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Black Fists Space Marines

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Woohoo, about time you got modelling again!!


Actually, I've been modeling the entire time I was gone. I've just not been posting since I haven't been getting replies. I may start again now that I've gotten some =-D


Still confused about that fire-bat. But ok =-D

I'll see if I can get some more guys done by the end of the night.

LZ is a military acronym for Landing Zone.


Thats what I thought Kanan, but it didn't make sense in context to me. I guess it does..


LZ or Landing Zone I was using it in place of Deployment Zone. As most of the time you will have 1 objective in your own Deployment Zone I was saying they are great for holding that objective.

  • 2 weeks later...

So I finally found some mojo to start painting again... to a degree. I was barely able to start and finish the bases for my 2 dreadnoughts and the command squad. I've been wanting to work on the dreads all week, but I told myself its way easier to base before painting (I'm having major difficulty with the finished Sternguard Squad).



I'll probably work on the 2 dreads on Sunday if I decide not to go snowboarding.


And I removed all the Dark Angels iconography from the Land Raider Exterminus (which was a pain) and added some minor details. I haven't decided what the top will be yet, but I'd really love to start seeing some paint on this hulk! The top part still isn't done, but I want to paint it before I finish. I'm in need of a drop pod so I can use the small vent things as more exhaust.



I want to copy the paint job from the Hephaestus as best as I can, following the blue on the larger model.




Maybe on the top you could cut out a template of your army symbol from say paper, and then spray/ paint the model the other colours,so you have a nice bit of detail on there when you remove te template, which would also help fill the empty space.

Thanks Alienerd. I'm going to model it somewhat like the normal land raider, just scaled up a bit. I don't yet have a chapter symbol yet either :/ but I will be doing what you said somewhat as well.


I worked on the dreadnoughts a lot. I did the blues, and started the metal.




So its about time I added another brother to the ranks. This is my Pre-Heresy Dark Angels brother dreadnought Brin. Its about time he was stripped down and re-incarnated.



I stumbled upon Galikoe3's Dread Thread (with a little direction from him) and saw he was making one with tracks. Well, I think I may do so with this dreadnought. Since its magnetized at the hips and arms, it'll be simple. What do you think? It would resemble my terminator tank.



I think I'll be replacing one, maybe two of his arms with twin-linked autocannons, just...because. :rolleyes: And I know you're all saying "shorts, you never finish anything, why would you add more to your unfinishedness?" My answer? Because I'm dumb :P



Another thing I may ask, how do you attach the storm shields in the 'thunderhammer and storm shield for PA conversion set'?






And I've started the tan part of the cloaks for my Command Squad! I think it looks pretty good. I think its 3-4 layers of the mix I use for my Deathwing. Something like dheneb stone, ivory (VMC), and dark sand (VMC), or something like that. I have a couple more highlight coats to add later.


Nothing? Boo! Could you maybe answer my question, because I would like to acquire an assault squad soon.


But I did manage to finish highlighting the cloaks. I'm not too proud of the coat that the top layer got, but... its okay. And its shiny so I need to give them all a matte coat later. (Which I was going to do anyways.) (The center guy fell off his base, and I was in too much of a rush to get him back on the pin (and he kept falling off when I tried to get him to stay anyways) so I just put him on the table.)




Edit: wow you can't even really see the highlight...what a shame.

I've been working up some ideas for a chapter icon...and I must say, its hard.



I figure, the Imperial Fist icon is the most suitable, but I don't like transfers, and I don't know if I can really paint that. :eek

Chapter Icon yes,


First of I must say that I've been following your thread and am really enjoying the efford you are putting into this succesor chapter. That Land Raider Extremis is awsom!


Applying tranfers is a real pain but there is an excellent thread here on the board on how to apply them properly. Seeing this is a succesor chapther that would be a good starting point to work out. Mabey the 'fists' icon centerd within the tow triangles? Seeing your skills with plasticard this would not be a big problem on aplieing throughout you'r army.


And if you are afraid of using freehand I would advise to practice a bit on paper before burnign yourself on the models.


As on the pictures & higlights:

Try to take a picture in daylight (or with daylightlamp). Make sure your model is static and use no flash and a large shutter time.


Keep up the good work.







I find that transfers are only hard to apply if they're shaped like the Blood Angels or the Dark Angels. Ultras, and the others are quite simple, I just don't really like the look of them.


I tried the fist in the triangles like you suggested. It looks good. ^_^ I also tried the fist on the sword with wings, but I prefer the Ultras symbol on it more.

I have previously made a different chapter symbol for these guys, previously known as the Sapphire Saints or Royal Redeemers (Chapter name has changed several times) And I cut one out of plasticard, then casted it. It worked well. :P


Haha, on the pictures, I have 3 daylight lamps aimed at the models, but I don't know how to turn off the flash on my old dslr!

Thanks though :) I hope I can figure that out sometime soon.


I've tried some more...



My LGS finally sold out on Space Hulks, so I didn't get to get one today. :) But! I did get 2 Assault squads and a Sisters of Battle Cannoness, who will become my Pedro Kantor. I also picked up twelve more 30mm bases for my Assault squads and the Cannoness.


I hand-coated the Exterminus today in black, so I can start with the blue soon, (It would have been today, but I ended up at the store, and then my girlfriends, so I never got the chance ;))

Expect something kinda considered a good update soon!


A lot of people complain about female-marines, but I've always thought a female marine wouldn't be too too bad.

So heres my Chapter Master, Petra Kantor. As she is a stand in, I needed to get as WYSIWYG as possible. I figure I'd get a lot of questions on her anyways, I should at least try to make it where I won't get so many.




