme and nicely done !

Watching with interest here, keep it coming ;)

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Conside that Nurgel Demon Prince with the fly head suitably stolen!!


Tes White Scars sont excellents, mais je trouve que l'armure soit trop blanche, un peu de Devlan Wash peut-etre


Your WHite scras are excellent, though I find teh armour a bit to white/clean.....etc etc

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Voila quelque temp que j'ai le projet de réaliser un chapelain sur moto.

Vous avez vus quelque photo précédement sur ce site. donc voici le début de l'assemblage. Cette figurine m'a été offerte par mon vieux camarade "Crapaud"...



Et voici la dernière images du land speeder (manque plus que les deux pilotes)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ah I have play a small DragonQuestIX but now that is better.

My last participation in the concour of Gerzat it is balanced by one 16th place on 19 (they is not glorious) and have win 2 prices:

- the army best painted with my Chaos army

- Master of the Secondary objectives (5/5)


And now the photographs


Ah j'ai fait une petite pose DragonQuestIX mais à présent ca va mieu.

Ma dernière participation au concour de Gerzat c'est soldé par une 16eme place sur 19 (c'est pas glorieux) et 2 prix:

- l'armée la mieux peinte avec mes marine du chaos (merci à pirouli d'avoir été empèché de participé au concour pour me laisser la victoire! :D )

- Maitre des objectifs secondaire (5/5)


Et maintenant les photos




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  • 3 weeks later...

Cette fois ci beaucoup de photo mais pas beaucoup d'avancement...


Moto d'assaut 2



Apoticaire pour escouadrons de commandement



Sergent d'escouade de commandement




Mon Chapelain




Je vien de voir que vous etes pret de 300 à regarder mon blog tous les mois... Je vous en remercie!

Je suis ouvret à toute question et suggestion (figurinistique évidement)

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  • 5 weeks later...

Bon y a pas de réaction sur mes post mais c'est pas grave je continue même si ca barbe tout le monde...

Les vacances de Noel ont été fructueuse. J'ai presque terminé Dragon Quest 9 donc je me suis remis doucement à la peinture...

Et voila ce que ca donne:








N'ésitez pas à critiquer! merci



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A new small open survey has all: I adore the iron hands and I wonder whether I should not make a small portion of it to compensate for the troops “not codex” of the whites scars. tactical squad kind, razorbak, drop pod, and terminator? as that I could play two army which I like at the same time and with troops that I like. not?
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  • 5 months later...

De retour...

C'est compliqué de peindre entre les travaux de la maison et le bébé à s'occupper. J'ai fini une session eldar et je me suis remis sur mes anciens projet: motos d'aasut 2, seigneur, land speeder 2 ect...

Pour remettre en memoire à tous le sujet j'ai pris quelque photo de groupe...


Of return… It is complicated to paint between work of the house and the baby to be occupied. I finished a session eldar and I went back on my old project: motor bikes of aasut 2, lord, Land to hurry 2 etc… to give in memory to all the subject I took some picture of group…







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