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+++ Situation Report +++

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Marshall Hrodberaht reporting from outer reaches of Segmentum Pacificus, Niflheim Crusade launched against heretic outposts on all planets in Niflheim system.

Strike cruiser 'Tears of Grendel' in orbit around Nidhogg IV, initial crusader landing party yet to report...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Marshal Guy de Foresta reporting as ordered with his Hellsreach Crusade in full and ready battle formation, Emperors Champion Gaudin and Reclusiarch Jean De Terric in attendance.

May the Emperor protect.

Edited by OldSkool
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++ Black Templars ChaplainZeal reporting..

++ Destination: Black Templar Chapter

++ Expert Fighting in Enemy: Tau Empire & Chaos skums

++ Transcription Starts: Ready for battes

++ Transcription Ends: For the Emperor!!

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++Transmitted: Cadia++

++Destination: Eternal Crusader++

++Subject: Current Status of Cadian Gate Crusade++

++Author: Marshal-Reclusiarch Saavedro++

++Thought of the Day: Learn as if you were going to live forever; live as if you were going to die tomorrow++


As our Crusade is intended to keep watch on the Eye of Terror and help safeguard the fortress world of Cadia - as our ancestors, Guard and Astartes alike, have for millennia - our aid has been requested by the Lord Castellan in clearing out the traitors and other scum who have hidden throughout the sector since the last Black Crusade. Though quite some time has passed since the Despoiler's attack, the remnants of his treacherous legions remain a constant threat to the security of Cadia and the Segmentum. I am aided in this task by the Reydovan XIV Legion of the Imperial Guard, and the remnants of the Ordo Malleus strike force we fought alongside during the Despoiler's invasion. With the Grey Knight support, we are reduced to fifty-three battle-brothers out of a Crusade that began with nearly a thousand, over a century ago.


I have sworn to uphold my predecessor's charge to defend Cadia against all threats, and I will do so.


For the Emperor and Sigismund,



++End Transmission++

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++ Destination: Eternal Crusader ++

++ Secondary Destination: Mars - Office of Adeptus Mechanicus Arch Magos Bell ++

++ Subject: Crusade of the Red Keep ++

++ Command Element: Marshal Felix ++


Upon arrival of expected Adeptus Mechanicus support and units from Arch Magos Bell

and the increase presence of Brother Techmarines the Crusade of the Red Keep is set

to get underway to rid the stars of the curse of the Dark Mechanicus and recover valuable lost



++ Thought of the Day: Carry the Emperors will as your torch, with it destroy the shadows. ++

++ END ++

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  • 2 weeks later...

++Transmitted: Wrath of Dorn (In High Orbit)++


++Author: Brother Grunt++




++Begin Transmission++

Hail brothers! We of the 7th Holy Terra Crusade have arrived and ready to lend our strength as well as bring the Emperor's light to those concealed in darkness. Accept the Challenge No Matter The Odds!


++End Transmission++

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  • 1 month later...

++Incoming transmission++


Marshall Eberious of the Thoriain Crusade reporting in....


++transmission breaks++




++reistablishing link+++++


++connection found+++


We are under heavy assualt from the vile creatures that we know as Tyranid. We came across a splinter fleet that was infesting one of our outpost Keeps...

++ transmisson interupted+++


We have held the Xenos back so far, but I lost under half my crusade in doing so....their numbers are to great, I'm in need of renforc.....

++transmission ends abruptly++


++++connection lost++++

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  • 4 weeks later...

Marshall Timor reporting from the "Emperor's Reign" Crusade. Onboard Strike Cruiser "Black Phenoix" orbiting planet Pavonis where we will establish a Chapter Keep. The planet is said to be infested with Tyranid and Necron filth which will be cleansed. FOR THE EMPEROR.


Tranmission ends.....

Edited by Marshall Timorr
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++Transmitted: Megumi System++

++Destination: Eternal Crusader++

++Subject: Current Status of The Megumi Crusade++

++Author: Marshal Jacob Ebelher++

++Thought of the Day: Knowledge is power. Hide it well.++


The purge of the Megumi Crusade pushes onward, Brothers. Forever it seems to be surrounded by Xenos; Eldar, Tau, Necron. As always the minions of Chaos remain a constant threat. However, the crusade remains stalwart in it's mission; to return the Megumi system to the Emperor's light. Currently, we are aided by the Rozen Knight Chapters 1st Company. Numbering over 300 Battle-Brothers, no Xenos scum dare stand against us.


For the Emperor, and Dorn.


++End Transmission++

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++Transmitted from: Megner System++

++Destination: Eternal Crusader++

++Subject: Current Crusade Status Carthonias Crusade++

++Author Chaplain Balian Tardanas Master of Sanctity++

++Transmitted date: 986.M41++


Chaplain Balian Tardanac Master of Sanctity aboard the Emperor’s Wrath.


Fellow Chaplain Renaud de Chatillion may the Emperor, beloved by all,, be with you.


Reporting from the Emperor’s Wrath during the Carthonias Crusade.


Our blessed Crusade takes us further down the now bloody swathe through the Emperor’s unknown territory.