The power fist needs green stuff once the super glue dries, but I spent 1.5 hours removing flash and pinning her, so I'll let it all dry before I move on. I'm not convinced about the power fist or the iron halo, but I thought about the IG-commander w/ power fist, but I didn't want a left handed storm bolter. Its OK, not fantastic...but I dunno... I hope the painting will make it look better.

Right, I love the rest of your minis and the LR is an absolute mother. But there are two things I am not sold on. One is regards the chapter master. I am not going to discuss the female astartes thing in your thread, but for me the fist is proportionally too big. I would look to some of the metal imperial guard officers for slightly smaller fists that are a better fit size wise if you can afford it.

secondly, the chapter badge. Is there a fluff reason behind the Omega symbol? It just doesn't sit right with the name in my mind, unless there is a reason behind it.


Thanks mate, I understand exactly what you're coming from.

The power fist needs green stuff once the super glue dries, but I spent 1.5 hours removing flash and pinning her, so I'll let it all dry before I move on. I'm not convinced about the power fist or the iron halo, but I thought about the IG-commander w/ power fist, but I didn't want a left handed storm bolter. Its OK, not fantastic...but I dunno... I hope the painting will make it look better.

and for the UM symbol, I wrote stories for the fluff, but no one read them, so I don't think I'll use it. I'm diggin the triangles with the fist though. What do you think?


AND! I finished my Vanguard Squad Sergeant, or...one of them. :)

What do you think?




The arms are magnetized so that it makes easy play for actual games.

What do you think?

(I said that maybe...4 times in this one post =-p)


Edit: The fist was too big, I made it smaller, and turned off the flash. I haven't put the thumb back on, because I need to make the fingers smaller.



I think the Cannoness will be fine. Even fluff wise. Everyone listens to the Inquisition after all. And it's still legal to have an actual Cannoness in a Space Marine army anyways. If GW says yes, I see no harm in a counts as too.


Personally, I think you'd be better off going with a Guard power fist and a storm bolter made from two scout bolt pistols. These are smaller weapons and would fit the model a lot better. I'd actually go for the Commissar power fist. It might be metal and left handed, but it is very, very pretty looking.



Ah apologies, I was just about to go to bed when I posted so just looked at the pretty pictures and didn't read the full post...

The shaved down fist looks much better but that commissar fist would look fantastic.

Are your stories up on B&C? If I get time i will try and read 'em


No problem mate, it was a welcomed post anyways. I also look at pretty pictures also! :ph34r: (ID, check your PM box, I would like to hear what you have to say about female marines. ;) )


That commissar fist would look quite fantastic, and it would fit the model pretty well too, since thats how its facing. I just don't have the money anymore for him! :( I spent a load on the Assault marines, and I've hit my quota for last, this, and next month!


Personally, I think you'd be better off going with a Guard power fist and a storm bolter made from two scout bolt pistols. These are smaller weapons and would fit the model a lot better. I'd actually go for the Commissar power fist. It might be metal and left handed, but it is very, very pretty looking.

I would love a guard powerfist, I had researched it before going to the store, but I just didn't have the cash. And that Commissar pfist is great, I would have gone with the catachan one! I'm not worried about metal too much anymore, I've delt with that enough where I have enough patience for it all.

The scout bolt pistols is an idea that I will be looking into! I used normal marine pistols, but the scouts may be a very good idea.


Thanks guys for the great posts! Greatly appreciated. :)

Lol, I've never seen so many updates on a thread without replies, not sure why people aren't bothering to post, this is pretty entertaining. More interesting than the models is the stuff you get up to, commando sounds fun, but also a lot of potential to damage yourself, nice work. If you ever get a chance, go tubing in Laos, it's great fun, and dangerous as hell.


In terms of the models, definitely go with the fist in the two triangles for the badge. Also, I reckon try to stick with a squad of minis and get them finished before moving on, otherwise you'll find yourself surrounded by half finished models. Keep posting though dude, great thread.

Haha, well, I don't know if thats a good thing or a bad one. Commando is quite fun. Quite dangerous too :P Tubing in Laos, thats across the world, but I'll see if I can get to it :lol:

I'm finishing up the final mock-up of my icon in class today and tomorrow, the two triangles with the fist, which will be black.

I've tried a squad of minis, which I almost finished sans the bases...so...haha, close. I am surrounded by 60+ unfinished models.


I've done tremendous work on the Land Raider Exterminus today. I hand coated the black. And I painted the Necron Abyss, drybrushed it, then washed it twice with Necron Abyss. I cleaned up the black, drybrushed it, and washed it with chaos black.

No flash:






Hey Shorts great thread. I feel for you with the incomplete minis as I two have squads of them sitting around sorta finished. Might I sugest a Predator Turret for that monster LR maybe one off the Baal kit. Anyway keep up the good work.



Hey Grumpy Tanker. Thanks for replying. At the moment, I don't have anything really planned for the top (which is why theres a big, black unpainted area on top) except for the back will have a couple more vent things on it, and then a Whirlwind Missile launcher. Like the Land Raider Helios.


I have started work on my Chapter Standard today! Yay!




At the top, I plan on putting BLACK FIST above the triangles, BLACK on the left of the point, and FIST on the right. The only thing is, I'm having trouble writing it to look like one of these.



I'll have a border going around it, and at the bottom, I plan on having some shields with maybe some old battles or something? And script on the left and right of the triangles. Would anyone suggest to leave the background cream, or should I make it all black? What do you think? ;) One of my first larger freehands.. (its not great, but its a start)

I've been working on the Lascannon squad as well.



A left handed marine.



And the squad so far.



I'm working on the Sergeant as I type, so if I like him enough at the end of the night, I'll post him and whatever other projects I finish up too!


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