A full number of 44 planets have made compliance during our holy path down the rightous trail lain by the Emperor. 2 planets in the Ullyses System now bear the mark of the Emperor’s Light in the form of new Chapter Keeps, Iris Karmus, planet Devon, official naming, 189-42 and Denor Marnuc, planet Minor, official naming 189-44.


Having encountered many diverse Xenos races, known as Tau, Orks,

Gublor (single planet hostile race which were utterly illuminated.),

Necron (in total 2 planets were infested by this threat in the Emperor’s light and these planets were purged by holy Exterminatus)

and encounters with nurglethic and slaaneshi devouts (after the slaughter and purging of these unholy abominations all of which that could be recognised by unit marking were noted for the sake of our Dark Angel brethren who still chase these heretics.)


This current System Megner has 15 planets, after this system is fully under Imperial control, borders checked and cleansed, we will go on purging and burning our swathe further out innto the already recognised system of Marcrannon infested by the Xenos race known as Tyranids. Having fought against these hiddeous creatures in the previous Cengroth Crusade they are no threat to our Might.


After completing negotiations with High Marshall Hellbrecht, bless him, these statistics may be unleashed into reality.


Carthonias Crusade Numbering Statistics:


Marshall Kastus Terglar Fextor

Emperor’s Champion Carstan Pardac

Master of Sanctity Chaplain Balian Tardanac

3 Reclusiarch Chaplains

4 Apothacarions

5 Techmarines

1 Venerable Dreadnought Castirion

5 Dreadnoughts

63 Sword Brethren Elites

27 Tactical Dreadnought suits (5 squads)

265 Initiates

98 Neophytes (and growing)

40 Jump pack equiped Black Templars

23 Bikes (20 Standard pattern bikes 3 Standard pattern Attack Bikes at our proposal though not in use)

7 Predator Tanks (two Annihalator pattern and 5 Destructor pattern tanks)

6 Vindicator Tanks

12 Land Raiders (4 Standard pattern Land Raiders and 8 Crusader pattern tanks)

18 Rhino’s APC’s

5 Razorback APC’s

18 Droppods (all could be equipped with Assault cannons of Deathwind missile launchers)

4 Thunderhawks (one Gunships three transport vessels)

1 Stormbird


May His light shine upon your shoulders,

May His glory be shared with yours,

May your aim be true and arm steady,

Glory to the Emperor! HAIL!


NO Fear, NO Pity, NO Remorse!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...



Marshall Eberious, reporting in.


My Crusade have purged the planet Zensies of the foul creatures of Tyranid and have established a foward keep, though the space battle was won relivity easy the ground campign was more difficult. Have taken serious casulties and in route to chapter keep Holscht, to replenish the ranks from the planets populas and to get resupplied and return to Zensies to reinforce and fortifi the keep. As we have discovered a new threat to the Imperium of man that may beset us from these relentless abomniations, and must be destroyed at all costs before another Tyranid fleet discovers this new breed.


We belive the species was indignious to the planet, lets hope that is the case as we can stop it here. One of these came from beneath and draged down Dreadnaught brother Teminus and was not to been seen again, however moments later it burst from the ground taking 3 battle brother in one go, its last mistake within a short moment a LRC and Dreadnaught Aries made short work of it unleashing holy bolter and melta fire.



(sorry if we are not to post pics here please tell me if we arent and I'll remove the pic but it fits the story.)

(Imagine it painted and in ruble and ruins and stuff)


Pict-capt, was taken by landspeeder.



As you can see it must be stopped on this planet and must not be introduced into another Tyranid fleets genes.


Eberious out.


+++Transmission end+++

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  • 3 weeks later...

++Officer commanding++ - Marshal Rober de'Bruce

++Status++ - Mustering Crusade, numbers unknown

++Objective++ - Reclaimation of the holy world Damas (Sanctioned)

++Secondary++ - Safeguard routes of pilgrimage throughout sector

++Date of launch++ - Pending...

Edited by Crusader of Dorn
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Apothecary Dennis reporting for Marshall Vorenus.


Crusade is currently mustering with the objective of purging the vile xenos Tau from the Emperor's space (which would be all planes of existence)


Purge the Unclean!

Edited by Apothecary Dennis
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Chaplain Vates reporting.

Draconian Knights present and accounted for.


Currently resupplying and repairing battle damage after crusading against the xenos: Orks an Tyranids and the traitor legion of the Iron Warriors.


Duty Honor and Zeal!

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+++High Marshal Helbrecht leading the way for all the faithful+++

+++The righteous shall burn all heretic and xeno alike, and march though fires of desturction+++


+++Every crusade renew our promise to keep the Imperium safe from any who wish to destroy the light of the Emperor. The Black Templar will see that all corners of the Imperium shine with the blessings of the Emperor. We are the unending wrath of the Emperor for all of those who denounce His name.+++

+++No Pity, No Remorse, No Fear!+++





+++Thought of the Day+++

+++A shield of Light has no shadow+++

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Marshall Eberious reporting in my lord Marshall.


It would appear after a communication from one of my Crusades strike ships that the planet we encounted the Tyranids has been subject to exterminatus. Reports say nothing now lives on marked planet. It would seem that the Inqusition is keeping a close eye on us or just movements in this sector.


We have now met up with the rest of my fleet and are on-route to a system reported to have seen recent uprising in certain sectors.


Eberious out


+++End transmission+++

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